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1、事故预防标志和标签,深圳市维普拉安全生产技术咨询有限公司,2,学习目标Learning Objectives,成功完成本次培训后,参与者应该能:Upon successful completion of training, each participant should be able to: 通过颜色、形状、象形符号和/或警告词来识别事故预防标志和标签Identify accident prevention signs and tags by color, shape, pictograph and/or signal word 说明危害存在的种类和级别Describe what hazar

2、d is present and what level of hazards exists 使用标志和标签表示个人防护措施 Describe precautions to take for personal protection as indicated by the signs and tags,3,介绍Introduction,在此模块中我们将讨论事故预防标志和标签。预防伤害发生的一个最简单方法就是辨认并遵守标志和标签所表达的信息。了解标志和标签是维护我们安全与健康的关键。In this module we will discuss accident prevention signs an

3、d tags. One of the easiest ways to prevent injuries is to read and obey signs and tags. Understanding these signs and tags is key to maintaining our safety and health.,4,标签Tags,当员工接触到非常规、难以预料或不明显的危害或具有潜在危害的环境、设备或操作时,标签是一种预防员工伤害或疾病的方法。在消除被识别的危害或完成危险操作之前,应始终使用这些标签。当使用标志、防护装置或其他有效保护措施时,则无须再使用这些标签。 Tags

4、 shall be used as a means to prevent accidental injury or illness to employees who are exposed to hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions, equipment, or operations, which are out of the ordinary, unexpected or not readily apparent. Tags shall be used until such time as the identified hazard is

5、 eliminated or the hazardous operation is completed. Tags need not be used where signs, guarding or other positive means of protection are being used.,5,危险颜色Hazard Colors,红色标志或标签表示直接危害并要采取特殊预防措施。 Red signs or tags indicate immediate danger and special precautions are necessary. 橙色标志或标签表示不足以构成直接危害,但必

6、须小心提防。 Orange signs or tags indicate a hazard less than danger, but greater than caution.,6,危险颜色Hazard Colors,续前Continuing 黄色标志或标签仅用于警告潜在危险或提醒不安全行为。 Yellow signs or tags are used only to warn against potential hazards or to caution against unsafe practices. 绿色安全说明标志或蓝色通告标志用于有关安全措施的一般说明和建议。Green safe

7、ty instructions signs or Blue notice signs are used for general instructions and suggestions relative to safety measures.,7,危险程度Degree of Hazards,危险 = 直接险并需要采取特殊的预防措施Danger = immediate danger and special precautions are necessary,以下是我们刚才所讨论的颜色所表示危害程度的示例。最高程度的警告为红色危害标志或标签。表示直接危害,应采取特殊预防措施来确保您的安全。Belo

8、w are some examples of the degrees of hazards associated with the colors we just discussed. The highest degree of warning is the red danger sign or tag. It means there is an immediate danger and you should take special precautions to insure your safety.,8,危险程度Degree of Hazards,续前Continuing 记住此标志最好方法

9、是:如果不注意此标志,danger(危险)中的字母“D”就意味着 death(死亡)或 disability(伤残)。 A good way to remember the extreme nature of this type of sign or tag is: The “D” in danger could mean death or disability if you dont pay attention to the sign.,9,危险程度Degree of Hazards,续前Continuing. 如果在此标志附近进行动火作业(涉及火源的作业),必须采取特殊预防措施。请务必小心

10、谨慎并采取预措施,否则您没有机会再次讨论。在培训中您会看到几种危险标志和标签的示例。请注意,您可能在现场见到这些标志/标签。Special precautions should be taken if any hot work (work involving an ignition source) needs to be performed near this sign. Pay close attention and take precautions or you may not be here to talk about it later. You will see examples of

11、 several danger signs and tags throughout this training. Please note you may see them throughout your site as well.,10,危险程度Degree of Hazards,警告 = 危害级别介于“危险”和“注意” Warning = a hazard level between “Danger” and “Caution”,橙色警告标志或标签介于在“危险”与“注意”之间。无论何时看到这类标志或标签,必须采取特殊的预防措施,否则可能会导致严重的伤害。 The next lower deg

12、ree of hazard falls between Danger and Caution. It is an orange Warning sign or tag. Whenever you see these signs or tags you must take special precautions or serious injury could result.,11,危险程度Degree of Hazards,此种颜色标志也用于警告健康危害或生物危害的。对生物危害性或生物危害警告用于表示实际的或潜在的生物危害,并用于识别含有活性危害源或被此类物质污染的设备、容器、物料或实验性动物。

13、The color of this sign is also used to warn of a biological health hazard or BIOHAZARD. The biological hazard or BIOHAZARD warning shall be used to signify the actual or potential presences of a biohazard and to identify equipment, container rooms, materials, experimental animals, or combinations th

14、ereof, which contain, or are contaminated with viable hazardous agents.,12,危险程度Degree of Hazards,注意 = 可能存在危险,并应当采取适当的预防措施Caution = a possible hazard and proper precautions should be taken,程度较低的警告为黄色“注意”标志。它表示潜在受伤的危险,应当采取预防措施。此标志与您在公路上看到的“前方有落石”标志性质相似。它并不表示一定会有落石,但可能由于您运气不佳,驶过此处时刚好有一块落石砸在您的新车上。 The n

15、ext degree of warning is the yellow Caution sign. It indicates the possibility that you could be injured and you should take precautions. This sign is like the yellow “Falling Rocks” sign you see on the highway. It doesnt mean rocks are falling all the time, but just your luck, as you drive by, one

