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1、Unit 4Pygmalion 皮格马利翁,1She invited loads of friends to her party,but only a_(少数)of them turned up. 2Parents may find that a_(令人烦恼的)teenager is difficult to deal with.,handful,troublesome,3The man on the stage is a(n)_(杰出的)young musician. 4He was offered money to_(背叛)his colleagues.,brilliant,betray,

2、5The secretary is very careful and never_(忽略)any little points in her daily work. 6He did not_(犹豫)to jump into the river to save the drowning child.,overlooks,hesitate,7Luckily,he made a large_(大笔的钱)by dealing with foreigners in tea. 8The man was_(判刑) to six years in prison for treating his wife cru

3、elly.,fortune,condemned,9Yesterday her old mother_me for her daughter.That means I was _for her daughter.In fact she often makes the same_.(mistake),mistook,mistaken,mistake,10用adapt的适当形式填空 (1)He is working on a screen_of his latest novel. (2)Older workers can be as_and quick to learn as anyone else

4、.,adaptation,adaptable,(3)It took him a while to_himself to his new surroundings.,adapt,1_伪装(的);假扮的 2_ (把某人)改变或冒充成 3_ 结识;与相见,in disguise,pass.off as.,make ones acquaintance,4_ 一般来说 5_ 就来说;从角度 6_ 抢劫某人某物 7_ 带或领进来,generally speaking,in terms of.,rob sb.of sth.,show.in,8_ 再一次 9_ (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 10_ 把某人当下

5、流人对待,once more,fade out,treat sb.like dirt,1while/whendoing在句中作时间状语 _(一边看),he makes notes. 2do用于加强语气 Oh,_(买一枝花吧)off me,Captain.,While watching,do buy a flower,3条件状语从句中对过去事情的虚拟 _(如果我知道我是不会来的)this disgusting thing you want me to do.,Id never have come if Id known,4省略句 But,sir,(proudly) _(一旦被教以恰当的谈吐方式)

6、,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.,once educated to speak properly,5形容词短语作伴随状语 Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting_ (深入的交谈),deep in conversation,过去分词作状语 1(2011浙江十二校联考)_ by his grandparents in the countryside,he isnt accustomed t

7、o_in the city.,AHaving brought up;live BGrown up;living CGrowing up;live DBrought up;living,解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。句意为:因为他被祖父母在乡下抚养长大,所以不习惯城市的生活。bring up与he 是动宾关系,故此处用过去分词表示。be accustomed to“习惯于”,to 是介词,后面要用动名词、名词或代词。,2(2012南京调研)What has made him so upset recently? _alone to face a troublesome milk case. ALe

8、ft BBeing left CHaving left DTo leave,解析:选B。考查非谓语动词的用法。下句是省略回答,补充完整为“Being left alone to face a troublesome milk case has made him so upset recently”,所以下句的省略回答仅是what所指内容,充当主语,所以用动名词作主语(注意被动关系)。,3_with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. AFaced BFace CFacing DTo face,解析:选A。Faced w

9、ith so much trouble是过去分词短语作原因状语。此外还应考虑face的用法,要么用be faced with,要么用sb.face sth.,若选C应为Facing so much trouble,去掉with。,4_the copy with the original artwork,we can hardly find any differences. ACompare BCompared CComparing DTo compare,解析:选C。考查非谓语动词。we和compare之间存在主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作时间状语。,5_with the original ar

10、twork,the copy looks much rougher. ACompare BCompared CComparing DTo compare,解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。compare和copy之间存在动宾关系,故用过去分词短语作时间状语。,1betrayvt.显露出(本来面目);泄露(秘密);出卖,背叛 (教材P29)But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.但是,他们每次开口说话时都会暴露自己。,归纳拓展,betray a secret to sb. 向某人泄露秘密 betray ones trus

11、t 辜负某人的信任 betray oneself 暴露本来面目,原形毕露,(朗文P168)There are people who are prepared to betray their country for money.有些人准备为钱财背叛祖国。 (牛津P174)For years they had been betraying_state_secrets_to Russia. 他们多年来一直在向俄罗斯泄露国家机密。,(牛津P174)She felt betrayed when she found out the truth about him. 她发现他的真实情况后,感到受了欺骗。 (

12、牛津P174)She betrayed_his_trust over and over again. 她一次又一次地辜负了他的信任。,2hesitatevi.犹豫;踌躇 (教材P29)A gentleman (G)passes and hesitates for a moment.这时有位先生(简称先)从这儿路过,他迟疑了片刻。,归纳拓展,(牛津P959)Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.如果有疑问请尽管和我联系。 (牛津P959)I didnt hesitate for a moment about ta

