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1、Lesson 11 Weather Around the World,Objectives:,Be able to read!,1,Be able to listen!,2,Be able to communicate!,3,Be able to understand!,4,Warm-up 1,Complete the Word Builder. Then talk about the weather today.,Warm-up 1,Complete the Word Builder. Thea talk about the weather today.,Example A: Whats t

2、he weather like today? B: Its snowy.,Warm-up 2,Look at the photos and talk about the weather in your cities.,Example Its sunny in London.,Read and complete the weather report. Then listen and check.,And now, time for the weather. Itll be very cold tomorrow in New York. Theyll be some 1_ and strong 2

3、_. Itll be snowy and windy, so it wont be a good day to go sightseeing. In Sydney, Australia, itll be hot and sunny in the morning, but itll turn cloudy in the afternoon, so go to the beach early!,Read and complete the weather report. Then listen and check.,Itll also be 3_ in Shanghai tomorrow durin

4、g the day with heavy 4_ at night. Itll be rainy over the weekend, too. This is bad news for tourists in Shanghai, but visitors to London will be happy. The rainy weather there will soon be over. Tomorrow, youll see lots of 5_ and itll be sunny and warm all week.,Read and complete the weather report.

5、 Then listen and check.,Answers:,1.snow 2.wind 3.cloudy 4.rain 5.tourists,Chinese version:,现在是天气预报时间。纽约明天会很冷。会有雨雪大风天气。因为降雪和大风所以不利于去观光。在澳大利亚悉尼,早上晴朗炎热,下午天气会转阴,所以尽早去沙滩。,Read and complete the weather report. Then listen and check.,上海明天白天同样是多云天气,晚间会有大雨。整个周末都回有雨。这对上海的游客来说是个坏消息,但是伦敦的游客该感到庆幸,降雨天气很快就会过去,明天,你

6、可以见到大量游客,晴好天气持续整个星期。,Listen to the tape, and check your answer from above. Then read aloud the text!,Check our answers in pairs and talk with each other.,Grammar Part!,一般将来时(The Future Simple),Use 用法 一般将来时表示将要发生的事,或将来某一段时间经常进行的动作或状态。 Form形式 一般将来时有助动词shall/will+动词原形,或be going to+动词原形构成。,一般将来时(The Fut

7、ure Simple),1.will, shall 1)肯定句 各种人称后都可以用will+动词原形构成将来时。 will本身没有人称和数的变化,可以缩写为“it”。例如: I m sure hell become a good doctor.,一般将来时(The Future Simple),2)否定句 直接在will后面加not。例如: It wont be long before the rain stops. 3)疑问句 根据需要,将will提前,改变句子的语序。例如: -Will you come tomorrow? -Yes, I will./ No, I wont.,一般将来时(

8、The Future Simple),4)shall用于第一人称后,常用于疑问句,表示征求对方的意见。例如: Shall I turn on the light? Shall we take a taxi?,一般将来时(The Future Simple),2.be going to be going to主要表达: 1)准备/打算做某事。例如: Im going to clean my bedroom tonight. Where are you going to put the new TV?,一般将来时(The Future Simple),2)依据现在的情况或迹象,预计要发生的事。例如

9、: It is going to rain this afternoon. My aunt is going to have a baby. be going to的否定形式是在be动词后加not,疑问形式是将be动词提前。 例如: Im not going to throw it away.,一般将来时(The Future Simple),3)表示按计划、安排要发生的动作时,可以用进行时表将来。例如: Hes coming to see you tomorrow. Were meeting Peter tonight.,一般将来时(The Future Simple),一般将来时常与表示将

10、来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, from now on, in the future等。例如: He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.,Make sentences with the words below.,1.cold and snowy/ Shanghai/ tomorrow afternoon 2. tomorrow/sunny/Sydney 3.rain/London/tomorrow night 4.a cloudy day/ New York/ on Saturday,Make sentences with the words below.,1.On tomorrow afternoon Shanghai will be cold and snowy. 2. Tomorrow Sydney will be sunny. 3.At tomorrow night London will rain. 4.New York will be a cloudy day on Saturday,Speaking Part!,Talk about tomorr


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