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1、listening and speaking,reading,grammar,writing,culture express,content,pronunciation and listening skills,conversations,passage,listening and speaking,different intonations,listen to the following sentences with different intonations and match the sentences in column a with their meanings in column

2、b.,1 her name is mary.(),2 her name is mary.(),3 her name is mary.(),4 her name is mary.(),column a,a the speaker doesnt believe that.,b the speaker has mentioned the name several times and becomes impatient.,c she is mary.,d pardon, what is her name?,column b,tips,distinguishing different intonatio

3、ns of a sentence,日常谈话中的一句话除了其词汇意义(lexical meaning)外,还有语调意义(intonation meaning)。所谓词汇意义就是这句话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完整的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同。语调包括升调和降调等,一般说来,升调表示疑问、不确定与征询意见等,而降调表示陈述、确定等。,different intonations,conversations,conversation 1,conversation 2,functional language,exerci

4、ses,exercises,functional language,a he left earlier,1. listen to a conversation and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.,1 the man doesnt know the course requirements because _.,2 the man knows nothing about the course requirements except _.,conversation 1 greetings ,b gi

5、ving a 25-minute presentation to the tutorial group;,c writing a paper and giving it to the lecturer;,the course requirements include:,d finishing an essay on a freely-chosen topic;,e having an open-book examination.,scripts,conversation 1 greetings if you travel abroad you see new customs, meet new

6、 people, eat new food, do new things, and come back home more broad-minded.,passage a,does travel broaden the mind?,2. but does this always happen? an acquaintance of mine who lives in england had never been abroad; until last summer he decided to go to france for a trip. when he returned, i asked h

7、im how he liked it. “terrible,” was his answer. “i couldnt get a nice cup of tea anywhere. thank goodness im back.” i asked him whether he had any good food while he was there. “oh, the dinners were all right,” he said. “i found a little place where they made quite good fish and chips. not as good a

8、s ours, mind you, but they were acceptable. but the breakfasts were terrible: no bacon or kippers. i had fried eggs and chips, but it was quite an effort getting them to make them. they expected me to eat rolls. and when i asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam. and do you know, they insis

9、ted that it was marmalade? the trouble is they dont know english.”,_,_,_,passage a,does travel broaden the mind?,3. i thought it useless to explain that we borrowed the word “marmalade” from french, and that it means, in that language, any kind of jam. so i said, “but didnt you eat any of the famous

10、 french food?” “what? me?” he said. “of course not! give me good old english food every time! none of those fancy bits for me!” clearly, traveling had not broadened his mind. he had gone to france determined to live there exactly as if he were in england and had judged it entirely from his own engli

11、sh viewpoints.,passage a,does travel broaden the mind?,4. this does not, of course, happen only to englishmen in france. people of all different races, in all foreign countries, can be found judging what they see, hear, taste, and smell according to their own habits and customs. people who are bette

12、r educated and who have read a lot about foreign countries tend to be more ready to accept and adjust to foreign things, but this is because their minds have already been broadened before they start traveling. in fact, it is easier to be broad-minded about foreign habits and customs if ones acquaint

13、ance with these things is limited to books and films. the americans smile tolerantly over the absence of central heating in most english homes when they are themselves comfortably seated in armchairs in their centrally heated houses in chicago; the englishmen read about the sanitary arrangements in

14、a certain tropical country, and the inhabitants of the latter read about the london fogs, and each side manages to be detached and broad-minded. but actual physical contact with things one is not used to is much more difficult to bear.,_,_,passage a,does travel broaden the mind?,5. physical differen

15、ces are not so difficult to adapt oneself to as religious, ethical, and irrational ones. indonesians are trained from earliest childhood to give and receive things with the right hand only. the left hand is considered unclean. when a foreigner offers an indonesian something with his left hand, or ho

16、lds out his left hand to take something he is being offered, the indonesian may explain this action rationally as arising from a difference in custom, but the deep prejudice against the use of the left hand, which he has been lectured about over and over again since he was young, will not be so easi

17、ly done away with.,_,_,passage a,does travel broaden the mind?,6. there are some travelers who adapt themselves so successfully to foreign customs and habits that they are often severely criticized by their more stubborn fellow countrymen. if they are asians, they are accused of having become “weste

18、rnized”; and if they are europeans, people say they have “gone native.” which is better: rigid, self-satisfied prejudice against foreign things or loss of your certainty that your own countrys habits and customs are the only right ones, and hence the inability to be one of the herd any longer? 7. pe

19、rhaps the ideal would be that travel could make people tolerant of the habits and customs of others without abandoning their own. shouldnt the standard for judging a foreigner be: does he try to be polite and considerate to others? instead of: is he like me?,_,_,part iii (para. _),passage a does tra

20、vel broaden the mind?,organization of the text,part i (para. _),part ii (para. _),part iv (para. _),1-3,4,5,argumentation: the case doesnt always happen.,analysis: 1. actual physical contact is more difficult.,analysis: 2. religious, ethical, and irrational differences are even more difficult to ada

