1、2020/8/12,1,outline,Hydrocarbons (烃) Alkyl Halides (卤代烷) Alcohols (醇) Ketones (酮) Aldehedye (醛) Carboxylic acid (羧酸) Ethers (醚) Esters (酯) Amine (胺) Amide (酰胺),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2020/8/12,2,The IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry is a systematic method (系统方法) of naming organ
2、ic chemical compounds as recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Ideally, every possible organic compound should have a name from which an unambiguous structural formula can be drawn. There is also an IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry .,2020/8/12,3,1. Id
3、entify the parent hydrocarbon chain. This chain must follow the following rules, in order of precedence: It should have maximum substituents (取代基)of the suffix functional group. It should have maximum number of multiple bonds. It should have the maximum length. It should have maximum number of doubl
4、e bonds,In chemistry, a number of prefixes(前缀), suffixes (后缀) and infixes are used to describe the type and position of functional groups in the compound.,2020/8/12,4,Identify the parent functional group, if any, with the highest order of precedence. Identify the side-chains. Identify the remaining
5、functional groups, if any, and name them by the name of their ions . Different side-chains and functional groups will be grouped together in alphabetical order. Identify double/triple bonds. Number the chain. Has the lowest locant for the suffix functional group. Has the lowest locants for multiple
6、bonds. Has the lowest locants for double bonds Has the lowest locants for prefixes,2020/8/12,5,Number the various substituents and bonds with their locants. Arrange everything like this: Group of side chains and secondary functional groups with numbers made in step 3 + prefix of parent hydrocarbon c
7、hain (eth, meth) + double/triple bonds with numbers (or ane) + primary functional group suffix with numbers.Wherever it says with numbers, it is understood that between the word and the numbers, you use the prefix(di-, tri-) Add punctuation: Put commas between numbers (2 5 5 becomes 2,5,5) Put a hyp
8、hen between a number and a letter (2 5 5 trimethylhexane becomes 2,5,5-trimethylhexane) Successive words are merged into one word (trimethyl hexane becomes trimethylhexane),2020/8/12,6,The finalized name should look like this,#,#-di-#-#-#,#,#-tri-#,#-di-#-#-,# is used for a number,2020/8/12,7,Straig
9、ht-chain alkanes take the suffix(后缀) -ane and are prefixed depending on the number of carbon atoms in the chain.,CH4 methane; CH3(CH2) 7CH3 nonane,1. Straight-chain alkanes (直链烷烃),Hydrocarbons(烃),Nomenclature (系统命名法) for some alkanes,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2020/8/12,8,Triacontane三十烷H
10、entriacontane三十一烷Dotriacontane 三十二烷Tritriacontane 三十三烷Tetratriacontane 三十四烷.Hexatriacontane三十六烷Heptatriacontane 三十七烷Nonatriacontane三十九烷,Eicosane二十烷 Heneicosane 二十一烷 Docosane二十二烷Tricosane二十三烷Tetracosane二十四烷Pentacosane二十五烷Octacosane二十八烷Nonacosane二十九烷,Tetracontane 四十烷 Hentetracontane 四十一烷Dotetracontane
11、 四十二烷Tetratetracontane 四十四烷Hexatetracontane 四十六烷Octatetracontane 四十八烷,Dopentacontane 五十二烷Hexapentacontane 五十六烷Tetrapentacontane 五十四烷,一百烷 hectane 一百三十二烷 dotricontahectane,Decane 十烷,2020/8/12,9,The naming convention for alkyls is much the same as alkanes. The suffix(后缀) is always -yl.,2. alkyls(烷基),2,
