1、LIS510 lecture 0,Thomas Krichel 2005-01-19,feeling nervous?,So do I. It is my first time. Overall approach follow what has been done before but generally open to ideas from the students (rather than my own) test success mid-way overall a relaxed approach course does not have a rigid teaching agenda
2、more like a test-the-water thing,today,First talk about the course. Then we have a round of introductions of you. Then I talk a little more extensive about my background. There will be no quiz on anything covered today.,how did I get here,by bicycle / LIRR I took on the risk to teach this course fou
3、r days ago when a course of mine on digital libraries was canceled in Manhattan I am practicing digital librarian and teacher I used to be an economics professor in the UK I am a German, holding a H1-B visa.,compensate for unusual background,Use Rubins book Foundations of Library and Information Sci
4、ence as the center of the course material Have some guest speakers Antonella de Robbio(next week) presentation from local library staff Michael E.D. Koenig,Rubins book,Bad: Yes it is a tad boring. It costs a lot of money, $60 in the LIU shop Good He has a broad view of the field Nobody in the curric
5、ulum committee will argue with the choice I agree with much of what he says, I will be vocal about my disagreements but they are rare.,other resources,The course home page at /home/krichel/lis510b05s It makes the slides available. If you miss a class, arrange a phone appointment to
6、discuss class contents. There is class mailing list, linked to from the home page. Subscribe! Cheese and wine party,assessment: quizzes,On normal lecture days, we will have a short quiz. The quiz will only concern the material done in the previous class, i.e. in the slides (2 questions) or the mater
7、ial you were supposed to read (1 question). You only have to answer one question. You will be given about 10 minutes. I will post details about quizzes every week after class to the mailing list,assessment: essay,You will be writing one essay as part of the course. The topic is your choice but has t
8、o be approved by me. You will hand in a first version of it at a date to be agreed now. The first version is only about 3 pages long. It will count for 10%. I will hand it back to you with suggestions.,assessment: final essay,On the final day of class you will hand in the final form of the essay, th
9、at will count for 40%. Please limit yourself to 6 pages, but make them meaningful.,other stuff that I teach,LIS650 web site architecture and design LIS618 online information retrieval techniques LIS566 Information Networks LIS565 Electronic Resources of the Internet Active web site architecture Buil
10、ding a digital library XML,my (hi)story,It started with me as a research assistant an in the Economics Department of Loughborough University of Technology in 1990. a predecessor of the Internet allowed me to download free software without effort but academic papers had to be gathered in a rather cum
11、bersome way,CoREJ,published by HMSO Photocopied lists of contents tables recently published economics journal received at the Department of Trade and Industry Typed list of the recently received working papers received by the University of Warwick library The latter was the more interesting.,working
12、 papers,early accounts of research findings published by economics departments in universities in research centers in some government offices in multinational administrations disseminated through exchange agreements important because of 4 year publishing delay,1991-1992,I planned to circulate the Wa
13、rwick working paper list over listserv lists I argued it would be good for them increase incentives to contribute increase revenue for ILL After many trials, Warwick refused. During the end of that time, I was offered a lectureship, and decided to get working on my own collection.,1993: BibEc and Wo
14、PEc,Fethy Mili of Universit de Montral had a good collection of papers and gave me his data. I put his bibliographic data on a gopher and called the service BibEc I also gathered the first ever online electronic working papers on a gopher and called the service WoPEc.,NetEc consortium,BibEcprinted p
15、apers WoPEcelectronic papers CodEcsoftware WebEcweb resource listings JokEcjokes HoPEc a lot of Ec!,WoPEc to RePEc,WoPEc was a catalog record collection WoPEc remained largest web access point but getting contributions was tough In 1997 I wrote basic architecture for RePEc. ReDIF Guildford Protocol,
16、1997: RePEc principle,Many archives archives offer metadata about digital objects (mainly working papers) One database The data from all archives forms one single logical database despite the fact that it is held on different servers. Many services users can access the data through many interfaces.
17、providers of archives offer their data to all interfaces at the same time. This provides for an optimal distribution.,RePEc is based on 430+ archives,WoPEc EconWPA DEGREE S-WoPEc NBER CEPR,US Fed in Print IMF OECD MIT University of Surrey CO PAH,to form a 300k item dataset,143,000 working papers 153
18、,000 journal articles 1,500 software components 900 book and chapter listings 6,100 author contact and publication listings 8,250 institutional contact listings,RePEc is used in many services,EconPapers NEP: New Economics Papers Inomics RePEc author service,IDEAS RuPEc EDIRC LogEc, describes documen
19、ts,Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Title: Dynamic Aspect of Growth and Fiscal Policy Author-Name: Thomas Krichel Author-Person: RePEc:per:1965-06-05:thomas_krichel Author-Email: T.Krichelsurrey.ac.uk Author-Name: Paul Levine Author-Email: P.Levinesurrey.ac.uk Author-WorkPlace-Name: University of Surr
20、ey Classification-JEL: C61; E21; E23; E62; O41 File-URL: ftp:/www.econ.surrey.ac.uk/ pub/RePEc/sur/surrec/surrec9601.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Creation-Date: 199603 Revision-Date: 199711 Handle: RePEc:sur:surrec:9601, describes persons,template-type: ReDIF-Person 1.0 name-full: MANKIW, N. GRE
21、GORY name-last: MANKIW name-first: N. GREGORY handle: RePEc:per:1984-06-16:N_GREGORY_MANKIW email: homepage:/faculty/ mankiw/mankiw.html workplace-institution: RePEc:edi:deharus workplace-institution: RePEc:edi:nberrus Author-Article: RePEc:aea:aec
22、rev:v:76:y:1986:i:4:p:676-91 Author-Article: RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:77:y:1987:i:3:p:358-74 Author-Article: RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:78:y:1988:i:2:p:173-77 ., describes institutions,Template-Type: ReDIF-Institution 1.0 Primary-Name: University of Surrey Primary-Location: Guildford Secondary-Name: Department of
23、 Economics Secondary-Phone: (01483) 259380 Secondary-Email: economicssurrey.ac.uk Secondary-Fax: (01483) 259548 Secondary-Postal: Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH Secondary-Homepage: http:/www.econ.surrey.ac.uk/ Handle: RePEc:edi:desuruk,RePEc & information profession,Many information professionals contribute to RePEc. librarians contribute
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