1、学术论文发表须知 学术论文的写作,zengxiaoping,一、学术论文的定义、分类 二、投稿须知 三、论文发表注意事项,学术论文发表须知,一、学术论文的定义、分类,学术论文通常指发表在国内外的学术杂志、期刊上的论文。,普通论文(full paper/research article)、 简报/快报(short communication / rapid report) 综述(review),普通论文阐述在某一科研领域、特定科研方向上的原创性的工作,围绕一个中心展开工作并阐述自己的观点,要有一定的深入性和系统性。,简报/快报的篇幅较短,论述的科研工作内容简单扼要,但此工作要有较强的创新性。简报
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3、ial board,Manuscript examination,Acceptance,editing,Editors examination Invited references examination,rejection,author,printing,authors revision authors withdrawal,Paper publication,论文出版程序,投初稿:根据杂志的要求,网上投稿或邮寄稿件。 网上投稿:将稿件(manuscript)的doc格式文件或 pdf格式文件和一封给编辑的信(cover letter)上传到杂志的网上系统中。 注意! 自己的email地址一
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6、论要慎重; 划清去伪存真、去粗取精和伪造数据、篡改结果之间的界限。 避免粗心的错误:计算要正确;实验设计要严谨、没有漏洞。 格式、语言要标准,千万不要出现过多的语言错误。太差的语言很大程度地影响审稿人的理解、增加稿件被拒的可能性。 引用的观点要注明出处;以免引起审稿人的不满。,一、学术论文的总体结构 二、学术论文各组成部分的具体内容及语 言特点 三、论文发表注意事项,学术论文写作,题目(Title) 作者(Authors)姓名及单位(Affiliation) 摘要(Abstract) 关键词(Keywords) 简介(Introduction) 实验(Experimental Section)
7、 结果与讨论(Results and Discussion) 结论(Conclusions) 致谢(Acknowledgement) 参考文献(References),学术论文的总体结构,有时,有些期刊也要求在最后加上一段简短的作者介绍(biography),某些情况下,文章还有附录(Appendix),包括术语表(Nomenclature) 或某些公式推导过程,或其它要说明的特殊问题,Wall effects on DNA stretch and relaxation Dirk Stigter*, Biophysical Chemistry 101 .102 (2002) 447-.459,
8、投稿的稿件中图、表附在最后,可按以下顺序排列: Table List 按顺序列出各表的题目。 Figure List 按顺序列出各图的题目。 附表:表格通常用简单的三线式。 附图:图为大图(与中文稿件不同!); 图要清晰,图标要足够大; 每页上一个图;标明图号。,对于论文格式,各期刊要求不同,其原则在于“清楚明了”。大部分期刊要求明确标记出各部分,以便读者容易地找到相关感兴趣部分。 不过,较为短小的文章,如快讯(Rapid Communication ),简报(letters)等,往往不要求注明各部分,有时甚至不要求摘要,对正文(Text)字数也有要求。而Full paper则基本不受篇幅限制
9、,比较完整。 在投稿时,应仔细阅读其投稿须知(Guide for Authors)。, Guide for Authors Manuscript Preparation General: Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper (22x28 cm or A4). High quality printouts with a font size of 12 pt are required. All pages should be numbered cons
10、ecutively. The order of the manuscripts should be title, author(s) and affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, text, references, tables, figure legends (or captions), schemes, and figures.,Sequences of tables, charts, and schemes should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Original drawings and photographs
11、 should be attached to the end of one copy and should be clearly marked on the back with the figure number and author(s) name. The author(s) should indicate by text or marginal notations in the typescript where the figures are approximately to be inserted,Language and Style: Manuscripts should be wr
12、itten in English in a clear and concise manner and follow the style of a current issue of Polymer. Authors whose native language is not English should have the spelling, grammar, and style checked by someone fully proficient in the English language. Title: The title should be concise, informative an
13、d representative of the contents of the manuscript.,Author(s) and Affiliation(s): Full affiliations and postal addresses must be given for all authors. An asterisk should designate the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed and a footnote must provide their full e-mail address, fax and tel
14、ephone numbers.,Title 反映该文章的主要内容和关键问题。 不宜太泛或太具体。 注意大小写格式:与要投稿的杂志的格式统一。 Title通常为名词性词组、短语。,学术论文各组成部分的具体内容 及语言特点,Application Development of Functional Macromolecule 太笼统,不足以引起读者的注意 改: Application Development of Functional Macromolecule on the Hospital Equipments 更明确具体,在明确说明研究特点的前提下应尽可能少用词 The Effects of
15、 Resin Type, Resin and Filler Contents in the Coating Solution, Drying Temperature in the Baking oven on the Properties of the PU Synthetic leather 改:Approach to Influence Factors on Properties of the polyurethane Synthetic leather 聚氨酯人造革性能影响因素的探讨,一般可分为以下几类,字母大小写的规律?,标题中的每一个单词的第一个字母,除部位与题首的冠词、介词和连词外
16、,都应该使用大写。,以研究内容命名 以研究对象命名 以研究内容、研究对象综合命名,一般可分为以下几类,E.g. Synthesis of 2-O-Protected glycerol derivatives lisrl dirivtiv 甘油 衍生物 Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Carbonates by Alcohol-Acid Catalyst 碳酸盐,一以研究内容命名,E.g. A New, Crystalline High Melting Bis(hydroxymethyl)polycarbonate and Its Acetone Ke
17、tal for Biomaterial Applications situn 丙酮 聚乳酸 Microdomain structure in polylactide-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymer films,二以研究对象命名,E.g. Poly(ethylene carbonate)s, part I: Syntheses and structural effects in biodegradation Hydrolytic degradation of tyrosine-derived 水解的 tirsi:n酪氨酸 polycarbonates,
