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1、Read and Explore,Unit 5 Health,Get Started,Listen and Respond,Optional Classroom Activities,Enhance Your Language Awareness,Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.,What do you usually do to keep fit? What do you think are the criteria of being healthy? Do you know anyth

2、ing about the body clock? How is it related to our health?,Get Started-discussion,Quotes 1,Study the following quotes about health. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why?,Get Started-quotes 1,Quotes 1,A healthy body is the guest-chamber (房间) of the soul; a sick, its prison. Francis Bacon,Interpretati

3、on: Physical health and mental health are closely related. A sick body will certainly affect ones mood, attitude and character, etc. Here, Francis Bacon compares the sick body vividly to a prison which greatly hampers (妨碍) the development of ones spiritual life.,Get Started-quotes 1,Click Picture,Qu

4、otes 2,Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body. Joseph Addison,Interpretation: Moods have great influence on both our physical and mental health. As has been proved in medical science, we are less vulnerable to illnesses when we are in a cheerful moo

5、d. A good mood is the key to mental health.,Get Started-quotes 2,Click Picture,Quotes 3,Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied. Charles Caleb Colton,Interpretation: By using four superlatives, Colton points out the paradox of peoples attitud

6、es towards money and health. We tend to envy those who possess more money, but those who possess more money may not feel happy and satisfied. In contrast, we seldom feel envy for those who enjoy good health, for good health can only be enjoyed by those who possess it.,Get Started-quotes 3,Click Pict

7、ure,Quotes 4,Giving is the secret of a healthy life. Not necessarily money, but whatever a man has of encouragement and sympathy and understanding. John D. Rockefeller, Jr,Interpretation: As a great philanthropist (慈善家), Rockefeller Jr. believes that giving and caring for others will bring you a hea

8、lthy life. What you offer to others may not necessarily be money or material comforts. Spiritual care such as encouragement, sympathy and understanding is equally good and can also serve as the key to a healthy life.,Get Started-quotes 4,Click Picture,Watch the following video clip “Fitness” and the

9、n complete the tasks that follow:,click here,click here,Fill in the missing words according to what you hear from the video clip.,A body/age assessment is a measurement of your cardiovascular , your strength, your flexibility and your . And it gives you a number which is your fitness age compared to

10、 your chronological age. Any fitness evaluation should include some time on a treadmill, to test your and stamina. A complete fitness snapshot adds about 45 minutes to your exam, but leaves you with a new on your well-being.,fitness,risk factors,heart health,perspective,_,_,_,_,video,video,2. What c

11、an we learn from John Humphrey? (Open.),AIDS n. U Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; a very serious disease caused by a virus which breaks down the bodys natural defences against infection 艾滋病,获得性免疫缺损综合征 HIV n. human immunodeficiency virus; the virus which causes the disease AIDS 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒 in

12、fection n. C; U the act or result of infecting, or a disease spread by infecting 传染,感染;传染病,Listen and Respond Word Bank,L remedy 常与for连用疗法;药物,L I also feared that I might not catch up with my classmates in my studies or could not live up to my parents expectations. Now I am deeply concerned about wh

13、ether I can find a desirable job after graduation. Endless pressures give rise to stress. Loneliness is another problem. Many young people find they just feel helpless when they are suffering intolerable sadness or frustration. Suicide is a great tragedy, especially for the young. If we can find way

14、s to relieve them of their stress and offer timely help, we may save many young lives.,writing,Sample Writing,Thank You!,a. to eat nutritious food; b. to do exercises regularly; c. to have a positive attitude towards life; d. to enjoy good interpersonal relationships, etc.,Possible answers:,Key to D

15、iscussion (1),Being healthy is a comprehensive matter. We can judge a healthy person from three different perspectives: physical health, mental health and interpersonal relationships. First of all, a healthy person is free from any illness and has enough energy to do his / her daily work. Second, he

16、 / she does not suffer from any mental problem and is strong enough to face challenges. Last but not least, he / she gets along well with people around him / her.,Key to Discussion (2),The body clock, or the biological clock, refers to the internal biological mechanism which causes our body to autom