13、king the job.我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。,(牛津P959)I have_no_hesitation_in recommending her for the job.我毫不犹豫地推荐她做这项工作。 Without_any_hesitation,Meng Xiangbin jumped into the river to save the drowning young woman. 孟祥斌毫不犹豫地跳下河去救落水的年轻女子。,3condemnvt.谴责;使注定 (教材P30)(rudely)Look at this girl with her terrible English:the

14、 English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.(粗鲁地)你瞧那个姑娘,英语说得那样糟糕,命中注定要在贫民窟里呆一辈子了。,归纳拓展,(牛津P410)He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.他因凶杀罪被判处死刑后被绞死。 (朗文P412)If you dont learn from the past,you are condemned to repeat its mistakes.如果你不从过去吸取教训的话,就注定要重复以前的错误。,(朗文

15、P412)She knew that society will condemn her for leaving her children. 她知道社会会因她离弃自己的孩子而谴责她。,4compromisen妥协;和解;折衷 v. 妥协;让步;违背,放弃 (教材P34)(compromises)OK,Ill teach you. (提出折衷方法)好吧,我教你。,归纳拓展,(朗文P406)Talks are continuing in the hope that the two sides will reach_a_compromise. 为了双方达成妥协,谈判在继续进行。,(江苏高考)Most

16、important of all,it is always wise to make decisions by compromise and agreement.最重要的是,通过相互妥协相互协商来作决定总是明智的。,In my view,its wise of you to compromise_with her. 以我看来,你和她妥协是明智之举。 We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards. 我们不愿在安全标准问题上妥协。,5acquaintancen. 相识;了解;熟人 (教材P30)And I came to England

17、 to make your acquaintance!我也正是到英国来找你的!,归纳拓展,(牛津P16)Claire has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.克莱尔交友很广。 (牛津P16)I am delighted to make your acquaintance,Mrs.Baker.贝克太太,我很高兴与你相识。,I have_some_acquaintance_with French,but I do not know it well.我懂得一点法语,但不精通。 My father has_a_nodding_acquaintanc

18、e_with the professor.我父亲与这位教授有点头之交。,All our employees are fully acquainted with safety precautions.我们所有的雇员都非常熟悉安全预防措施。,6fortune n财产,大笔的钱;机会;运气 (教材P30)A fortune!一笔财富呀!,归纳拓展,(牛津P803)That ring must be worth a fortune. 那枚戒指肯定要值很多钱。 (辽宁高考)But if you dont work hard,no fortune will come.但是如果你不努力,机遇是不会来的。,W

19、hen he was young,he would dream of making a fortune. 当他小时,他常常梦想发大财。 (牛津P803)I was fortunate in having a good teacher. 我很幸运,有位好老师。,Fortunately,his stepmother was very kind to him. 幸运的是,他的继母对他非常好。,跟踪训练 .完成句子 1In order to live in harmony,sometimes you need to _(作出让步),make compromises,2He_ (把朋友出卖给敌人),wh

20、ich surprised us all. 3I_(犹豫一会儿),and then offered my seat to her.,betrayed his friends to the enemy,hesitated for a moment,4Now there are many young men in our society_ (梦想发财)without hard work. 5Id been looking forward to _(结识她)for a long time.,dreaming of making a fortune,making her acquaintance,.单

21、项填空 1The media strongly _the drunken drivers for their behaviors. He deserved to be punished. AinspectedBcondemned Ccalculated Dpraised,解析:选B。句意为:媒体强烈谴责醉酒司机的行为。他该受罚。condemn“谴责”,符合句意。inspect“检查;视察”;calculate“计算”;praise“表扬”。,2We are at your service.Dont _to turn to us if you have any further problems.

22、 Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek,解析:选B。句意为:我们愿意为你效劳。如果你还有什么问题尽管找我们。beg祈求;desire希望得到(某物),想要;seek to do sth.努力做某事。hesitate to do sth. 不情愿做某事。,3The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large_. Afortune Bluck Cmoney Damount,解析:选A。考查名词辨析。句意为:这位百万富翁去世了,留给他的孩子们一大笔财产。a large fortune庞大的财富。money不

23、能和a large 搭配。,4If we are all willing to make a(n)_with each other when we are in dispute,quarrels and conflicts will be avoided and we will surely live in peace.,Aacquaintance Badjustment Ccontact Dcompromise,解析:选D。考查名词辨析。句意为:我们存在争议时,如果双方都愿意作出让步,吵架和冲突就会避免,我们就能和睦相处。make a compromise with.意思为“向作出让步/妥协