18、a class of new biomaterials. Part I: Study of model compounds,三以研究内容、研究对象综合命名,Authors & Affiliation 作者姓名,姓名中双字名宜分开,以便检索。 姓、名的前后按该杂志的习惯。 各个作者姓名格式应统一。 首页下方须注明联系作者(corresponding author):一般为导师。 . 地址(以武汉大学化学与分子科学学院高分子系为例) Department of Polymer Science, College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan U
19、niversity, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, P. R. China,Abstract,The abstract is actually the first section of a report, coming after the title and before the introduction. The abstract provides the reader with a brief preview of your study based on information from the other sections of the report. It is often
20、 the last part of the report to be written.,Abstract(摘要) 使读者对于本研究工作有一简短的大致了解(Preview) 虽然置于文章开头(正文之前),但写作时通常是最后写。因为只有在全文完成后,才能进行总结提炼其主要内容。,摘要写作要求:简明扼要(concise), ,信息量大(informative) 如果摘要写作质量很差,根本不会被收录,或者即使被收录,也因难以阅读,或所反映信息不全,而不能引起读者注意,不会为人所引用。 SCI Science Citation Index 引用次数,一般性摘要包括部分及其排列次序 B = Some ba
21、ckground information 一些基本背 景知识 P = Principal activity/ purpose of the study and its scope 本研究主要内容/目的及其范围 M = Some information about the methodology used in the study 关于本研究所采用的一些(试验)方法 R = The most important results of the study 最重要的研究结果 C = A statement of conclusion or recommendation 结论/意义,以上又称为Full
22、 Abstract 但对于发表论文而言,由于科技文献数量剧增,对于摘要篇幅质量也加以限制(brief and concise),一般不超过150200字(words)。 为此,对以上Full Abstract 必须再作删除或合并,得到所谓的(Reduced Abstract),摘要写作:,它包括二至三个部分,重点放在研究结果上,次序如下: P + M = Purpose + method of the study 目的及研究方法 R = Results 结果 C*= conclusions and recommendations 结论 *optional (可选) 首先阐述实验内容(目的)和方
23、法(有时实验目的也不写明,背景不再包括在内),然后总结重要的实验结果,最后用一、两个句子包括重要结论。,摘要写作:,内容要点: (1)理论研究论文: 以陈述性为主,内容主要是研究的课题和目标,指导思想,论据,结论以及应用的可能性; (2)实验性研究论文: 以资料性为主,内容主要包括研究项目和目标,实验方案和主要设备、实验数据、结论及理论意义或实用价值。,摘要写作:,1. 摘要的起首句:直接式起首句,开门见山说明论文主题,常用三种句型:,摘要写作:,(1)主语(说明文章性质的名词)谓语(主动谓语) 宾语或其它成份,This,Article文章 Paper论文 thesis 学位论文 study
24、研究 Work研究、工作,deals with阐述、处理 Discusses 讨论 Introduces介绍 Investigates调查,考察 Summarizes概括 Describes描述,介绍,+.,特点:由宾语引出主要内容 e.g. This paper describes the synthesis of high molecular weight polyether by using metalloporphyrin(金属卟啉络合物) complex catalyst system,该论文介绍了用金属卟啉络合物催化体系合成高分子量聚醚的方法,e.g. This work anal
25、yzes the relation between the shear relaxtion modulus of entangled, linear and flexible homopolymer blends and molecular weight disttibution.,本研究分析了缠结、线性及柔软的均聚共混物的剪切松弛模量与分子量分布之间的关系,(2)主语(论文主体的有关内容)被动态谓语其它成分*,e.g. The mechanism of reaction between water and TDI was explored in making flexible PU foam
26、.,对软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料发泡中水与TDI 反应机理进行了探讨。,e.g. The rheological properties of PC and PC/TPU blend were studied by means of capillary rheometer.,用毛细管流变仪研究了聚碳酸酯及聚碳酸酯/热塑性聚氨酯弹性体共混物的流变性能。,(3)The purpose (objective/aim) of+ 主语(文章性质)be + to 主要介绍研究项目的目的及研究工作的性质,e.g. The objective of this study is to investigate the ph
27、ysical properties and morphology of melt-mixed blends containing PBT with several polyolefins such as ethylene and vinyl acetate(EVA).,本研究的目的考察聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯与乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯等几种聚烯烃熔融共混体系的物理性能和形态结构。,e.g. The purpose of this research is to investigate the feasibility of using surface treated recycled rubber partic
28、les for toughening of epoxy polymers.,该研究的目的是考察用表面处理的再生橡胶粒子对环氧树脂进行增韧的可行性。,(4)用“we”作主语,用于说明所从事的研究工作(常用现在完成时或过去时),或说明在论文中要论述什么(用现在时) We discuss (report/ have studied) the results of a study of ,We have studied four UHMW-PVC resins in interior automotive formulations compared to a conventional PVC resi
29、n in the same formulations.,2. 描述研究方法、实验手段等的句例,All NMR experiments were performed on a BrukerAVANCE 400 NMR spectrometer. FT-IR spectra were obtained on a Vector-22 spectrometer (Bruker, Switzerland) with sample prepared as KBrpellets. TGA analyses were carried out using a Mettler-Toledo SDTA-851TGA
30、 system ,Elemental analyses(C, N and H) were performed on ElementarVarioE1 III analyzer (German). Data of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) were collected on a Max 2200PC power X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku, Japan) with Cu Ka (1.54051 ) radiation (40 kV, 20 mA). The morphologies of the surfaces of the s
