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1、经络腧穴学双语示教课程Theory of Meridians Three Yang Meridians of Hand (Large Intestine,Triple Energizer and Small Intestine),Three Yang Meridians of Foot (Stomach,Gallbladder and Bladder),Three Yin Meridians of Foot (Spleen,Liver and Kidney)They are the major trunks of the system of the meridians,so they are

2、called the Twelve Regular Meridians.,主要内容(Outlines),1、十二经脉的名称和含义 2、十二经脉的分布规律 3、十二经脉的表里属络关系 4、十二经脉的循行走向 5、十二经脉的交接规律 6、十二经脉的气血循环流注,The Nomenclature The Distributions The exterior-interior relations The Courses The connections The flowing order,一、十二经脉的命名(1) The Nomenclature of the Twelve Regular Meridi

3、ans,十二经脉的名称是根据脏腑、手足、阴阳而定的。 The nomenclature of the Twelve Regular Meridians is based on the three factors: a) hand or foot, b) Yin or Yang,and c) Zang or Fu organ.,它们分别隶属于十二脏腑,各经都用其所属脏腑的名称 The Twelve Regular Meridians pertain to the twelve Zang and Fu organs correspondingly, each regular meridian is

4、 named after the organ to which it pertains. 结合循行于手、足、内、外、前、中、后的不同部位,根据阴阳学说而给予不同名称 In consideration of the factors, such as hand or foot, interior or exterior, anterior, middle or posterior aspect of the meridian travels through, and also in accordance with the theory of Yin and Yang,一、十二经脉的命名 The N

5、omenclature of the Twelve Regular Meridians,将其中隶属于六腑,循行于四肢的外侧的经脉称为阳经。将其中隶属于五脏,循行于四肢内侧的经脉称为阴经The meridians that pertain to the Fu-organs are Yang meridians which mainly travel along the lateral aspect of the limbs. The meridians that pertain to the Zang-organs are called Yin meridians which are mainl

6、y distributed on the medial aspect of the four limbs.,一、十二经脉的命名 The Nomenclature of the Twelve Regular Meridians,根据阴阳衍化的道理分为三阴、三阳,这样就出现了手太阴肺经,手阳明大肠经等十二经脉名称。 Based on the development of Yin and Yang theory, the meridians are divided into three Yin meridians and three Yang meridians.,一、十二经脉的命名 The Nom

7、enclature of the Twelve Regular Meridians,Prof.Dr.Med.Zheng Meifeng,8,The Nomenclature There is a pertaining and communicating relation between the Yin meridians and Yang meridians connected interiorly-exteriorly in the body. The Yin meridians pertain to the Zang-organs, and communicate with the Fu-

8、organs, while the Yang meridians pertain to the Fu-organs, and communicate with the Zang-organs.,三、十二经脉的表里络属关系 The Exterior-Interior and Pertaining Both the Triple Energizer Meridian and the Gallbladder Meridian reach the outer canthus.,五、十二经脉的交接(2) The Connections of the Twelve Regular Meridians,阴经

9、与阴经(即手足三阴经)在胸部交接。 如足太阴脾经与手少阴心经交接于心中,足少阴肾经与手厥阴心包经交接于胸中,足厥阴肝经与手太阴肺经交接于肺中。 The Yin meridians are met in the chest region. For instance, the Spleen Meridian links with the Heart Meridian in the heart, the Kidney Meridian links with the Pericardium Meridian in the chest, and the Liver Meridian links with

10、 the Lung Meridian in the lung.,五、十二经脉的交接(3) The Connections of the Twelve Regular Meridians,十二经脉的循行走向与衔接规律,头,胸,手,足,腹,足三阳,手三阳,手三阴,1、阳经与阳经在头面部衔接 2、阴经与阴经在胸部衔接 3、阴经与阳经在手足部衔接,足三阴,衔接规律,Prof.Dr.Med.Zheng Meifeng,29,六、十二经脉的气血循环流注The Flowing Order of the Twelve Regular Meridians,十二经脉的气血从肺经开始至肝经,再复从肺经而逐经相接,从

11、而构成了周而复始、如环无端的传注系统。,The circulation of qi and blood inside the Twelve meridians in like the circular movement endlessly. Their circulation starts from the lung meridian of Hand-Taiyin, runs to the liver meridian, and restarts like a ring without end.,Prof.Dr.Med.Zheng Meifeng,30,The Flowing Order of

12、 the Twelve Meridians,The Flowing Order of the Twelve Regular Meridians,LU,LI,ST,SP,HT,SI,BL,KI,PC,SJ,GB,LR,MiddleJiao,Prof.Dr.Med.Zheng Meifeng,32,总结(Summary),1、十二经脉的名称和含义 2、十二经脉的分布规律 3、十二经脉的表里属络关系 4、十二经脉的循行走向 5、十二经脉的交接规律 6、十二经脉的气血循环流注,The Nomenclature The Distributions The exterior-interior relations The Cour


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