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1、附件5:毕业论文(设计)外文资料译文论文题目 在线考试系统 . 学生姓名:XXX 年级(学号): .二级学院: 专业: 指导教师: 职称: .填表日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 20 年 月 日杭 州 师 范 学 院 教 务 处 制外文资料翻译(不少于4000外文印刷字符)1所译外文资料:第一篇:作者:Ethan Cerami书名(或论文题目):Web Servies Essentials出 版 社(或刊物名称):OReilly出版时间(或刊号):2002所译页码:p6-p15第二篇:作者:Yuan Zhenming1, Zhang Liang2, Zhan Guohua3书名(或论文题目):A

2、 NOVEL WEB-BASED ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION出 版 社(或刊物名称):IEEE Frontier in Education 2003出版时间(或刊号):2003.10所译页码:p1-p2译文1:第一章:介绍目前,3W服务主要用作文件和应用程序的交互接口。在大多数的情况下,这些都是用户接口,具代表性的是用于web浏览器,音频播放器或其他交互式首尾系统中。如果web服务能够扩展成为可以支持两个应用程序之间的交流的话,那它的作用和应用范围将会有显著的提升。W3C XML 协议工作组章程欢迎来到web

3、服务的世界。这一章将是你学习基本web服务的技术和架构的基础。也解决了一些最普遍的问题,包含有:什么是web服务?什么是web服务协议栈?什么是XML消息?服务描述?服务发现?什么是XMLRPC,SOAP,WSDL,和UDDI?这些技术是如何相互补充和协同工作的?什么安全问题是web服务特有的?目前存在什么样的规格标准?11 web服务的介绍一个web服务是任何一种能够在因特网上使用的服务,使用一种标准的XML消息体系,而不依附于任何一种操作系统和程序语言。(见图11)有若干项目可以对应XML消息。比如,你可以利用XML进行远程过程调用或SOAP,这两个概念我们将在稍候的章节中进行描述。另外,

4、你也可以选择用HTTP GET/POST来传递任意的XML文档。以上任意的项目都可以顺利工作。(见图12)虽然不是必须的,但一个web服务通常都有两个附加的(也是有用的)属性: 一个web服务需要有自我描述。如果你发布了一个新的web服务,同时你也需要为这个服务发布一个公共的界面。至少,你的服务需要包括人们可读懂的文档以便其他开发者可以更方便的整合你的服务。如果你建立了一个SOAP服务,你同时也需要完美的包含一个公共界面,并写入通用的XML文法中。XML文法可以用于识别所有的公共方法,方法的论点,以及返回结果。 一个web服务需要被展现。如果你建立了一个web服务,你就需要有一个相关的简单的机

5、制为你去发布这个事实。同样的,也需要一些对此有兴趣的部分的简单机制来寻找该服务,以及查找它的公共界面。而精确的机制可以通过一个完全分散的系统或一个逻辑上集中的注册系统。总结,一个完整的web服务是以下的一个服务: 是存在于因特网上或私有(本地)局域网上 利用一个标准的XML消息系统 不依附于任何一个操作系统或编程语言 通过一个通用的XML文法进行自我描述 能被一个简单的查询机制所发现1.1.1网络现状:以人为中心的网络为了让web服务更巩固,来考虑一个基本的电子商务的功能。举例来说,一个装饰品公司。通过它的网站来出售零件,以便能让顾客提交购买订单和核实订货状态。为了核实订货状态,顾客通过web

6、浏览器登陆公司网站并接收一张含有结果的HTML网页。(见图13)这个基本模型图释了一个以人为中心的网络,人作为一个发起网络请求的主要角色。同时也描绘出了一个目前大多数网络操作的主要模型。112 web服务:以应用为中心的网络利用web服务,我们从以人为中心的网络转变到以应用为中心的网络上来。但这并不代表人类完全推出了!这只是代表了会话可以直接在应用程序之间替代就好像在web浏览器和服务器之间一样的简单。举例来说,我们可以将之前的订单状态的应用放到web服务中来。应用程序和代理可以连接服务器然后直接利用它的功能。举例来说,一个详细目录的应用可以询问装饰品公司所有的订单状态。然后该目录系统可以处理

