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1、英语作文范文含中文翻译 英语作文范文含中文翻译 万圣节活动 Activities in Halloween Halloween is on the last day of October, it is very popular in the western country. On that day, people will dress in the horrible style, especially for the kids, they will knock from door to door. If people dont give them the candy, the children

2、 will play tricks on them. But in China, more and more young people like to follow this trend, they will play the roles and find some fun. As for me, Id like to join some activities on the Halloween. My friends always have some funny costumes, so I will borrow one from them. Then we dress together,

3、when night es, we will e to join the party. We sing and dance. It is such a fun night. Before the midnight, we will get together and take some drinks. We talk about the happy hour. I like these activities. 万圣节在10月的最后一天,它在西方国家很受欢迎。在那一天,人们会穿着恐怖风格的服装,尤其是孩子们,他们会挨家挨户敲门。如果人们不给他们糖果,孩子们就会捉弄他们。但在中国,越来越多的年轻人喜

4、欢追随这个潮流,他们会扮演角色,找到乐趣。至于我,我喜欢在万圣节参加一些活动。我的朋友总是有一些有趣的服装,所以我会借一件。然后我们一起打扮,夜幕降临时,我们将会来参加聚会。我们唱歌跳舞。这是一个有趣的夜晚。在午夜之前,我们会聚在一起,喝饮料。我们谈论快乐的时光。我喜欢这些活动。 节假日的折扣 The Discount In Festivals The Womens Day is ing soon, when I search the Inter, there are a lot of products which are in sale, most are in low discount.

5、What a great temptation for me, even though I dont need these products, thinking about buying them in such low price, I feel the money deserves to be spent. When festivals e, the manufacturers will show the low discount and try to seduce people to buy their products, women are their main targets, be

6、cause women have the inner desire to make purchase.So am I.The fact is that after buying these products, people will soon find them are of no use, they dont know how to deal with these products. It is hard for people to resist the temptation of the low discount, we should think about if we really ne

7、ed them, or we can buy them in a few days, the time can test if we really need the products. 妇女节很快就要到了,在我上网的时候,看见很多正在打折的商品,大部分是低折扣。这对于我来说是多么大的诱惑啊,虽然我不需要这些产品,但是想到能以那么低的价格买下,我就觉得花钱很值得。当节日来临的时候,生产商会以低价格示人,引诱人们来买他们的产品,女人就是他们的主要目标,因为女人有天生的购物欲。本人也如此。事实上,在买了商品以后,人们很快就发现产品没用处,不知道该如何处理。人们很难抗拒低折扣的.诱惑,我们应该考虑下是

8、否真的需要这些产品,或者过些日子再买,时间能测验下我们是否真的需要这些产品。 动物园一日游 A Day in the Zoo There has been a long time for my family not to go out for the activity, because my father is busy all the time. But last week, my father finally finished his project, so that he could take a rest for some time. My father advised us to g

9、o to the zoo, I was so excited, because I hadnt seen many animals in my life. In the zoo, there were so many people, it was so lively. I saw the monkey, the giraffe and so on. I saw these animals in the TV usually, but I saw them in front of me that day. The peacock impressed me so much, it looked h

10、omely when it laid down the ground, but when it stood up and opened the wings, it was so gorgeous. People said peacock was proud, indeed, it would not please people. I had a good time in the zoo. 对于我的家人来说,我们已经有很长一段时间没有外出活动了,因为爸爸总是很忙。但是上周,我的爸爸终于完成了他的项目,所以他能休息一段时间。爸爸建议我们去动物园,我很兴奋,因为我目前还没有看到过很多动物。在动物园里

11、,有很多人,非常热闹。我看到了猴子,长颈鹿等等。我平常在电视上看到这些动物,但是那天我亲眼看到了。孔雀给我的印象很深刻,在它躺在地上的时候,看起来很普通,但是当它站起来,打开翅膀,是那么的美丽。人们说孔雀是傲慢的,确实,它不会取悦人们。在动物园里我度过了一段美好的时光。 我喜欢骑自行车 I Like Riding Bicycle When I was very small, I felt so envious to see the children riding bicycle, I thought they were so cool. So I tried so hard to learn

12、how to ride it. I still remembered the day when I could ride bicycle and I was so proud. Today, bicycle is still my favorite transportation. On the one hand, I can exercise my body. I ride the bicycle to go to school, it is true that I do have the strong body, because I barely feel sick. On the othe

13、r hand, riding the bicycle can protect our environment. Bicycle works with our legs instead of the gasoline. The gasoline burns and it lets out the air which can pollute our environment. So taking the bike is a good way to protect our environment. I think I will continue to keep bike as my favorite

14、transportation. 在我很小的时候,看到其他小孩子骑自行车,我会很羡慕,我觉得他们很酷。因此我很努力去学习骑自行车。我仍然记得在我学会骑自行车那天,我为自己感到自豪。今天,自行车仍然是我最爱的交通方式。一方面,我能锻炼身体。我骑着自行车上学,事实上,我也确实有着强壮的体魄,因为我几乎不生病。另一方面,骑自行车能保护我们的环境。自行车需要我们的腿来工作,而不是汽油。汽油燃烧会释放出污染我们环境的气体。因此骑车是保护我们环境的好方法。我觉得我会继续保持着自行车是我最爱的交通方式。 说谎难受 Telling Lies Is Painful People always say that a

15、 good kid should be honest, while for me, I always lie to my parents and do not realize the result that I may bring. Last week, I learned a lesson of _ing lies. It was Friday, early in the morning, I did not want to go to school, so I told my mother that I got a fever. I pretended to feel seriously.

16、 My mother looked very worried and she came out quickly, I thought she went to work, but after a while, she came back with some medicine. She told me that she asked for leave today and looked after me. I felt a little guilty but I dared not to confess. Then in afternoon, my teacher heard me sick and

17、 came to visit me. I felt so painful for _ing lies, I wasted everybodys time. At last, I confess and promised not to lie again. 人们总是说一个好孩子应该诚实,然而对于我来说,我总是对父母撒谎,没有意识到自己造成的后果。上周,我学到了撒谎的教训。那天星期五,一大早,我不想去上学,因此我告诉妈妈我发烧了。我装病得很严重。妈妈很担心我,她很快就跑出去。我以为她上班了,但是一会儿后,妈妈拿着药回来。她告诉我她今天请假来照顾我。我感到有点内疚,但是不敢坦白。在中午,我的老师听说

18、我生病了,来看望我。撒谎使得我很难受,我浪费了大家的时间。最后,我坦诚了,并且承诺再也不说谎了。 平凡也美丽 Ordinary Is Beautiful When we are very small, we dream to be the great person in the future, such as the scientist, the policeman and so on. It is good for the children to own the big dream, so that they will study hard and fight for their future. But the fact is that not all the person can bee the great person, most people are doing the ordinary jobs. In my opinion, ordinary is beautiful, too. Though th


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