1、翻译经典句型Classical Sentence Patterns,Lecture: Frank Chen Hangzhou New Oriental School,1. 选择类经典句,中文:要么要么; 英文:leave sb. the choice of A or B。 例句1: Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.,1. 选择类经典句,敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。 例句2: 年过三十,要么结婚,
2、要么单身。 The age of thirty leaves us the choice of marriage or remaining bachelor.,2. 使动类经典句,中文:使、让; 英文:be the instrument of 例句1: The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily, we are to be the instruments of saving them from the tyranny medit
3、ated against them.,2. 使动类经典句,我们将有幸为他们效劳,将他们从企图强加干涉他们的暴政中解决出来。 例句2: 他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台。 The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.,2. 使动类经典句,例句3: 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。 If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 注意句子多样性 make, let,
4、have,2. 使动类经典句,虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, conceit / arrogance makes one lag behind. cause , lead to 政策的变化无常在劳动大军中引起了很大的困惑。,2. 使动类经典句,The constant changes of policy have caused / led to a great deal of uncertainty in the workforce. enable 婶婶给简了一些钱,让简买下了那幢房子。 The money from her au
5、nt enabled Jan to buy the house.,3. 回忆类经典句,中文:发生、追溯到; 英文:It was the memories of _ when 例句1:Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning point in their nations development.,3. 回忆类经典句,追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。 例句2:1
6、945年,广岛和长崎遭受了原子弹的冲击,从而形成了零地带。,3. 回忆类经典句,It was the memory of 1945 when Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb, which was the instrument of (originated) the term of “zero ground”. 零地带(zero ground):指纽约世贸大厦2001年9月11日遭两家劫持的飞机撞击坍塌后所形成的废墟,源出自原子弹着陆后的爆炸点。,4. 假设类经典句,中文:如果,基于 英文:on th
7、e premise / prerequisite / presupposition / hypothesis that 例句1:中国政府宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。,4. 假设类经典句,Chinese government declared to implement the principle of peaceful reunification on the premise that the Taiwan Authority stuck to that there is only one China in the wor
8、ld and Taiwan is a part of it.,4. 假设类经典句,宣布 declare, state, maintain affirm, attest, avow, aver 实施 Implement, exert, adopt 坚持 stick to, adhere to, insist on,4. 假设类经典句,hold steadfast to 例句2:对投资者的建议是以利率会继续下跌为根据的。 Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.,
9、5. 意愿类经典句,中文:一定;必定; 英文:be bound to 例句1:正义战争一定会战胜侵略战争。 Just wars are bound to be superior to / triumph over wars of aggression / invasion.,5. 意愿类经典句,例句2:西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。 The Great Western Development is bound to be a bridge between China and the rest world, promoting the c
10、ommon economic development and prosperity of China and the world at large.,6. 描述类经典句,英文:a matter of sth. / doing sth. 可以用来取代be+形容词这种系表结构 例句1:Considering the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. “Eventually, being poor wont be as much a matter of living in a poor country as i
11、t will be a matter of having poor skills.”,6. 描述类经典句,请思考一下同一个人现在及八年前说的话。“说到底,贫穷与其说是生活在贫穷的国家里,还不如说是技艺不精。” 例句2:这件任务极其困难。 The task is a matter of hard work. 例句3:处理这些问题全凭经验。 Dealing these problems is a matter of experience.,7. 比较类经典句,中文:恰如;也会;正如;雷同;相似;一样;如出一辙; 英文:This is the similar case with 例句1:这恰如我们虽
12、然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的宗谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。,7. 比较类经典句,This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration despite our disability to understand the score of Mozarts musical pieces. 例句2:除此以外,老百姓的服务性消费,如教育,信息,旅游等消费也会大量增长。,7. 比较类经典句,Besides, this is also th
13、e case with the citizens expenditure such as education, information, travelling will have a great increase. 例句3:中国的经济飞速增长,法国也如出一辙。(英文的最佳形式是 名字+动词+名词) Chinese economy enjoys a striking increase, which is the similar case with France.,8. 举例类经典句,中文:A可以反应在以下事实;B这点也证实了A。 英文:A be exemplified by B 也可用 illu