7、数据,并使用它,以及将它全部整合到提供链接的管理软件中去。(见图14)一个以应用为中心的网络在许多的领域中可以证明是很有帮助的。包含有信用卡的确认,包装跟踪,文件夹跟踪,商品的引进,货币的兑换以及语言的翻译。其他的项目包含有个人信息的集中存储,就像微软提议的.NET MyServices工程。.NET MyServices针对于集中式的日历,电子邮件,信用卡信息以及提供web服务以便数据的共享。Web服务和语义网web的创始人,蒂姆-贝纳思-李,最近提出了“语义网”的概念。它就好像一个以应用为中心的网,也同时使用了web服务中许多相同的思想。实际上,在最初w3c的wev服务会议上,李已经规定了

8、web服务其实就是语义网的一个实现。想要全面了解语义网,可以去全美科技网查看贝纳思-李的文章:/2001/0501issue/0501berners-lee.html.113 web服务的前景:自动化网络以应用为中心的网络并不是一个新的概念。几年来,开发人员开发出了CGI程序以及设计了Java servlets主要用于其他的应用中。举例来说,许多公司开发了信用卡服务,查询系统,以及新闻恢复系统。最关键的区别是大多数的这些系统都是由广告解决方案组成。利用web服务,我们可以有一些标准化的承诺,这可以期望降低整合到应用中的阻碍。Web服务体系在内容上彻底的为表


10、的自动化。下面给出它是如何工作的(参考图15)1 详细目录应用程序唤醒并连接到一个提供有集中目录的web服务,发出一个提问:“装饰品公司提供订单状态服务吗?”于是目录从装饰品公司返回信息并带有一个服务描述的指示器。2 详细目录应用程序连接到装饰品公司,然后返回服务描述。3 服务描述文件包含有完整的有关如何连接到特定服务的细节。于是详细目录应用程序可以自动调用订单状态服务。是否有这个可能性利用web服务技术实现该过程的自动化呢?不是完全可以:当前只有该过程的一部分可以实现自动化。举例说,就象我们在第9章将看到的,有可能建立一个Java程序去询问服务器注册器,了解了结果之后,选择一个实际需要使用的


12、过程的某些部分可以使我们实现自动化。114 工业前景目前关于web服务有许多竞争性的框架和提议。最大的三个竞争者是Microsoft 公司的.NET,IBM 公司的web 服务和Sun公司的Open Net Environment(ONE).每个框架都有它们自己特殊的环境,但它们对外都共享共同的web服务定义和构想。此外,所有的这些框架都共享一个通用的技术,主s要包含SOAP,WSDL和UDDI技术。这本书的焦点更多的是在通用的定义和技术上,而不是讲某一个特定框架的执行。希望本书能更好的武装你进行行销宣传了解和估计你的当前竞争对手。12 web服务体系有两个方法可以观察web服务体系。第一个办

13、法是调查每个web服务参与者的单独的任务,第二个办法是检测web服务协议栈引擎。121 web服务角色web服务体系包含有三个最主要的角色l 服务供应者这是web服务的供应者,服务供应者执行服务并使其在网上有效生存。l 服务请求者这是任意一个web服务的消费者。请求者利用一个现有的web服务进行网络连接以及发送一个XML请求。l 服务注册处有一个逻辑的中央目录服务。注册机提供了一个集中的位置以便开发人员发布新服务或寻找已有服务。于是服务器对公司和他们的服务来说就好像一个中央票据交换所。图16显示了主要的web服务角色以及它们是如何相互作用的。122 web服务协议栈第二个观察web服务体系的方