17、atically behave at regular times of the day, such as sleeping or eating. The body clock is important for health. It controls our body temperature, hormones, blood pressure and other important body systems. So following your body clock can help you reduce tiredness and increase work efficiency, etc.,

18、Key to Discussion (3),About Francis Bacon (1561-1626): an English politician, philosopher, writer and one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. He was the precursor (先驱) of English empiricism

19、(经验主义) and advocated inductive (归纳的) reasoning. His most famous publications are Essays (随笔) and The Advancement of Learning (学术的推进).,Key to Quotes (1),About Joseph Addison (1672-1719): an English writer, best known for the essays he wrote in The Tatler (闲谈者) and The Spectator (观察者).,Key to Quotes (

20、2),About Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832): an English clergyman and author. He wrote a large body of writings in his short life, which ended with suicide after an illness. His aphorisms (格言,警句) about friendship, integrity (正直, 诚实), wealth, and knowledge are often cited even to this day.,Key to Quote

21、s (3),About John D. Rockefeller, Jr (1874-1960): an American philanthropist, the only son of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and heir to the Rockefeller fortune. He gave the UN the land for its headquarters, and built the Rockefeller Center, a large group of buildings in New York City.,Key to Quotes (4),Fi

22、tness May Be Part of your Physical The next time you visit your doctor for a physical, dont be surprised if they ask you to move. “When most patients or most people get their wellness exams, theyre sitting down on an exam table. Theyre not doing anything physical. So if you really want to know if yo

23、ure healthy, you do some sort of a fitness assessment,” says Dr. Sal Lacagnina, vice president of health and wellness with Lee Memorial Health System. More and more, fitness exams are being incorporated into the yearly checkup. “We do this thing called a body / age assessment, which is a measurement

24、 of your cardiovascular fitness,Script for W then teaching people how to put this information to use and act on it practically. A second reason is to improve the quality of life for HIV-positive people. Too often, AIDS education is only aimed at how to curb the HIV infection. But the needs of HIV-po

25、sitive people are often neglected. HIV-positive people have varying needs, but among them are the need to be able to get medical services and drug supplies and the need to be able to find appropriate emotional and practical support and help. The third reason is to reduce fear. In many countries ther

26、e is a great deal of fear of people who are HIV-positive.,Script for L chief; main 最重要的;主要的;扮演主角的,He hopes to play a leading role in a movie though hes never had any professional training.,For the next forty-three years Germany was the leading power upon the European continent.,在接下去的43年时间里,德国是欧洲大陆上最

27、重要的强国。,Key Words for Text A - leading,CF: chief, principal, main, major, leading 这些形容词均含有“首要的,主要的”之意。,The chief engineer is the most important of a group of engineers on a job.,Seine River and its branches form the chief commercial waterway of France.,Key Words for Text A - leading,chief指人时,表同类中职位最高

28、,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。例如:,He was one of the principal architects of the revolution.,Such self-reliance is a principal value of child rearing in middle-class America.,Key Words for Text A - leading,principal用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。例如:,Water shortages in the area will be the main constra

29、int on development.,main通常只用于物,指在一定范围内,某物的重要性、体积或力量等超过其它物。例如:,Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.,Key Words for Text A - leading,major指同其他人或其它物、问题等相比较,显得更加重要和突出。例如:,With this new movie he has consolidated (巩固) his position as the countrys leading director.,leading侧重指具有影响力或凝聚力,从而有主导和引导的作用。例如:,s

30、ponsor vt. support sb. by paying for their training, education, living costs, etc. 资助,赞助,The in-service training program for teachers of English was sponsored by the local government.,Would you sponsor Jane in her swim for cancer research next week?,你愿赞助珍妮参加下星期为癌症研究筹款举行的游泳比赛吗?,Key Words for Text A -

31、 sponsor,equip vt. (for) make able, fit, or prepared; provide with what is necessary for doing sth. 常与for连用使有能力,使胜任,使有准备;装备,配备,The course aims to equip students with the skills necessary for their future jobs.,When they leave school, they will be equipped for obtaining office jobs.,离校时,他们将有能力获得办公室工作