24、”,符合题意。,1generally speaking一般来说 (教材P30)Generally speaking,people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class(H)and less polite to those they consider are members of a lower class(L),一般而言,人们对他们认为是高层社会的人更有礼貌,对于他们认为是低层社会的成员不太礼貌。,归纳拓展,(朗文P860)Generally speaking,older people are

25、less able to speak up for their rights. 一般说来,年纪大一些的人维护自己权利的能力弱一些。,Generally_speaking,those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health. 一般来说,那些注意体育锻炼的人身体健康状况良好。,Honestly speaking,I dont agree with you. 诚实地说,我不赞成你。 Personally_speaking,I have no objection to your leaving at once.就我个人而言,我

26、不反对你马上就走。,2in terms of.就来说;从角度 (教材P31)Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar,spelling,etc.,so that she can use them properly. 从语法、拼写等方面改正这些句子,好让她使用恰当。,归纳拓展,In terms of natural resources,it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe. 从自然资源来看,它是西欧最穷的国家之一。 In_terms_of money Im quite ric

27、h,but not in terms of happiness.金钱,我富有;幸福,我缺乏。,Let each child read in terms of his own tastes and choices. 让每一个孩子根据自己的兴趣爱好选择书籍阅读。, (牛津P2084)Such a development seems unlikely,at least in_the_short_term.发生这样的情况看来可能性不大,起码短期之内应当如此。,跟踪训练 .完成句子 1If you are_(需要)anything,dont hesitate to let me know.,in nee

28、d of,2_ (就质量和数量而言),the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year. 3As the program ended,the music slowly _ (渐弱)and someone began to speak.,In terms of quality and quantity,faded out,4_(一般而言),prices follow demand;if there is no demand,prices are low. 5The agents managed to_ them

29、selves _(冒充)wealthy businessmen.,Generally speaking,pass,off as,.单项填空 1(2012江苏南通第二次调研)Why did you quit your job? It was good_salary,but I didnt like its working conditions. Ain need of Bin face of Cin favor of Din terms of,解析:选D。考查介词词组辨析。根据“就薪水来说,还不错”可知,选in terms of “就而言”。in need of表示“需要”,in face of

30、表示“面对”,in favor of表示“支持,赞成”,都与语境不符。,2I think I am probably quite different from Harry.But I think were both quite reserved_how much we show our feelings. Ain terms of Bin need of Cin place of Din spite of,解析:选A。考查介词短语辨析。句意为:我认为我可能与Harry 有很大的不同。但我认为我们在克制情感的表达这一点上倒有几分相似。in terms of 意为“就来说,从角度”。in need

31、 of 需要;in place of 代替,顶替;in spite of 尽管,虽然。,3_,the more expensive the camera,the better its quality. AGeneral speaking BSpeaking general CGenerally speaking DSpeaking generally,解析:选C。本题考查插入语。generally speaking表示“一般来说”。,1(教材P30)But,sir,(proudly)once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass her

32、self off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.,但是,先生,一旦被教以恰当的谈吐方式,这个女孩在三个月后就可以冒充大使花园聚会上的贵妇人。,【点津】(1)once可作连接词,引导条件状语从句,意为“一旦就”。 (2)状语从句的省略。,由once,if,as,unless,when,though,although等引导的状语从句,如果主句主语和从句主语一致,,且从句中谓语动词是bev.ed或v.ing形式,或从句中主谓结构为It is(was)adj.时,其从句结构可省略为以上连词加v.ed,v.ing或

33、adj.,Once_you_have_made_up_your mind,you should stick to it.一旦你下定决心,就应该坚持下去。 We didnt know what to do next once the money had run out.一旦钱花光了,我们就不知道下一步做什么了。,Once the time is set,it cannot be changed. Once set,the time cannot be changed. 时间一旦被设定就不能更改。,When I was waiting for a bus,I met Tom. When waiti

34、ng for a bus,I met Tom. 我在等车时碰到了汤姆。,Though he was young,he knew a lot of English. Though_young,he knew a lot of English. 尽管年龄很小,但他懂得很多英语。,2(教材P34)Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep_in conversation. 亨利希金斯正与皮克林上校坐着进行深入的交谈。,【点津】deep in sth.专心;全神贯注;深陷;形容词短语作伴随状语。,He was deep in thought when I saw him. 我看见他时他正陷入沉思。 He is often so deep in his books that he forgets to eat. 他常常专心于读书以至于忘了吃饭。,Absorbed_in_the_book,he didnt notice me enter the room.陷入读书之中,他没注意到我进入房间。,跟踪训练 1(2012日照模拟)The Thinker,head in hand,resting his right arm on his left knee,gained its current title when_in Par


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