1、Resume,Importance,一般雇主非常重视简历,人事部门收到简历后,一般会保存半年到一年。只要公司人才需求,他们会查看已经收到的简历。,Think about,What should be put in your resume? How many pages should your resume include?,Essentials of English Resumes,英语简历: 用英语来介绍自己的个人资料、学历、工作经历、能力、业绩、性格等情况的书面报告。这是求职就业时相当关键的重要文件。,Essentials of English Resumes,概述 Curriculum
2、Vitae Resume,英、澳、 新西兰,美、日、法,The Structure of an English resume,Letterhead Personal Details Education (degree, major, special training) Work Experience Other information: hobbies/certificates(optional) References,resume,Essentials of English Resumes,英语简历特点: 突出重点,写足长处,实事求是 语言简洁 篇幅适宜 避免误差,Essentials of
3、 English Resumes,避免误差,篇幅适宜,十六开两页为佳,语法拼写无误,经历完整,不漏项,版面整洁,Essentials of English Resumes,应注意的几点: 必须省略主语”I“ 例子:I passed College English Test-Band six 改为:Passed College English Test-Band six 尽量省略谓语动词”be“ 例子:I was an engineer at Dalian Heavy Machinery Plant from 1984 to 1993. 改为:From 1984 to 1993: an engi
4、neer at Dalian Heavy Machinery Plant. 尽量用简单句,用分词词组代替复合型从句 例子:As I have been a typist for four years, I can type very quickly and accurately. 改为:Having been a typist for four years, I can type very quickly and accurately. 尽量使用通用缩略语 例子:Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. P. R. C.; IBMThe Interna
5、tional Business Machine Corporation; cm. kg. wpm.,语 言 简 洁,Name,Yang Li (李阳) YANG LI (李阳) Li, Yang 建议大家用“YANG LI(李阳)”这种写法。 名前姓后全部大写加粗,符合国际规范。 若为三字名字如何写?,Personal information,Name: George Smith Ming Li Sex (Gender): Male , Female Birth date: Nov.24,1967 Birthplace: Liaoning Province Nationality: Chine
6、se Height: 166cm Weight: 66kg Marital Status: Married , Single, Divorced, Separated Number of Children: None, Two Health Condition: Excellent, Good, Fine Hobbies: Writing fiction, Reading,resume,Personal information,Address: Permanent Address: Present Address: 2 Linggong Road Ganjingzi District Dali
7、an 116024 Liaoning Province P.R.China Postal Code: 116024 Phone Number: 0411 - 84708500 Fax: 0411 - 84674141 Email: ,Education,有太多工作经历的,只需写明校、系名及地址,学业的起止时间,学位即可。 例:9/19967/1999 Ph. D. , Dept. of Civil Engineering Dalian University of Technology,9/19947/1996 M. S. , Dept. of Civil Engineering Dalian
8、University of Technology,9/19907/1994 B. S. , Dept. of Civil Engineering, South China University of Technology,resume,Education,应届毕业生 除校、系名和地址,学业、学位之外,还应列出所修课程与成绩 例: Specific courses in civil engineering and their marks: Theoretical Mechanics 95 Mechanics of Materials 88 Structural Mechanics 80 Soil
9、 Mechanics 86 Hydraulic Mechanics 80 Reinforced Concrete Structures 90 Elastic Theory 85 Finite Elements 87,resume,Work Experience,顺序: 从目前写起(若以前的工作与当前应聘的工作关系密切,则先写以前的,且要详细) 内容: 工作单位 服务时间 职务、职责与业绩 第二职业,resume,Work Experience,例: 1991-Present Teacher in Department of Economics, Xiangtan University. Giv
10、e lectures on Consumer Economics, Productive Force Economics and Development Economics,resume,Rewards,在校期间曾经获得奖学金,论文奖,三好学生,优秀团员,优秀干部等荣誉均可列举出来。 例:Scholarship from the university in 1994. 1994年获校级奖学金 Scholarship from the department in 1995. 1995年获系级奖学金 Xianzi Zeng Scholarship for Life Science in 1993
11、1993年获曾宪梓生命科学奖学金,resume,Other information,语言能力有几个层次: “native speaker of” 母语 “fluent in” 流利 “English as working language” 不怎么流利 “some knowledge of” 会一些,Other information,Good at computer operation of Windows 熟练操作 Be skilled with computers 熟悉电脑运用 Proficiency in Windows, Word and Excel. 熟练操作 High profi
12、ciency in computer operation. 熟练操作,Expressions,CET-4(college English Test Band 4) NCRE2 (National Computer Rank Examination) Excellent Leader Scholarship Summer internship at Major in Minor in Social practice Tutor ,特别技能( Special Skills ): 同工作职位密不可分的一些具体技能 例: Computer Languages: Cobol, Basic, Pascal
13、. Good at English, especially writing and speaking. English Word-processing: 60wpm.,Scientific Research Achievements,Publication Invention Technical Innovations Patents(专利),resume,References,可在英语简历的最后写出证明人 可作为证明人的人选: 校长、系主任、任课老师 证明学业情况及性格 单位领导 证明工作能力、业务成就和个性 同事或同学 证明个性和爱好 写证明人应包括姓名、职位、单位、电话及 地点,resu
14、me,Essentials of English Resume,常见形式(Common Forms) 以学历为主 (Basic Resume) : Personal Date Job/Career Objective Education Special Skill Hobbies/Interests,resume,Essentials of English Resume,常见形式(Common Forms) 以经历为主 (Experience Resume) : Personal Date Job/Career Objective work experience Education Techn
15、ical Qualification and Special Skill Scientific Research Achievement,resume,Essentials of English Resume,版面设计(Space Layout) 分项式 将简历的元素按项排列 表格式 先设计表格,再把内容填写进去,resume,Essentials of English Resume,表格式,Resume,Essentials of English Resume,Resume,分项式,Essentials of English Resume,Resume,实例:,1.Personal Deta
16、ils,Essentials of English Resume,Resume,续:,2.Education,Essentials of English Resume,Resume,续:,3.Experience,4.Rewards,Essentials of English Resume,Resume,续:,5.Technical Qualifications and Special Skills,6.Scientific Research Achievements,7.Social Activity 19961998: Active member of the Undergraduate
17、English Association. 19971999: Volunteer Boy Scouts leader, brought young boys camping, hiking, and other scouting activities. 8. Hobbies and Interests Enjoying writing fiction, reading, travelling, listening to music,Essentials of English Resume,Resume,(续),9.Referees,Essentials of English Resume,相 关 知 识 Bachelor degree cer
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