32、的机会。,Key Words for Text A - equip,coordinate vt. make (people or things) work together, esp. so as to increase effectiveness 使协调;使调和,As the disease progresses, the patient loses his ability to coordinate her movements.,Tie it with fabric bows that coordinate with other furnishings.,系上与其他装饰相配的布质蝴蝶结。,

33、Key Words for Text A - coordinate,subtract vt. (from) take (a number, amount, etc.) from sth. larger 常与from连用减去,减掉,If you subtract 10 from 30 you get 20.,You have to subtract 25% tax from the sum you receive.,你必须从所得款中扣除25%的税款。,Key Words for Text A - subtract,plot vt. draw (a line or curve showing ce

34、rtain facts) on paper marked with small squares在方格纸上划(表明某些事实的直线或曲线);绘制图表,Weve plotted a graph showing the increase and decrease in sales of each season this year.,We plot about eight points on the graph.,我们在曲线图上标记了8个点。,Key Words for Text A - plot,familiarize vt. (with) make (sb.,esp. oneself) well i

35、nformed (about) 常与with连用使熟悉,使通晓,Familiarize yourself with the new equipment before you attempt to use it.,The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.,试行的目的就是要让人们熟悉新法规。,Key Words for Text A - familiarize,take advantage of make use of; profit from 利用,Lets take full adva

36、ntage of the sports facilities in our college while were studying here.,Western investors are seeking acquisitions in Asia to take advantage of fast growth rates.,西方投资者正在亚洲寻找收购机会,以便抓住亚洲国家高速增长的机会。,Key Words for Text A take advantage of,demanding a. needing a lot of skill, patience, effort, etc. 要求高的;

37、费力的,Mountain-climbing is not quite suitable for old people because it is physically demanding.,He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job.,他发现自己已无力应对那份劳神费力的工作了。,Key Words for Text A - demanding,by contrast used when there is a big difference between one thing, person, or situation and a

38、nother 相比之下;相反,Their economy has expanded enormously, while ours, by contrast, declined.,It seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterdays icy wind.,与昨天凛冽的寒风一比,今天可算相当暖和了。,Key Words for Text A by contrast,monitor vt. carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes over a peri

39、od of time 监测;监视,The little boy is running a fever and his parents are monitoring his temperature carefully.,Philby was there to monitor any unforeseen developments on a daily basis.,菲尔比在那里每日不断地监视着那些预料不到的事态的发展。,Key Words for Text A - monitor,process vt. treat raw material, food, etc. in order to cha

40、nge it, preserve it, etc. 加工;处理,Most of the food we get from supermarkets is processed in some way, which makes it simpler for us to prepare our meals.,The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.,这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用。,Key Words for Text A - process,coincide vi. (with) happen at the

41、same time or during the same period 常与with连用(在时间上)巧合;同时发生,I wish that we can travel together, but its a pity that our holidays never coincide.,Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.,虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。,Key Words for Text A - coincide,res

42、ume vt. rather fml begin again after a pause比较正式(中断后)重新开始;继续,He will resume training as soon as he recovers from the ankle injury.,The search is expected to resume early today.,预计搜寻工作会于今天早些时候重新开始。,Key Words for Text A - resume,beware vi. (of) be very careful 常与of连用谨防;当心;注意,Beware of this poisonous s

43、ubstance when you do the experiment.,Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.,在旅游区一定要谨防奸商。,Key Words for Text A - beware,guarantee n. (of) a firm promise that one will do sth. or that sth. will happen 常与of连用保证;担保,The quality of your product will be a guarantee of your success in the fierce

44、competition.,A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.,公司悠久的品牌并不一定是商品质量的保证。,Key Words for Text A - guarantee,Difficult Sentences for TA It is barely ,Early in the morning Winget wakes up and is eager to begin the days work while his wife still needs more sleep. That is t

45、o say, peoples body clocks run at different speeds, thus leading to different waking times.,It is barely 5 a.m., but Winget is raring to go. Meanwhile, his wife pulls up the covers and buries her face under the pillow. (Para. 1),Please translate the sentence into Chinese.,刚早晨五点钟,温格特就急不可待地要出门。此时,他的妻子