21、pt to.,structure,6-7,conclusion: the ideal solution.,passage a does travel broaden the mind?,not as good as ours, mind you, but they were acceptable.,说真的,虽然不像我们做得那么好,但是可以接受。,mind you,这里水很深,你请注意不要掉下去 。,the waters deep here, mind you, dont fall in.,用作插入语,意为“请注意”。,(line 9, para. 2),passage a does trave

22、l broaden the mind?,i had fried eggs and chips, but it was quite an effort getting them to make them.,记新英语单词是轻松的事情。,it is an easy task remembering the new words in english.,句中 it 为形式主语,getting them to make them 为真正的主语。,(line 11, para. 2),我吃过煎鸡蛋和炸土豆条,但是让他们做出这些东西来可就费事了。,passage a does travel broaden t

23、he mind?,but actual physical contact with things one is not used to is much more difficult to bear.,但真正亲身接触自己不习惯的事物却难以忍受得多。,我每天乘公共汽车去学校,所以我习惯了。,i go to school by bus every day, so im used to it.,(line 16, para. 4),be / get used to (doing) sth.:,习惯于(做)某事。,本句中 one is not used to 为定语从句,先行词是 things。,pas

24、sage a does travel broaden the mind?,physical differences are not so difficult to adapt oneself to as religious, ethical, and irrational ones.,比起宗教、伦理和不合乎常理的差异来说,适应具体的、实在的差异却没那么困难。,not so as:,情况并不像被描述的那么糟糕。,the situation is not so bad as has been described.,不像;不如,(line 1, para. 5),passage a does tra

25、vel broaden the mind?,physical differences are not so difficult to adapt oneself to as religious, ethical, and irrational ones.,adapt oneself to:,孩子们很快就适应了在小镇生活。,the children adapted themselves quickly to living in a small town.,使自己适应,(line 1, para. 5),irrational:,她对蜘蛛有一种非理性的恐惧。,she has an irrationa

26、l fear of spiders.,非理性的;不合理的,passage a does travel broaden the mind?,shouldnt the standard for judging a foreigner be: does he try to be polite and considerate to others? instead of: is he like me?,considerate :,我认为他是我见过的最有魅力,最体贴的人。,i think hes the most charming, most considerate man ive ever known.

27、,体贴的,(line 3, para. 7),评判外国人的标准难道不应该是看他是否努力做到礼貌而又顾及别人的感受,而不是看他的行为举止是否和我的一样吗?,本句为含有情态动词 should 的反问句。,be determined to do sth.,(line 7, para. 3),这个足球队决心赢得比赛。,this football team was determined to win the game.,决心做某事,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,from sb.s own viewpoint,(line 9, para. 3),试着从孩子

28、的角度想问题。,try to think of it from the childs viewpoint.,从某人的角度考虑,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,adjust to,(line 6, para. 4),她花了几秒钟来适应黑暗。,it took her several seconds to adjust to the darkness.,适应某事物;习惯某事物,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,他是我父母的熟人。

29、,he was an acquaintance of my parents.,acquaintance,1) n. sb. you know, but who is not a close friend 熟人,(line 9, para. 4),他们对哲学了解很少或者不了解。,they had little or no acquaintance with philosophy.,2) n. knowledge or experience of a particular subject 所知;了解,hold out,(line 5, para. 5),她笑了笑,伸出了她的右手。,she smil

30、ed and held out her right hand.,1) 伸出,我本应坚持要求更好的条件。,i should have held out for a better deal.,2) 坚持,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,arise from/ out of,(line 7, para. 5),事故起因于粗心大意。,accidents arise from carelessness.,由引起;由产生,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,prejudice against sth. / sb.,

31、(line 8, para. 5),他歧视女性员工。,he has a prejudice against his women employees.,对某事物 / 某人的偏见,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,do away with,(line 10, para. 5),改掉那些有可能损害你健康的坏习惯。,do away with the bad habits that might damage your health.,摆脱; 废除,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,criticize,v. to

32、express your disapproval of sb. or sth., or to talk about their faults 批评;指责,(line 2, para. 6),她的画作受到许多人的批评。,her paintings have been criticized by many people.,passage a dose travel broaden the mind?,accuse of,(line 4, para. 6),我不想指责他撒谎。,i do not want to accuse him of telling lies.,指责,passage a dose

33、 travel broaden the mind?,passage a exercises,vocabulary traveling east, you set it 6) _. each day of your journey has 7) _ 25 or 23 hours.,across,adjust,set,forward,either,5. complete the following passage by choosing from the words given below. do not use any of the words more than once.,absence,a

34、rrange,passage a vocabulary and structure,toward,tomorrow,rigid,accuse,cross,backward,if you travel by ship across the pacific, you cross the international dateline (国际日期变更线). there a new day begins. when you 8) _ the line, you change your calendar one full day 9) _ or forward. hence, traveling west

35、, today becomes yesterday; traveling east, it is 10) _.,tomorrow,cross,backward,1. in fact, it is easier to be broad-minded about foreign habits and customs if ones acquaintance with these things is limited to books and films. _,1.translate the following sentences into chinese.,passage a translation

