国际贸易chapter 10.ppt_第1页
国际贸易chapter 10.ppt_第2页
国际贸易chapter 10.ppt_第3页
国际贸易chapter 10.ppt_第4页
国际贸易chapter 10.ppt_第5页
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1、Insurance,insurer the insured insurance premium insurance amount insurance risk insurance coverage insurance rate,dialogue,A: Shall we take up the terms of insurance right now? B:OK. A:We have a deal on CIF price.It means that it should be you who will buy the insurance,right? B:Certainly.The premiu

2、m should be paid by us.All our export goods sold on CIF terms are insured with the PICC . They provide a broad range of marine insurance ,such as FPA,WPA,All Risks and so on. A: What kind of coverage will you take out for our order then? B: Usually ,well only insure WPA for this kind. A: We hope you

3、 can cover the Packing Breakage Risk for us.,B:We can do that for you. But we wont pay this additional premium. A:We will pay that.So,please insure the consignment against WPA and packing Breakage Risk for 150% of the invoice value. B:I am sorry,we only can insure goods for 110% of the invoice value

4、.For 150% ,the extra premium will be borne by you. A:OK.By the way,since it is our first time to import from China,how is PICCs service?How about the claim? B:Dont worry.The Peoples Insurance Company of China enjoys a high prestige in the international trade .They will give a prompt settlement on cl

5、aims. A:Good. B:Then we made a deal that we will insure this consignment against . WPA and packing Breakage Risk for 150% of the invoice value.Is there anything else about the insurance clause? A:I dont think so.,Sentence pattern,1 If you cover an All Risks,it means you have every sort of hazard cov

6、ered. 2 Its necessary to read the “fine print”in any insurance policy to know what kind of coverage you are buying. 3 The underwriters are responsible for any claim within the scope of cover. 4 I am sorry but the loss in question is beyond the coverage granted by us. 5 The premium varies with the ra

7、nge of insurance .The rates quoted by us are very moderate. 6 We advice you to extend the coverage to include TPND,because WPA coverage is obviously too narrow for this shipment.,中国平安保险公司根据被保险人的要求及其所交付约定的保险费,按照本保险单背面所载条款与下列特款,承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。 This policy of insurance witnesses that Ping An Insuran

8、ce Company of China at the request of the insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid by the insured ,undertakes to insure the under-mentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of policy as per the clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.,Claims

9、 if any payable on surrender of this policy together with other relevent documents in the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this policy ,immediate notice applying for survey must be given to the companys agent as mentioned hereunder for checking. 所保货物,如遇出险,本公司凭保险单及

10、其他有关证件给付赔款。所保货物如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失或事故,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。,Basic risks(Natural calamities and fortuitous accidents that the carrying vessel may have) WPA(with particular average) FPA(free particular average) All risks,Additional risks(The events that the goods may have in transit) 1 TPND(Theft,Pilferage an

11、d Non-delivery Risks) 2 Fresh Water& Rain Damage Risk 3 Leakage Risk 4 Shortage Risk 5 Intermixture and Contamination Risk 6 Clash and Breakage Risks 7 Hook Damage Risk 8 Rust Risk 9 Taint of Odour Risk,10 Breakage of Packing Risk 11 Sweat and Heating Risk 12 Failure to Deliver Risk 13 Import Duty R

12、isk 14 on Deck Risk 15 Aflation Risk 16 Rejection Risk 17 War Risk 18 strikes Risk,To be covered by . with . against.for .of the invoice value. Insurance is to covered by the buyer with PICC against All Risks and TPND for 120 percent of the invoice value.,1 The one who buy insurance is called_ A) an

13、 insurance company B) a broker C) the insured D) an insurer 2 What is the name given to the sum of money which a person is agreed to pay to an insurance company? A) compensation B) premium C) investment D) commission 3 An insurance agreement is called an_ Insurance policy B) insurance contract C) In

14、surance cover D) insurance document 4 Under FOB contract, the _ is to arrange insurance. Seller B) insurer C) buyer D) carrier 5 The one who lodges a claim is known as_ A) Insurer B) insurance broker C) the insured D) claimant,6 _ is the broadest kind of coverage but does not include all risks. A) FPA B) WPA C) All Risks D) TPND 7 Risk of breakage is considered to be the _ A) FPA B) WPA C) General additional risks D) Special additional risks,FPA is an insurance term meaning that goods are covere


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