12、3,3-trimethylpentane,Hydrocarbons,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,表示基团个数:mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-,2020/8/12,10,Prefix(前缀) of alkyls: n-(正), iso-(异), sec(仲)-, tert(叔)-,Hydrocarbons,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,n: normal; sec: secondary (仲); tert: tertiary (叔),CH3,仲丁基,叔
13、丁基,叔戊基,异戊基,异丁基,正丁基,2020/8/12,11,(CH3) 2CHCH3:isobutane, 2-methylpropane. iso: a methyl group bonded to the middle (2) carbon, and given the systematic name 2-methylpropane.,3. Branched alkanes,Hydrocarbons,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2-甲基丙烷,3-甲基-4-丙基-辛烷,4-甲基-3-乙基-己烷,If a chemical has diff
14、erent substituents, the substituents are ordered alphabetically .,2020/8/12,12,If several groups of the same kind are attached to the main chain, list the groups only once using the appropriate numerical prefix di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca etc. to indicate how many times that
15、 side group appears.,a) Hyphens (连字号) must separate numbers and letters b) Commas(逗号) must separate numbers c) the di, tri, tetra etc. are not included in the alphabetizing process. d) n, s, and t are not included in the alphabetizing process, but iso is,5-ethyl-2,3-dimethylheptane,2020/8/12,13,Chec
16、k 1: Please give name to the following structures,2,2,4,4-tetrametylpetane,2,3,3-trimetylhexane,2,2,4,4-四甲基戊烷,2,3,3-三甲基己烷,2020/8/12,14,Cyclopropane,Cyclobutane,Cyclopentane,Cyclohexane,Cyclic alkanes are simply prefixed with cyclo-,4. Cyclic alkanes,2020/8/12,15,1-methylcyclopentane,Check 2: Please
17、give name to the following structures,1,2-二甲基环丁烷,1-甲基环戊烷,1,2-二甲基环己烷,2020/8/12,16,2,3,5-三甲基-4-丙基庚烷,have maximum substituents,4-isopropyl-6-propylnonane,4-丙基-6-异丙基壬烷,2,3,5-trimethyl-4-propylheptane,have maximum length,2020/8/12,17,Halogen(卤素) functional groups are prefixed with the bonding position an
18、d take the form fluoro-(氟-), chloro-(氯-), bromo-(溴-), iodo-(碘-), etc., depending on the halogen. Multiple groups are dichloro-, trichloro-, etc, and dissimilar groups are ordered alphabetically as before. CHCl3 (chloroform) : trichloromethane. The anesthetic (麻醉的)Halothane (氟烷 ,CF3CHBrCl): 2-bromo-2
19、-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane.,5. Halogens (Alkyl Halides 卤代烃),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,1,1,1-三氟-2-氯-2-溴-乙烷,氯仿 三氯甲烷,3-bromo-4-chlorohexane,2020/8/12,18,Check 3: Please give name to the following structures,3-chloro-5-methylheptane,2020/8/12,19,6. Alkenes(烯烃) and Alkynes(炔烃),Alkenes are
20、 named for their parent alkane chain with the suffix -ene and an infixed number indicating the position of the double-bonded carbon in the chain: CH2=CHCH2CH3 is but-1-ene.,Hydrocarbons,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,cyclohexene,penta-1,3-diene,cyclohexene,7,7-dimethyl-4-propylnon-2-ene,2020
21、/8/12,20,Alkynes are named using the same system, with the suffix -yne indicating a triple bond: ethyne (acetylene), propyne (methylacetylene).,6,6-diethyl-oct-3-yne,Acetylene bond (炔鍵 ), triple bond,2020/8/12,21,2,4-dimethylhexane,5-ethyl-3,3-dimethylhept-1-ene (not 3-ethyl-5,5-dimethylhept-6-ene),
22、Check 4: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,22,Alcohols (R-OH) take the suffix -ol with an infix numerical bonding position: CH3CH2CH2OH is propan-1-ol. The suffixes -diol, -triol, -tetraol, etc., are used for multiple -OH groups: Ethylene glycol CH2OHCH2OH is ethane-1,2-diol.,2.
