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1、GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF U.S.A,2020年8月12日星期三,2,1. official name 2. location 3. states 4. capital city 5. population 6. official language 7. national flag 8. national anthem,The United States of America North America 50 Washington, D. C 3rd English The Stars and Stripes The Star-Spangled Banner,9. nation

2、al bird 10. national emblem 11. national motto 12. currency 13. national flower/tree 14. mountains 15. rivers 16. lakes,Bald Eagle Bald Eagle In God We Trust US$ Rose/Oak Rocky & Appalachian Mississippi, Missouri & Ohio The Great Lakes,U.S.A.,2020年8月12日星期三,3,1.OFFICIAL NAME,Official Name The United

3、States of America(美利坚合众国) abbreviated forms The United States The U.S.A The U.S America The States Nickname Uncle Sam Brother Jonathan Columbia,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,4,UNCLE SAM,During the War of 1812,the US government hired meat packers to provide meat to the army. One of these meat packers was a man

4、named Samuel Wilson - Uncle Sam. Sam Wilson stamped the boxes of meat for the army with U.S. for United States. Some government inspectors came to look over Sams company. They asked a worker what the U.S. on the boxes stood for. As a joke,the worker answered that these letters stood for the name of

5、his boss, Uncle Sam. The joke spread, and soldiers began saying their food from Uncle Sam. Later,people called all things from the government “Uncle Sams”. “Uncle Sam” became a nickname for the U.S. government. the national symbol by congress 1961,2020年8月12日星期三,5,Uncle Sam,John Bull,A NATIONAL PERSO

6、NIFICATION,2020年8月12日星期三,6,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,7,LAND OF USA,IN WHICH CONTINENT ?,2. Size Country Area (km) % of Total 1. Russia 17,098,242 11.5% 2. Canada 9,984,670 6.7% 3. China 9,640,821 6.5% 4. United States 9,629,091 6.5% 5. Brazil 8,514,877 5.7% 6. Australia 7,692,024 5.2% 7. India 3,287,263 2.

7、3% 8. Argentina 2,780,400 2% 9. Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦 2,724,900 1.8% 10. Sudan 2,505,813 1.7% The 4th largest country in size,2020年8月12日星期三,8,LAND OF USA,N: Canada S: Mexico, Gulf of Mexico W: Pacific Ocean E: Atlantic Ocean,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,9,3. 50 states (48 contiguous, 2 non-contiguous),IN AREA Alask

8、a, the largest state Texas, the 2nd largest Rhode Island, the smallest,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,10,4. Capital City: Washington D.C.,50 states & a district,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,11,5. LIST OF COUNTRIES BY POPULATION,Country Population % of world population 1 China 1,335,962,132 19.84% 2 India 1,144,350,000 16

9、.94% 3 United States 305,794,000 4.53% 4 Indonesia 229,373,990 3.41% 5 Brazil 190,694,000 2.8% 6 Pakistan 165,611,000 2.46% 7 Bangladesh孟加拉国 158,665,000 2.36% 8 Nigeria尼日利亚 148,093,000 2.2% 9 Russia 141,862,032 2.11% 10 Japan 127,704,000 1.9%,The 3rd most populous country,2020年8月12日星期三,12,White 73%,

10、Black 12%,Hispanic 11%,Asian 3%,American Indian 1%,1760: 1.7 million (mostly English) 1860: 30m (mainly English, Scottish and Irish) 1980: 210m (45% English, Scottish and Irish) Today: 305m (from Europe, from Asia and Latin America),MAJOR ETHNIC GROUPS A Melting Pot 大熔炉 Salad Bowl Multiculturalism,2

11、020年8月12日星期三,13,A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS,Every American who ever lived was either an immigrant himself or a descendant of immigrants. - President John F. Kennedy,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,14,6. Languages,English 216.2 million Spanish 32.2 million Chinese 2.3 million French 1.9 million Tagalog 塔加拉语,菲律宾语 1.4 m

12、illion Vietnamese 越南语 1.1 million German 1.1 million American English (Am. E.) British English (Br. E.),BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,15,7. NATIONAL FLAG (adopted by congress 1777),HOW MANY STARS AND STRIPES ? WHY,星条旗 The Stars and Stripes The Star-Spangled Banner Old Glory,2020年8月12日星期三,16,FLAG DESCRIPTION,Th

13、e design and colors have been the basis for a number of other flags including Chile智利拉丁美 Liberia利比里亚西非 Malaysia马来西亚亚 Puerto Rico波多黎拉丁美,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,17,Oh, say can you see by the dawns early lightWhat so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming?Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru

14、the perilous fight,Oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,Gave proof thru the night that our flag was still there.Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet waveOer the land of the free and the home of the brave?,啊 ! 在 晨 曦 初 现 时 ,