31、amples were observed in an environment scanning electron microscope (ESEM, Quanta200, FEI, Holand). ,The optical transmittance of the polymer solution was monitored at =540 nm with a spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Japan, UV-4100). The pH measurements, with and without added salt (NaCl, 99.9% purity), w
32、ere performed with a potentiometric pH meter (PHS-3).,3.表示结论和建议等的句例,E.g. The membrane was found to be thermally stable at high temperatures because of the inorganic SiO2 framework in the composites matrix.,These results strongly suggest that the cyclic carbonates are activated by trifluoroacetic aci
33、d.,Increasing the water content resulted in enhanced polymerization rates and decreased molecular weights.,A carbonate-modified acrylic polymer showed excellent hydrolysis resistance,The dendritic polymer seems to be a promising carrier for the controlled release of antitumor drugs.,Our results demo
34、nstrate that low levels of PEG can regulate not only on the extent but also the conformation and specific bioactivity of adsorbed model protein Our studies also indicated that the rate of cell migration was inversely correlated with PEG concentration over a narrow range of PEG concentration,根据具体内容,当
35、提到做了那些具体工作时, 通常用一般过去时、被动态。,Reactivities of six-membered cyclic carbonates were studied and a carbonate-modified acrylic polymer was synthesized, which was expected to show good water resistance.,关于时态,根据具体内容,当提到本文做了某工作、阐述 了某观点时常用一般现在时、被动态。,The novel convergent growth approach to topological macromole
36、cules based on dendritic fragment is described. In present paper plasma methods are discussed with respect to other techniques which also induce micropatterned cell growth.,有时也用主动态。 Our study focused on the role of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) in actively regulating the biological responsiveness of p
37、rotein-adsorbed biomaterials. To this end, we designed PEG-variant biomaterials from a family of tyrosine/PEG-derived polycarbonate to present surfaces ranging from low to intermediate levels of PEG concentration, ,We analyzed the effect of PEG concentration on the amount, conformation and bioactivi
38、ty We have investigated the ability of these dendrimers to function as an effective delivery system This paper describes the synthesis and evaluation of biodegradable derivatives of poly-L-glutamic acid as suitable vectors for gene therapy.,Star polymers are comprised of multiple arms or branches ra
39、diating from a central point or core and have been of huge scientific interest since they were first prepared sixty years ago, as a result of their unique physical properties. Star polymers are not just an academic curiosity, but are currently employed or under investigation in a wide range of indus
40、tries and commercial materials ranging from engine oils and coating technologies to contact lenses and biomedical devices. Although there are many different types of star polymers and methods for their synthesis, recent advances in the field of controlled radical polymerisation have enabled the faci
41、le production of complex star polymer architectures from a large range of monomer families, without the requirement of highly stringent reaction conditions. In particular,well-defined, nanometre scale core cross-linked star (CCS) polymers, which are readily accessible by controlled radical polymeris
42、ation techniques, have been increasingly prominent in the scientific literature. As a result, this feature article provides a comprehensive review covering the development, functionalisation, physical properties and application of core cross-linked star polymers prepared bycontrolled radical polymer
43、isation and the arm-first approach.,The introduction of methacrylic, carboxylic and phosphate functional groups on the core and at the end of the poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) arms in the PEO star-shaped polymers is described. In the polyglycidol (PGL) star-shaped polymers phosphate groups were attached to the PGL arms as side groups. Polymers were characterized by NMR and SEC analysis with triple detection. The conversion of the unsubstituted star-shaped polymers into functionalized has been confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR spectra. The influence of the length of arms, th
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