36、,2. perhaps the ideal would be that travel could make people tolerant of the habits and customs of others without abandoning their own. _,事实上,如果一个人对外国风俗习惯的了解只停留在书本和电影上,那么他对这些风俗习惯就比较容易做到宽容大度。,理想的情况或许是,旅行能够使人宽容地对待别国的风俗习惯,而又不放弃自己的那一套。,1. 每年的新生会上,老师都会介绍学校的情况,以使新生能尽快适应新的环境。(adapt to) _,2.translate the fo

37、llowing sentences into english with the help of the words and expressions given in brackets.,passage a translation,in the annual meeting for the freshmen, teachers make an introduction to the school so that the freshmen can adapt to the new environment quickly.,2.translate the following sentences in

38、to english with the help of the words and expressions given in brackets.,passage a translation,2. 计算机的广泛应用让我们摆脱了很多文书工作。(do away with) _,3. 旅游可以使我们开阔视野,缓解压力,了解风俗,结交友人。(broaden, relieve) _,the wide use of computers enables us to do away with much paperwork.,travel enables us to broaden our horizons, r

39、elieve pressures, understand customs and make friends.,from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,lead-in,text study,exercises,passage b,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,lead-in,background information,video appreciation,pre-reading activity,what do you know about shakespeare?,pre-reading

40、,work in groups to discuss the following questions.,shakespeare was a great playwright and poet of the english language. he wrote many famous plays like romeo and juliet, the merchant of venice, mecbeth, and henry vi. the most famous play i have ever read is hamlet, one of his four great tragedies.,

41、passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,zhang yimou, a chinese film director, has contributed a great deal to the spreading of chinese culture through many films such as red sorghum, raise the red lantern, and hero. one of the themes in his films is the resilience of chinese people in the f

42、ace of hardships and adversities, which has been explored to the fullest in to live.,can you name one person who has contributed a great deal to the spreading of chinese culture? what did he do.,pre-reading,work in groups to do the following activities.,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchang

43、es,background information,1. william shakespeare,2. tang xianzu,3. the banquet,4. sadlers wells,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,1. william shakespeare,william shakespeare (1564-1616) is considered by many to be the greatest writer in the english language. shakespeare was born in str

44、atford-upon-avon, england. he wrote over 150 sonnets in his lifetime, but he is more famous for his plays than his poems. “to be, or not to be, that is the question” from hamlet, one of his most performed plays, is a very famous shakespearean line.,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,2.

45、 tang xianzu,tang xianzu (1550-1616) was a chinese playwrighter and a low-level official of the ming dynasty. he retired in 1598 and returned to his hometown where he focused on writing. the peony pavilion (牡丹亭), generally considered his masterpiece, is a touching story about free love and strong pa

46、ssion.,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,3. the banquet,the banquet, released as legend of the black scorpion in the united states, is a 2006 chinese film. set in the five dynasties and ten kingdoms period in 10th-century china, the film is directed by feng xiaogang and stars zhang zi

47、yi, ge you, and zhou xun. it is a loose adaption of william shakespeares tragedy hamlet.,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,4. sadlers wells,sadlers wells is a theater located in london. it is one of the united kingdoms foremost dance venues and producing houses (创作剧院), with a number o

48、f associated artists and companies who produce original works for the theater.,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,lead-in,- video appreciation,hamlet,passage b from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,text study,organization of the text,language points,text reading,passage b from shakesp

49、eare to cultural exchanges,passage b,from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,1. the theatrical appeal of shakespearean plays is still going strong in china after all these years since their first debut, fulfilling the careers of generations of chinese actors and actresses. many of the heroes and hero

50、ines in his plays are now household names in my country, and many of his lines have almost become authentic chinese expressions. 2. some years ago i was often involved in diplomatic negotiations. when we were locked in a stalemate and going nowhere, i often liked to quote from hamlet, with a small a

51、daptation though. instead of “to be, or not to be, that is the question,” i would say, “to move on or to fall back, that is the question.”,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,passage b,from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,3. i found this expression works extremely well. it is known to all and therefore goes well with a

52、ll. i can drive home the need to reach compromise or agreement without sounding too pushy. 4. with the success of economic progress in recent years and with the growing public demand for cultural entertainment, adaptations of shakespeares plays are growing in popularity. his plays are being adapted

53、into different art forms, including theatrical plays, movies, and even local operas.,_,_,passage b,from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,5. in the play the banquet, the chinese version of hamlet, performed during the celebrations here, you could find hamlet not only having a chinese face, but also

54、a chinese name and living in an ancient chinese imperial court. 6. i want to mention here that, in the time of shakespeare, there was also a great chinese playwright tang xianzu and both men actually passed away in the same year. 7. tang xianzu wrote the peony pavilion, which has long been an inspir

55、ation to generations of chinese playwrights and novelists, and is highly regarded as a world-class play. nevertheless, i wonder how many in this country have heard of him, or of his work.,passage b,from shakespeare to cultural exchanges,8. the peony pavilion tells much the same story as romeo and juliet. it combines drama and fairy tale and presents a sweet and sorrow legend of love that defies the limits of heaven and earth. it is very long, spanning 10 nights in 10 episodes. a shortened three-


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