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1、Unit 2 Neighbours,Integrated skills,【学习目标】: 1.根据单词表,预习课本第25-26页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。 2.听录音完成课本第13-14页A2和A3部分的练习 3.能掌握一些职业和工作场所的名称。 4.能运用正确的语句谈论自己的理想。,一、预习课本,了解本课时的单词,短语或句子。单词听磁带跟读3遍。 1. 经理 n. manager 2.办公室 n. office (办公室职员,上班族 office worker) 3. 警察 n. _ 复数_ 4. 邮递员 n _postman 复数 _postmen_ 5. 公司 n. _compa

2、ny_复数_companies 6.局,所,站 n. _station 8.人 _person 警察局 _police station 9.工作 7.邮政 _post_ 邮局 _post office 10.年纪较长的_elder (哥哥 elder brother 姐姐elder sister),课前热身,( ),(the police_),11. 乘火车/公交车/轮船/自行车 by train / by bus / by ship / by bike 12. 将来 n. _ 13.艺术家,(尤指)画家 _(艺术_) 一个画家_ 14.听起来_,(by+交通工具;此词组中不能出现a/an/t

3、he),(sound+adj) (sound like +n),=on the train/ the bus/ the ship/ the bike,future,(在将来_),in the future,artist,art,an artist,sound,15.生病的;恶心的 _(病人_),sick,sick people,16.在她学校附近的警察局工作,work in a police station near her school,17.在镇中心的一个饭店工作 18. 为效力 为一个离她家很远的公司效力 19.我确定你会在电脑方面干得好。 20.打算当个艺术家,work in a re

4、staurant in the town centre,work for,work for a company far away from her home,Im sure youll be good at computer.,be sure (that)+从句,be going to be an artist,21.我想帮助病人。 23.怎么样?/,24.将来你打算干什么? 25.她总是很忙。,I want to help sick people.,That sounds like a good idea.,What about sth? / What about doing sth?,Wh

5、at about being a computer engineer?,22.那听起来像个好主意。,当个电脑工程师怎么样?,What are you going to be in the future?,She is always busy.,( be busy ; in a busy street ;,be busy with sth ; be busy doing sth),做某事怎么样?,postman,office worker,manager,policeman,company,restaurant,police station,post office,postman,policem

6、an,manager,engineer,in a police station,in a restaurant in the town centre,in a company far away from Wendys home,in a post office,policeman,police station,at night,restaurant,manager,post office,postman,by bike,office worker,company,1. I want to help sick people. 我想帮助病人。 sick 和ill都有“生病的;有病的”之意,但ill

7、 只能作表语,而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如“病人”可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。 又如:她卧病在床。She is _ _ _. 她在照顾她生病的父亲。 She is looking after her _ father. 她爷爷生病住院了。 Her grandpa is _ _ _. 他妈妈在医院工作。 His mother _ _ _ _. 他妈妈得照顾他生病的爷爷。 His mother _ _ _ _ his _ _.,ill/sick in bed,sick,ill in hospital,works in

8、 a hospital,has to look after sick grandfather,学海拾贝,2. work 工作,多指生产或完成某物的体力的或脑力的努力或活动,不可数。 job工作,任务,尤指作为某人的手艺、行业或职业的工作,可数(复数) jobs. . 洗窗子不是我的事儿(任务) _ the windows is not _ _. 我有许多工作要做。 I have _ _ to do.,Washing,my job,much,work,3. Wendys elder brother is a postman. elder在句中只用作定语,不作表语;older既可以作定语,也可以作

9、表语。例如: 我的姐姐独自做作业。 My _ sister does her homework all by herself. 他的长子是上星期到那儿的。 His _ son got there last week. 我认为他的母亲年龄大一些。 I think his mother is _.,elder,elder,older,4.表示“人”的两个单词是_ 和 _ “一个人”常译作“a person”;people作“人”讲时,是集合名词,表复数概念。说“一个人”时,不用people。当表示两个以上的人时,可用people。如:二十个人twenty people。people作“民族”解时,

10、有单、复数之分。如:a people一个民族。There are 56 peoples in China. 中国有56个民族。 他家有几口人?_ _ _ are there in _ _?,person,people,How many people,your family,_,_,_ _,5.系动词_ 保持_, 变得 _ 听起来像/感觉像_ 6.确信,有把握 _ _ _,be, feel, smell ,sound, taste, look, seem,keep,become ,get, turn,+adj,sound like /feel like +n.,be sure (that)+句子

11、 be sure of sth be sure to do sth,What is Daniel going to be in the future? _ _ 2. What is Amy going to be in the future ? Why? _ _ 3. What is Simon going to be in the future? _ 4. What are Millie and Sandy going to be in the future? Why? _ _ _ _,Hes going to be a computer engineer because he likes

12、computers.,Shes going to be a doctor because she wants to help sick people.,Hes going to be a football.,Millies going to be a teacher because she loves school. Sandys going to be an artist because she likes drawing.,Talk about your own future dream,A: Hello, What are you going to be in the future? B

13、:I like . Im going to be A:Thats interesting . Im sure. I love . Im going to be . C:Im good at . Im going to be . D: That sounds like a good idea. I like Im going to be What about you, ? E: Im going to be . I want . How about you ,? F:Im going to be ,一、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词或用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.My e_ sister i

14、s a worker in the post office. But Im still a atudent. 2. Excuse me, how can I get to the police s_? Walk along the street, youll find it at the end of the street. 3.There are six floors in this building. My o_ is on the t_ floor. 4.Your voice _ (听起来) nice!,堂清巩固,lder,tation,ffice,hird,sounds,5. No o

15、ne knows what kind of cars we will have in the _(未来). 6. In the police station, there are over thirty p_. They all work very hard. 7. Now Im a student. I want to be an e_ like my e_ brother. 8. Helen is good at drawing. She wants to be an a_. 9. The computer engineer _(fix) Wendys computer in an hou

16、r.,future,olicemen,ngineer,lder,rtist,will fix is going to fix,10. Miss Zhou _(speak) English very well. She _ (give) us a talk the day after tomorrow. 11. What _ you _(do) this evening? 12. There _(be) an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.,speaks,is going to give,are going to do,is going to be,二、完成句子。 1、温迪的家里有五口人。There _ _ _ in Wendys _. 2、


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