23、 Alcohols(醇),If higher precedence functional groups are present (see order of precedence, below), the prefix hydroxy is used with the bonding position. CH3CHOHCOOH is 2-hydroxypropanoic acid.,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,ethan-1,2-diol,2020/8/12,23,pentan-2-ol,1,1,1-trichloro-3,3-dimethylh
24、exan-2-ol,Cyclohexan-1,2-diol,Check 5: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,24,Ethers (R-O-R) consist of an oxygen atom between the two attached carbon chains. The shorter of the two chains becomes the first part of the name with the -ane suffix changed to -oxy, and the longer alka
25、ne chain become the suffix of the name of the ether. If the oxygen is not attached to the end of the main alkane chain, then the whole shorter alkyl-plus-ether group is treated as a side-chain and prefixed with its bonding position on the main chain. Thus CH3OCH(CH3)2 is 2-methoxypropane.,(not ethox
26、ymethane).,3. Ethers(醚),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2020/8/12,25,4-ethoxy-2-methylhexane,Check 6: Please give name to the following structures,2-methoxy-3-chloropentane,O,isopropoxybutane,2020/8/12,26,Aldehydes (R-CHO) take the suffix -al. If other functional groups are present, the chain
27、 is numbered such that the aldehyde carbon is in the 1 position. If a prefix form is required, oxo- is used (as for ketones), with the position number indicating the end of a chain: CHOCH2COOH is 3-oxopropanoic acid. If the carbon in the carbonyl group cannot be included in the attached chain (for i
28、nstance in the case of cyclic aldehydes), the prefix formyl- or the suffix -carbaldehyde is used: C6H11CHO is cyclohexanecarbaldehyde.,4. Aldehydes(醛),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,5-methyl-4-en-hexal,5-甲基-4-己烯醛,4-(Benzyloxy)- 3-formyl(1,1-biphenyl)-3-carboxylic acid,4-(苯氧基)-3-甲酰(1,1-联苯)-3-
29、羧酸,2020/8/12,27,In general ketones (R-CO-R) take the suffix -one (pronounced own, not won) with an infix position number: CH3CH2CH2COCH3 is pentan-2-one. If a higher precedence suffix is in use, the prefix oxo- is used.,5. Ketones(酮),CH3CH2CH2COCH2CHO 3-oxohexanal,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compou
30、nds,2020/8/12,28,In general carboxylic acids are named with the suffix -oic acid. As for aldehydes, they take the 1 position on the parent chain. For carboxylic acids attached to a benzene ring such as Ph-COOH, these are named as benzoic acid or its derivatives. If there are multiple carboxyl groups
31、 on the same parent chain, the suffix -carboxylic acid can be used (as -dicarboxylic acid, -tricarboxylic acid, etc.). In these cases, the carbon in the carboxyl group does not count as being part of the main alkane chain.,6. Carboxylic acids(羧酸),Citric acid (柠檬酸),2-hydroxypropane- 1,2,3-tricarboxyl
32、ic acid,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2-(trifluoromethyl)benzoic acid,2020/8/12,29,3-chloro-3-methylbutanal,3,4-dibromobutan-2-one,2-pentanone,cyclohexanone,Check 7: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,30,7. Esters(酯),Esters (R-CO-O-R) are named as alkyl derivatives of ca
33、rboxylic acids. The alkyl (R) group is named first. The R-CO-O part is then named as a separate word based on the carboxylic acid name, with the ending changed from -oic acid to -oate. CH3CH2CH2CH2COOCH3 is methyl pentanoate, (CH3) 2CHCH2CH2COOCH2CH3 is ethyl 4-methylpentanoate. For esters such as e
34、thyl acetate (CH3COOCH2CH3), ethyl formate (HCOOCH2CH3) or dimethyl phthalate that are based on common acids, IUPAC recommends use of these established names, called retained names. The -oate changes to -ate. Some simple examples, named both ways, are shown in the figure above,3.1 Nomenclatures of O
35、rganic Compounds,dimethyl phthalate,2020/8/12,31,If the alkyl group is not attached at the end of the chain, the bond position to the ester group is infixed before -yl: CH3CH2CH(CH3)OOCCH2CH3 may be called but-2-yl propanoate or but-2-yl propionate,Esters(酯),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,pr
