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3、: pneumonia and treatment Further restrict searches by selecting a field such as Article Title, Author or ISSN number. 选择不同的检索字段,限定检索范围 Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. Example: carcino* matches carcinogen 致癌物质, carcinoma 癌, etc. Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases. 用引号标记一个准确

4、的词组 Examples: “gene therapy matches that exact term Use NEAR/ with a number to indicate proximity. 用NEAR指明词间的相近数 Example: rat AND cancer NEAR/5 prostate AND androgen NEXT receptor Use parentheses to create nested searches. 用括号建立嵌套式检索 Example: (brain AND serotonin)复合胺 OR (brain AND dopamine)多巴胺,Acron

5、ym Finder,Acronym Finder 提供了查寻英文缩写的工具,检索工具,Journal : Table Of ContentTOC 内容目录,需要注意,Online Submission在线投稿,了解投稿注意事项,Journal : Abstract,摘要/Abstract,参考文献/Reference,全文,相关论文/Related Article,被引用记录/Citation Tracing,检索结果,Journal : Reference,参考文献链接/Reference Links,Citation Tracking,Download Citation /下载引用记录,B

6、ackfile Collections,Online Books在线图书,目前超过3000个品种的在线图书 以每个月30-50个品种的速度不断丰富 许多新出版的图书同时提供在线版和纸本,Major Reference Works,Major Reference Works,Multi-volume encyclopaedic works /多卷集的百科全书 Fully Searchable /全部可检索 More than 60 titles available Equivalent to over 800 volumes or 195,000 Internal hyper-linking /

7、全文中提供内部的超链接 External hyper-linking to third party material (CrossRef, ChemPort, PubMed, OpenURL etc) /提供超链接直接链接到第三方资源,Current Protocols Online,在一个页面内可以找到您订阅的所有 Current Protocols,Current Protocols (实验室指南),是需要最新实验室方法的研究人员的工具书 提供研究人员各种实验室方法的每一步骤 包括: 介绍/ 材料列表/ 实验步骤/ 提示及注解/ 数字及表格/ 讨论 部分指南包含演示录像 Updated i

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