14、法是检查web服务协议栈引擎。该栈仍然在不断的进化中,但目前最主要的有四个层次。以下是对每个层次的一个简短描述l 服务传送这一层负责的是翻译两个应用之间的消息。目前,这一层包含有超文本传输协议(HTTP),简单邮件传输协议(SMTP),文件传输协议(FTP),和一些更新的协议,比如块扩展交换协议(BEEP)。l XML 消息这一层负责的是用通用的XML格式为消息进行编码以便使消息能够在两端都被识别。目前,这一层包含有XML-RPC和SOAP。l 服务描述这一层负责的是为特殊的web服务的公共界面提供描述。目前,服务描述是经由web服务描述语言(WSDL)进行处理的。l 服务发现这一层负责的是将

15、服务集中到通用的注册机中,以及提供简单的发布寻找功能。目前,服务发现是经由统一描述,发现和集成(UDDI)进行处理的。随着web服务的发展,更多的层次将被加入进来,每一层也将加入更多的技术。图17概述了web服务协议栈的现状。在本书中稍候将详细描述每一层。123 架构快照:IBM web服务浏览器为了对协议栈的确切工作获得一个深刻的认识,可以试着使用IBM web服务浏览器。浏览器可以让你查找到现有的服务,查看它们的服务描述,以及自动调用那些服务。这些都能让你实际上在不用编写任何代码的情况下通过协议栈来查看每一层。首先,打开一个浏览器登陆http:/

16、m/browser/. 你可以看到图18所描绘的这样一个屏幕。在右边的面板上,你可以找到一个针对现有web服务的中央注册机(它实际上使用的是UDDI,但目前为止还没有更多的详细细节)。在搜索框里,键入“IBM Web Services”然后单击搜索按钮。IBM将会为你搜索到中央目录并在左边的面板里显示出匹配的结果。选择最后的一个文件夹,“IBM Web Services TestArea”,你将见到一个列表,包含现有的web 服务。(见图19)单击“GetWeatherService”,右边的面板上将显示该服务的独有的详情。(见图110)数据中包含有“binding points”,它指示出了



19、些技术包括windows操作,Ms office,网络技术等,它们是各种课程的基础,就好象电子政府。现在,每个大学生都必须通过计算机技术课程,而每个公务员都必须通过相应的计算机操作考试。此外,高中的计算机基础教育正在发展中。90年代以来,在浙江,成千上万的人参加了不同级别的计算机教育和测试。这就需要开发一个在线学习系统来为这么多人服务,这也是一个解决多人学习以及计算机基础教育的有效方法。目前已经开发了许多基于web的在线学习和考试系统,如WebCT,QUIZIT,ASSYST和PILOT。在线考试系统最广泛的用在客观题测试和那些答案简单的,容易被格式化和在线处理的题目。典型的题目是判断题,多选

20、和单选题,和一些只需填一个字符串和数字的填空题。该系统中更多类型答案的评分需要由教师和评分者手工来评。此外,这些考试系统不支持操作技巧的测试,就好象Windows打印机的安装操作和Word编辑,等等在客户机的操作。我们研究的基本计算机操作技巧的考试系统有以下几个特征。(1)题目类型不仅包括客观题,同样包括Windows,Ms Word,Ms Excel,Internet技术等操作题。(2)该学习和考试系统的目标是训练操作技巧。结论是,在客户机的实际操作环境下练习是一个最好的办法。(3)目前开发一个自动的可以象评客观题一样评操作题的评分系统十分紧迫,然而以前的基于Web的学习和考试系统都不支持这



23、应不同的考试类型。学生签名 沈志钢 2004年 2月 2 5 日指导教师审阅意见:指导教师签名 . 年 月 日所译外文资料附件(含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分页码的复印件等一并予以装订)原文1:Chapter 1. IntroductionToday, the principal use of the World Wide Web is for interactive access todocuments and applications. In almost all cases, such access is by humanusers, typically working through W