46、把被子往上一拉,把脸埋在枕头下。,What is the meaning of this sentence?,Difficult Sentences for TA Halbergs explanation ,Many people believe that our systems work at the same rate all throughout the day, but it is not true.,Halbergs explanation: instead of performing at a steady, unchanging rate, our systems functio

47、n on an approximately 25-hour cycle. (Para. 4),Please translate the sentence into Chinese.,哈尔伯格这样解释:我们的身体系统运行的周期大约是25小时,速度并非稳定不变。,What is the implied meaning of the italicized part in this sentence?,Difficult Sentences for TA of course ,Different people may show different patterns of temperature cha

48、nge, and such differences reflect differences in their circadian rhythms.,Of course, individual variations make all the difference. (Para. 11),Please translate the sentence into Chinese.,当然,个体差异关系重大。,What is the meaning of this sentence?,Difficult Sentences for TA All the subjects ,Sothern, a chrono

49、biologist who personally did the research and whose words are to be taken seriously, emphasizes the point that for effective dieting, its a good choice to eat breakfast rather than dinner.,“All the subjects lost weight eating breakfast,” states Sothern. “Those who ate dinner either maintained or gai

50、ned weight.” (Para. 14),Please translate the sentence into Chinese.,“所有吃早餐的研究对象都减了体重,”萨森说,“那些吃晚餐的成员,体重要么保持原样要么增加。”,What is the meaning of this sentence?,Difficult Sentences for TA The best way ,The best way to recover from a bad nights sleep is not to have more sleep in order to make up for the lost

51、 sleep, but to go on with your normal sleep-wake cycle, i.e. to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning, even on weekends.,The best way to recover from a bad nights sleep is simply to resume your normal cycle. (Para. 17),Please translate the sentence into Chi

52、nese.,一宿睡眠不足,最佳弥补方式是继续正常的周期,仅此而已。,What is the meaning of this sentence?,Extended Questions for Text A ( Para. 4),Q: Is Halbergs explanation about our systems new to you?,A: Yes. I didnt know that at different times of the day, some blood cells vary in number, and our heart rates, metabolic rates and

53、 body temperature also vary throughout the day. In addition, like many other people, I used to believe my body works on a 24-hour cycle. I did not know why sometimes I work with high efficiency, while at other times I dont feel like working at all. Now with Dr. Halbergs discoveries and explanation,

54、I seem to have a better idea about all this.,Extended Questions for Text A ( Para. 6),Q: Winget says that if you “coordinate the demands of your activities with your biological capacities”, you can “achieve your best with the least effort”. Can you cite an example to explain it?,A: For example, goin

55、g to the dentist is a painful experience. Now that we have learnt that our body tolerates pains differently at different times of the day, we may choose the time to go to the dentist when we are best able to endure pain.,Extended Questions for Text A ( Para. 7),Q: What can you infer from the staffs

56、response to Stevies absence?,A: We can infer that 1) for the past three years, Stevie had worked perfectly and had been a joy around, so he was an indispensable part of their life; and 2) they were quite worried about his heart problem. They might even wonder if he would come through it at all.,Exte

57、nded Questions for Text A ( Para. 13),Q: The text says “reading and reflection are better pursued between 2 and 4 p. m.” Is that the case with you? When is your best time for reading and reflection? Share your own experiences.,A: Possible answers: Yes, that is the case with me. My best time for read

58、ing and reflection is indeed between 2 and 4 p.m. My body does not function that way. I can do reading any time throughout the day; and reflection is best pursued before going to bed.,Extended Questions for Text A ( Paras. 14-15),Q: Paragraphs 14 and 15 offer several findings of scientific research.

59、 Which impresses you most?,A: Possible answers: As far as I am concerned, the information about eating breakfast rather than dinner for dieting is most impressive. I have been eating very little for supper and many friends of mine say that its not a healthy habit. Everyone agrees that to keep healthy we should not skip breakfast, but reading Paragraph 14, Ive gained a new insight skipping dinner might be a good choice. My father is a heavy drinker. Ill advise


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