14、strated by demonstrated by represented by ,8. 举例类经典句,例句1:This American desire to keep the childrens world separate from that of adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.,8. 举例类经典句,译法1:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是
15、晚些时候才告诉孩子们,这一点也证实了美国人想把儿童的世界和成人的世界隔离开的愿望。 译法2:美国人想把儿童和成人的世界划清界限,这一愿望还反映在以下事实:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是设法晚点将消息告诉他们的子女。,8. 举例类经典句,例句2:The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups go together to the same schools. 体力劳动者在任何场合通常都相当自
16、在。收入档次不同的人上同一所学校,这个事实多少说明了这一点。,9. 判断类经典句,中文:是 英文:constitute 例句1:历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最合理和实用的国际关系。,9. 判断类经典句,History has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relations
17、hip.,9. 判断类经典句,例句2:我的决定不应视为先例。 My decision does not constitute a precedent. 例句3:这次失败是我们外交史上一次较大的挫折。 This defeat constitutes one of the largest setbacks in our diplomacy.,10. 发生类经典句,中文:见证 英文:a time / place / event witness sth. / sb. do a particular thing in a particular situation 引入:我从小在杭州长大。 例句1:经过2
18、0多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已经奠定了一定的基础。,10. 发生类经典句,比较1:A relatively solid foundation has been laid in the Western Region of China, owing to over 20 years rapid development. 比较2:Twenty years rapid development witnesses a relatively solid foundation lying in the Western Region of China.,10. 发生类经典句,比较3:Western Regi
19、on of China has witnessed a relatively solid foundation owing to over 20 years development. 例句2:在下一轮的会谈中,我们将宣布中东地区永久停火协议,对此我抱有乐观态度并充满希望。,10. 发生类经典句,I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire in the Middle East. 布什的告别演说 George W. Bush Presidential Fare
20、well,10. 发生类经典句, Five days from now, the world will witness the vitality of American democracy. And I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity and grace that I have witnessed these past eight years.,11. 否定类经典句,中文:失去了,丧失了 英文:desert 例句1:Her presence of mind had not completely deserted h
21、er; but she could not have trusted herself to speak. 她没有完全丧失镇定,却怀疑自己能不能说好。,11. 否定类经典句,例句2:迈克似乎丧失了信心。 Mikes confidence seemed to have deserted him. 例句3:我没什么食欲了。 The appetite have completely deserted me.,11. 否定类经典句,例句4:两党意见不一,众说纷纭。 Agreement have deserted both parties. 经典类句型 源自真题,用于真题,希望大家都有自己的经典句! 例如
22、:生命不息,奋斗不止。 存在类经典句 Where there is , there is ,练习题,1. 我国航天技术将广泛应用于西部开发。 The Space technology will be applied extensively to the development of Chinas West. Space technology will witness / find a wide utilization of development of Chinas West.,练习题,2. 资源枯竭,环境恶化,人口激增,是当今人类面临的三大全球性问题,而航天技术可能成为解决上述问题的重要手段
23、。 Resource exhaustion, environment degradation, population explosion constitute the three major global issues confronting human beings, while space technology might become the instrument of tackling these problems.,练习题,3. 日本直到1983年才提出要做“政治大国”。 Not until the year 1983 have Japan proposed to become a
24、major political power. It is the memory of 1983 when Japan did raise the issue of becoming a major political power.,练习题,4. 语法论述语言的结构,英语语法论述英语的结构,法语语法论述法语的结构。 Grammar deals with structure of language, English with the structure of English, and it is the similar case with French.,练习题,5. 合格的导游就必须熟悉这个国家
25、的历史和文化。 Becoming a qualified tourist guide is under the premise that you have a good knowledge of the history and culture of the country. 不要被句型束缚。,练习题,6. 要学好英语就必须尽可能地接触这门语言。 Learning English language well is on the premise of exposing yourself to it as much as possible.() Exposing yourself to English as much as possible is the instrument of learning it well. (),练习题,7. 没有党的领导要实现四个现代化是不可能的。 It is impossible to realize the Four Modernizations without the strong party leaders
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- 课题申报参考:建构自主知识体系视域下的档案学术语革命研究
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