15、 你 可 看 见 是 甚 么 让 我 们 如 此 骄 傲 ? 在 黎 明 的 最 后 一 道 曙 光 中 欢 呼 , 是 谁 的 旗 帜 在 激 战 中 始 终 高 扬 ! 烈 火 熊 熊 , 炮 声 隆 隆 , 我 们 看 到 要 塞 上 那 面 英 勇 的 旗 帜 在 黑 夜 过 后 依 然 耸 立 ! 啊 ! 你 说 那 星 条 旗 是 否 会 静 止 , 在 自 由 的 土 地 上 飘 舞 , 在 勇 者 的 家 园 上 飞 扬,8. NATIONAL ANTHEM The Star-Spangled Banner 星条旗永不落(passed by congress 1931),BAC

16、K,2020年8月12日星期三,18,9. NATIONAL BIRD,Bald Eagle,Bald Eagle 白头鹰、秃鹰 1782 courage and might indigenous only to North America freedom, spirit and pursuit of excellence,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,19,10. NATIONAL EMBLEM,1782 olive - desire for peace arrows - ready for war,Latin E pluribus unum“: “out of many, one.

17、“ 合众为一 One new Nation was born out of many States. Cf. British,The Great Seal,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,20,20,Royal Coat of Arms 英国皇家徽章 MOTTO Honi soit qui mal y pense (French) (Evil to him who evil thinks ) 心怀邪念者蒙羞 恶有恶报 Dieu et mon droit (God and my right) 天有上帝,我有权利 我權天授,2020年8月12日星期三,21,11. The National

18、Motto: In God We Trust (adopted by congress On July 30, 1956),BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,22,12. The United States dollar,Other names: US dollar Symbol: $ code: USD 1st reserve currency 储备货币 (euro欧元, pound) 1st in the foreign exchange market外汇市场 (euro, Japanese yen),2020年8月12日星期三,23,Alexander Hamilton,George

19、 Washington,Abraham Lincoln,Andrew Jackson,Ulysses S. Grant,Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson,NOTES,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,24,13. NATIONAL FLORAL EMBLEM 国花,ROSE,passed by senate in 1985 flower of New York State wild rose - Iowa prairie rose - North Dakota American Beauty (美国红蔷薇) - the District of Colum

20、bia,2020年8月12日星期三,25,National TreeOak,People select the oak as their choice for Americas National Tree in a nationwide vote hosted by The National Arbor Day Foundation (美国植树节基金会)on its Website.,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,26,14. Mountains,The Rocky Mountains 落基山脉 the highest the backbone,The Appalachian Moun

21、tains 阿巴拉契亚山脉 agricultural and industrial centers,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,27,15. RIVERS,THE MISSISSIPPI,THE MISSOURI,THE OHIO,The Mississippi 密西西比河: line between east and west“ The Missouri 密苏里河: from Rocky to the Mississippi The Ohio 俄亥俄河: the most important industrial region,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,28,16. T

22、he Great Lakes,Superior苏必利尔湖: the largest fresh water lake Michigan密歇根湖: the only one entirely in the US Huron休伦湖, Erie伊利湖, Ontario安大略湖,BACK,2020年8月12日星期三,29,1. _ is the official name of the US? A. the USA B. the United States C. the United States of America D. Uncle Sam 2. The capital city of the U

23、nited States is _. A. New York B. Washington D.C. C. Virginia D. Jamestown,2020年8月12日星期三,30,3. _ is the nickname of United States. A. Uncle Sam B. John Arbuthnot C. Robin Hood D. John Bull 4. The national flag of the United States is known as _. the Star-Spangled Banner B. Uncle Sam C. Hot Dog D. Un

24、ion Jack,2020年8月12日星期三,31,5. The emblem of the United States is _. A. B. C. D. 6. The national flag of the United States is _. A. B. C. D.,2020年8月12日星期三,32,7. The currency of the United States is _. A. the US dollars B. the pound sterling C. the Euro D. Franc 8. The United States of America is the _

25、 country in the world in population. A. largest B. second-largest C. third-largest D. fourth-largest,2020年8月12日星期三,33,9. The United States stretches from _ to _. A. the Pacific Ocean/the Atlantic Ocean B. the Indian Ocean/the Arctic Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean/the Arctic Ocean D. the Pacific Ocean/t

26、he Indian Ocean 10. The U.S. is called a melting pot because _. A. its steel industry is highly developed B. it has great influence on the world C. it is an important economic center of the world D. people from different races live there together,2020年8月12日星期三,34,11. The Backbone of North America refers to the _. A. Appalachian Mountains B. Rocky Mountai


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