16、will fall on your new car.,13,危险程度Degree of Hazards,续前Continuing 本幻灯片上的示例表示:路面湿滑,行走时请务必小心。The example shown on the slide indicates you should take care while walking, because the surface could become slippery if it is wet.,14,危险程度Degree of Hazards,绿色 = 安全说明标志Green = safety instruction sign,通告 = 一般信息

17、Notice = general information,最后一个类别是安全说明标志或标签。这些标志或标签的本质是用来提供信息。不会警告您潜在的危险,而是提供安全的做法。 The last category is the safety instruction sign or tag. These signs or tags are informational in nature. You arent being warned of a specific potential hazard, but rather safe practices.,15,危险程度Degree of Hazards,图

18、示绿色标志表示洗眼器所在位置以备紧急情况下使用。另外一个示例是通告标志,它提醒我们不要堵塞通道,否则在发生火灾时,导致撤离人员摔倒或没有足够的逃生空间。The green sign indicates where an eye wash station is located in case of emergency. The other example is a notice sign reminding us not to block doorways which could cause falls or prevent adequate escape during a fire.,绿色 =

19、 安全说明标志Green = safety instruction sign,通告 = 一般信息Notice = general information,16,危害程度Degree of Hazards,我们讨论的所有标签都是用于识别非常规、难以预料或不明显的危害环境、设备或操作的临时手段。在排除已被识别的危险或完成危险操作之前,要始终使用这些标签。标签应尽可能布置在其指示对象的附近,并采用扎带、铁丝或粘合剂等有效手段来防止丢失或遭意外拆除,以尽可能确保其安全牢固。For all of the tags weve discussed, they are used as a temporary

20、means of identifying hazardous conditions, equipment or operations which are out of the ordinary, unexpected or not readily apparent. Tags are to be used until such time as the identified hazard is eliminated or the hazardous operation is completed. Tags should be affixed as close to and as safe as

21、possible to their respective hazards by a positive means such as string, wire, or adhesive that prevents their loss or unintentional removal.,17,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classification,系统将危害分为以下三个类别:健康、燃烧性和不稳定性。每种类别的严重程度由数字从零(代表最小危险)到四(代表严重危险)来表示。The system identifies the hazards of a material in t

22、erms of the following three principal categories: Health, Flammability, and Instability. For each category the degree of severity is rated by numbers ranging from zero, indicating minimal hazard, to four, indicating severe hazard.,18,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classification,这些信息由一组空间排列的数字等级来表示,健康位于左

23、侧,易燃性位于上方,不稳定性位于右侧。 The information shall be presented by a spatial arrangement of numerical ratings, with the health rating always at the left position, the flammability rating always at the top position, and the instability rating always at the right position.,19,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classifi

24、cation,为每个等级都指定了颜色:蓝色表示健康危害,红色表示易燃危害,黄色表示不稳定性危险。底部第四个菱形表示特殊危险。此部分没有相关的特定颜色。Each rating is assigned a color: Blue for health hazard, Red for flammability hazard, and Yellow for instability hazard. The fourth quadrant, at the bottom position, indicates special hazards. No special color is associated w

25、ith this quadrant.,健康危险 4 致命 3 极度危险 2 危险 1 轻微危险 0 普通物料,20,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classification,蓝色表示健康危害。Blue for health hazard.,3,健康危险 4 致命 3 极度危险 2 危险 1 轻微危险0 普通物料,蓝色Blue,21,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classification,红色表示易燃危害。Red for flammability hazard.,2,火灾危险,闪点 4 73 o F 以下3 100 o F 以下2 200 o F

26、 以下1 200 o F 以上0 不会燃烧,红色Red,温度转换:,22,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classification,黄色表示不稳定危害。Yellow for instability hazard.,1,反应性,4 可能爆炸3 撞击或遇热可能爆炸 2 剧烈化学变化 1 遇热不稳定0 稳定,黄色Yellow,23,危险物料分类Hazardous Materials Classification,底部第四个菱形表示特殊危险。此部分没有相关的特定颜色。如图所示,用中间带有水平线的字母“W”表示会与水发生剧烈反应或爆炸(即水反应性等级为 2 或 3)的物料。具有氧

27、化性质的物料使用“OX”表示。The fourth quadrant, at the bottom position, indicates special hazards. No special color is associated with this quadrant. Materials that react violently or explosively with water (i.e., water reactivity rating 2 or 3) are identified by the letter “W” with a horizontal line through th

28、e center as shown. Materials that possess oxidizing properties shall be identified by the letters “OX.”,W,特殊危险 氧化剂OXI 酸 ACID 碱 ALK 腐蚀剂 COR 不可用水 W 放射性危险,白色White,24,象形符号Pictographs,其他的信息标志还包括象形符号。随着我们国际业务进一步的扩展,象形符号正在取代文字标志,以省去语言翻译的麻烦。例如大家在本页中看到的“严禁明火”标志示例:红色圆圈外加一条横线。Other informational signs may incl

29、ude a pictograph. As we expand to include more international trade, pictographs are replacing words to eliminate the need for language translations. Examples include the universal red circle with the line through it like the no open flame sign we see here.,严禁明火No Open Flame,25,象形符号Pictographs,其他象形符号还包括公共建筑、卫生间和停车场的残障标志。甚至连钢瓶气体危害标签都以象形符号表示,而无须再重新印制每个语种的危害指示词。Other pictographs include handic


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