36、opionic acid - 丙酸,2020/8/12,32,2,2,2-trifluoroethanoic acid,1,2-ethanedioic acid (oxalic acid 草酸),Isopropyl 2,2-dimethylbutanoate,Check8: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,33,.,8. Amines(胺),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2-butanamine,cyclohexanamine,Primary Amines (伯胺,R-
37、NH2) are named for the attached alkane chain with the suffix “-amine” (e.g. CH3NH2 methanamine). If necessary, the bonding position infixed,If higher precedence functional groups are present (see order of precedence, below), the prefix “amino is used with the bonding position,2020/8/12,34,diethylami
38、ne,For secondary amines (仲胺) (of the form R-NH-R), the longest carbon chain attached to the nitrogen atom becomes the primary name of the amine; the other chain is prefixed as an alkyl group with location prefix given as an italic (斜体的) N : CH3NHCH2CH3 is N-methylethanamine.,乙二胺,N-甲基乙胺,N-甲基-N-乙基丙胺,N
39、-ethylethanamine,2020/8/12,35,trimethylamine,triphenylamine,Tertiary amines (叔胺,R-NR-R) are treated similarly: CH3CH2N(CH3)CH2CH2CH3 is N-ethyl-N-methylpropanamine. Again, the substituent groups are ordered alphabetically.,三甲胺,三苯胺,2020/8/12,36,N-methylpropan-1-amine,N-ethyl-N-methylbutan-1-amine,N,N
40、-dimethylbutan-2-amine,Check 9: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,37,Amides (R-CO-NH2) take the suffix -amide. There is no prefix form, and no location number is required since they always terminate a carbon chain, e.g. CH3CONH2 (acetamide) is named ethanamide. Secondary and ter
41、tiary amides are treated similarly to the case of amines: alkane chains bonded to the nitrogen atom are treated as substituents with the location prefix N: HCON(CH3)2 is N,N-dimethylmethanamide.,9. Amides(酰胺),3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,2020/8/12,38,N-methylpropanamide,N,N-dimethylpropana
42、mide,N-isopropyl-N-methylbut-2-en-amide,Check 10: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,39,Benzene is the most common aromatic parent structure. a. The benzene ring is named as a phenyl group when it is a substituent. b. Multiple substituents on a benzene ring are numbered to give t
43、hese substituents the lowest possible numbers. When only two substituents are attached to a benzene ring, they can be named by the common nomenclature using ortho (o-) (1-2 placement), meta (m-) (1-3 placement) or para (p-) (1-4 placement).,ortho-xylene,10. Aromatic hydrocarbon(芳香烃),Phenylethyne,ben
44、zene,meta-xylene,para-xylene,2020/8/12,40,Select the names for each structure: 1. Chlorocyclohexane 2. Chlorobenzene 3. 1-chlorobenzene 1. Meta-methyltoluene 2. Meta-dimethylbenzene 3. 1,3-dimethylbenzene,Check 11: Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,41,1,3-diethyl-2-methylbenzene
45、,1,3-dichlorobenzene,Ortho-chlorotoluene,1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene,1-methyl-3-vinyl - benzene,vinyl :乙烯基,2020/8/12,42,anthracene,phenanthrene,a -isopropylnaphthalene,1-ethyl-5-methylnaphthalene,1-methylnaphthalene -methylnaphthalene,2-ethenylnaphthalene -vinylnaphthalene,naphthalene,2020/8/12,43,nitro
46、: 硝基,2020/8/12,44,When compounds contain more than one functional group, the order of precedence determines which groups are named with prefix or suffix forms. The highest precedence group takes the suffix, with all others taking the prefix form. However, double and triple bonds only take suffix for
47、m (-ene and -yne) and are used with other suffixes. Prefixed substituents are ordered alphabetically (excluding any modifiers such as di-, tri-, etc.), e.g. chlorofluoromethane, not fluorochloromethane. If there are multiple functional groups of the same type, either prefixed or suffixed, the positi