24、eb browsers, audio players, or otherinteractive front-end systems. The Web can grow significantly in powerand scope if it is extended to support communication betweenapplications,from one program to another.- From the W3C XML ProtocolWorking Group CharterWelcome to the world of web services. This ch

25、apter will ground you in the basics of webservice terminology and architecture. It does so by answering the most common questions,including: What exactly is a web service? What is the web service protocol stack? What is XML messaging? Service description? Service discovery? What are XML-RPC, SOAP, W

26、SDL, and UDDI? How do these technologiescomplement each other and work together? What security issues are unique to web services? What standards currently exist?1.1 Introduction to Web ServicesA web service is any service that is available over the Internet, uses a standardized XMLmessaging system,

27、and is not tied to any one operating system or programming language.(See Figure 1-1 .)Figure 1-1. A basic web serviceThere are several alternatives for XML messaging. For example, you could use XMLRemote Procedure Calls (XML-RPC) or SOAP, both of which are described later in thischapter. Alternative

28、ly, you could just use HTTP GET/POST and pass arbitrary XMLdocuments. Any of these options can work. (See Figure 1-2.)Although they are not required, a web service may also have two additional (and desirable)properties: A web service should be self-describing. If you publish a new web service, yoush

29、ould also publish a public interface to the service. At a minimum, your serviceshould include human-readable documentation so that other developers can moreeasily integrate your service. If you have created a SOAP service, you should alsoideally include a public interface written in a common XML gra

30、mmar. The XMLgrammar can be used to identify all public methods, method arguments, and returnvalues. A web service should be discoverable. If you create a web service, there should bea relatively simple mechanism for you to publish this fact. Likewise, there shouldbe some simple mechanism whereby in

31、terested parties can find the service andlocate its public interface. The exact mechanism could be via a completelydecentralized system or a more logically centralized registry system.To summarize, a complete web service is, therefore, any service that: Is available over the Internet or private (int

32、ranet) networks Uses a standardized XML messaging system Is not tied to any one operating system or programming language Is self-describing via a common XML grammar Is discoverable via a simple find mechanism1.1.1 The Web Today: The Human-Centric WebTo make web services more concrete, consider basic

33、 e-commerce functionality. Forexample, Widgets, Inc. sells parts through its web site, enabling customers to submitpurchase orders and check on order status.To check on the order status, a customer logs into the company web site via a web browserand receives the results as an HTML page. (See Figure

34、1-3.)This basic model illustrates a human-centric Web, where humans are the primary actorsinitiating most web requests. It also represents the primary model on which most of theWeb operates today.1.1.2 Web Services: The Application-Centric WebWith web services, we move from a human-centric Web to an

35、 application-centric Web.This does not mean that humans are entirely out the picture! It just means thatconversations can take place directly between applications as easily as between webbrowsers and servers.For example, we can turn the order status application into a web service. Applications andag

36、ents can then connect to the service and utilize its functionality directly. For example,an inventory application can query Widgets, Inc. on the status of all orders. The inventorysystem can then process the data, manipulate it, and integrate it into its overall supplychain management software. (See

37、 Figure 1-4.)There are numerous areas where an application-centric Web could prove extremelyhelpful. Examples include credit card verification, package tracking, portfolio tracking,shopping bots, currency conversion, and language translation. Other options includecentralized repositories for persona

38、l information, such as Microsofts proposed .NETMyServices project. .NET MyServices aims to centralize calendar, email, and credit cardinformation and to provide web services for sharing that data.Web Services and the Semantic WebTim Berners-Lee, the original inventor of the Web, has recently argued

39、for aSemantic Web. The Semantic Web vision is application-centric, and shares manyof the same ideas as web services. In fact, at the first W3C conference on webservices, Berners-Lee stated that web services are an actualization of the SemanticWeb vision. For an overview of the Semantic Web, see Bern