48、on numbers are ordered numerically (thus ethane-1,2-diol, not ethane-2,1-diol.) The N position indicator for amines and amides comes before 1, e.g. CH3CH(CH3)CH2NH(CH3) is N,2-dimethylpropanamine.,Order of precedence of groups,3.1 Nomenclatures of Organic Compounds,Carboxylic acid amide ester aldehy
49、de ketone alcohol amine alkyne=alkene alkane,2020/8/12,45,Order of Precedence Among Common Functional Groups,2020/8/12,46,1-Aminocyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid,2-amino-3-buten-1-ol,Please give name to the following structures,2020/8/12,47,1,3-dihydroxypent-4-yn-2-one,4-oxohexanoic acid,2-amino-3-hyd
50、roxy-5-oxo-8-phenyloct-2-en-6-ynoic acid,2020/8/12,48,2.2 Nomenclature of inorganic chemistry,2020/8/12,49,3.2 Nomenclature of inorganic chemistry,2020/8/12,50,Outline,Elements Naming Metal Oxides. Bases, and Salts Acids Nonmetal oxides Nonmetal hydrides,3.2 Nomenclatures of Inorganic Compounds,2020
51、/8/12,51,Element categories in the periodic table,Naming elements (元素),Alkali metal - The metals of group 1: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr. Alkaline earth metal - The metals of group 2: Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra. Carbon group(碳族元素) The elements of group 14: C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb Pnicogen(磷族元素) - The elements of gr
52、oup 15: N, P, As, Sb, Bi. Chalcogen (硫族元素) - The elements of group 16: O, S, Se, Te, Po. Halogen(卤族元素) - The elements of group 17: F, Cl, Br, I, At. Noble gas - The elements of group 18: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn. Transition element - Elements in groups 3 to 11. Lanthanoid(镧族元素) - Elements 57-71: La, C
53、e, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu. Actinoid(锕族元素) - Elements 89-103: Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr. Rare earth elements - Sc, Y, and the actinoids.,3.2 Nomenclatures of Inorganic Compounds,2020/8/12,52,For most elements the symbol is simply the abbrevi
54、ated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example: oxygen=O nitrogen = N neon=Ne magnesium = Mg Some elements, which have been known for a long time, have symbols based on their Latin names, for example: iron=Fe(ferrum) copper=Cu(cuprum) lead=Pb (plumbum) A few elements hav
55、e the symbols from the Latin name of one of the their compounds. for example: Sodium= =Na( natrium carbonate) potassium=K (Kalium carbonate),Elements,3.2 Nomenclatures of Inorganic Compounds,2020/8/12,53,Metal Oxides(氧化物). Bases(碱), and Salts(盐),A compound is a combination of positive and negative i
56、ons in the proper ratio to give a balanced charge and the name of the compound follows from names of the ions. For example,NaCl, is sodium chloride; Al (OH ) 3 is aluminum hydroxide; FeBr 2 is iron ( II ) bromide or ferrous bromide; Ca(C2H3O2) 2 is calcium acetate;,Table 1 some common cations,3.2 No
57、menclatures of Inorganic Compounds,2020/8/12,54,MnO2,Fe2O3,Manganese(II) oxide Manganese dioxide,iron ( III ) oxide Ferric oxide,2020/8/12,55,All monatomic anions have names ending with ide. Two polyatomic anions which also have names ending with ide are the hydroxide ion, OH- , and the cyanide ion,
58、 CN-. For example: bromide Br-; chloride Cl-; iodide I,Negative ions,The number of oxygen atoms in such oxyanions is denoted by the use of the sulffixes ite and ate, meaning fewer and more oxygen atoms respectively. In cases where it is necessary to denote more than two oxyanions(含氧阴离子) of the same
59、element, the prefixes hypo and per, meaning still fewer and still more oxygen atoms, respectively, may be used.,1. monatomic anions (单原子阴离子),2. polyatomic anions (多原子阴离子),3.2 Nomenclatures of Inorganic Compounds,2020/8/12,56,Table 2 some common anions,2020/8/12,57,CaCO3,Na3PO4,NaClO4,NaClO,Calcium carbonate,sodium phosphate trisodium orthophosphate,Sodium perchlorate,Sodium hypochlorite,2020/8/12,58,Table 3. Names of some metal oxides .bases .and salts,3.2 Nomenclatures of Inorganic Compounds,2020/8/12,59,T
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