40、ers-Lees article inScientific American: /2001/0501issue/0501berners-lee.html.1.1.3 The Web Services Vision: The Automated WebAn application-centric Web is not a new notion. For years, developers have created CGIprograms and Java servlets designed primarily for use by other applica

41、tions. For example,companies have developed credit card services, search systems, and news retrievalsystems.The crucial difference is that most of these systems consisted of ad hoc solutions. Withweb services, we have the promise of some standardization, which should hopefully lowerthe barrier to ap

42、plication integration.The web service architecture provides an interesting alternative fordrastically decoupling presentation from content. For example, a sitecould consist of nothing but container pages that pass parameters tothe real logic via SOAP or XML-RPC. This makes it easy to changepresentat

43、ion and also lets humans and computers share a single webservice.In the long term, web services also offer the promise of the automated Web. If services areeasily discoverable, self-describing, and stick to common standards, it is possible toautomate application integration. Some in the industry hav

44、e referred to this as just-intimeapplication integration.For example, consider the case of MegaElectric (ME). ME wants to buy parts fromWidgets, Inc. and also wants to seamlessly integrate order status into a unified inventorysystem. At some point in the future, ME will be able to buy software that

45、automates thisentire process. Heres how it might work (refer to Figure 1-5):1. The inventory application wakes up and connects to a centralized directory of webservices: Does Widgets, Inc. provide an order status service? The directory returnsinformation on Widgets, Inc.s service and includes a poin

46、ter to the servicedescription.2. The inventory application connects to Widgets, Inc. and retrieves the servicedescription.3. The service description file includes complete details about how to connect to thespecified service. The inventory application can therefore automatically invoke theorder stat

47、us service.Is it possible to automate this process using existing web services technology? Not quite:only parts of the process can currently be automated. For example, as we will see inChapter 9, it is possible to create Java programs that query service registries.Understanding the results and choos

48、ing which service to actually use, however, stillrequires some human intervention. It is also possible to automatically invoke a service,based on a service description. For example, as we will see in Chapter 6, many automaticinvocation tools already exist and work extremely well.Even if all these st

49、eps could be automated, there is currently no mechanism for automatingbusiness relationships. For example, current service descriptions do not cover guaranteeson pricing, delivery schedules, or legal ramifications if deliveries are not made. Given aservice description, you also cannot assume that th

50、e service is bug-free or that the serviceis available 100 percent of the time.These types of issues are not easily solved and are not easily automated. Completelyautomated web services and just-in-time application integration may therefore never berealized. Nonetheless, current web service technolog

51、y does take us one step closer, anddoes enable us to automate portions of the process.1.1.4 The Industry LandscapeThere are currently many competing frameworks and proposals for web services. Thethree main contenders are Microsofts .NET, IBM Web Services, and Sun Open NetEnvironment (ONE). While eac

52、h of these frameworks has its own particular niche andspin, they all share the basic web service definition and vision put forth here. Furthermore,all of the frameworks share a common set of technologies, mainly SOAP, WSDL, andUDDI.Rather than focusing on one particular implementation or framework,

53、this book focuses oncommon definitions and technologies. Hopefully, this will better equip you to cut throughthe marketing hype and understand and evaluate the current contenders.1.2 Web Service ArchitectureThere are two ways to view the web service architecture. The first is to examine theindividua

54、l roles of each web service actor; the second is to examine the emerging webservice protocol stack.1.2.1 Web Service RolesThere are three major roles within the web service architecture:Service providerThis is the provider of the web service. The service provider implements the serviceand makes it a

55、vailable on the Internet.Service requestorThis is any consumer of the web service. The requestor utilizes an existing webservice by opening a network connection and sending an XML request.Service registryThis is a logically centralized directory of services. The registry provides a centralplace where developers can publish new services or find existing ones. It thereforeserves as a centralized clearinghouse for companies and their services.Figure 1-6 shows the major web service roles and how they interact with each other.A second option for viewing the web service architecture i


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