1、江苏省无锡市东绛实验学校七年级英语下册7B Unit 3 Finding your way教学案 人教新目标版课题Unit 3 Finding your way Welcome to the unit教时1授课教师教学目标Introduce the topic of places and transport To activate existing vocabulary and identify topicTo guess meaning from the pictures To talk about visits and means of transport using model sent
2、ences 个性化处理教学重点、难点重点To talk about visits and means of transport using model sentences教学手段Record SlideListening Pairwork教学步骤及过程Step 1 Free talk 1. ask one student to give a duty report .let the Other students listen carefully.2.ask students to ask some questions about theReport . let the students who
3、 gives the report Answer the questions Step 2 comic strips 1. let the students to listen to the tape and Answer one simple question Does Hobe know the way?Let students answer together .2. Read the comic together and then let them Read in pairs and 3 get some of the pairs to act in front of the clSte
4、p 3 presentation 1. use powerpoint to present the map on the Screen . teach the new words in this sectionEast west north south West south north west In on to 可适当比较,点到为止 板 书设 计A is in the east of B (A地包括在B地的范围内)Taiwan is in the east of China. 台湾在中国的东部。A is on the east of B (A地和B地相连) Korea is on the e
5、ast of China. 朝鲜在中国的东边。A is to the east of B (A地不包括在B地的范围内) Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。1.教 学后 记学生对方位的用法不熟悉。强调:north of = to the north of 在北课题Unit 3 Finding your way Reading1教时1授课教师教学目标1. 重点词汇: call, robber, drive, quickly, at once, police, uniform, just, push, van, away, fail, use, knif
6、e, work, police station, route, along, right, another, stop, traffic, light, jump, later, suddenly, surprised, catch, in the end, cross roads2. 语言目标: 阅读课文,掌握本课文中的新语言知识及全文大意,提高阅读理解能力,锻炼自己复述故事的能力。2.个性化处理教学重点、难点To understand a series of events and simultaneous actionsTo identify specific detail by foll
7、owing a route and marking points 教学手段Record SlideListening Pairwork教学步骤及过程Step 1 Revision 1.Draw a small map on the Bb or use a flashCard to revise how to ask and give direction Ask :wheres the Get student to answer, Its next to/on the other Discuss the Side of the street.Interesting point2.In pairs
8、, let students ask and answer by Looking at the map or flashcards.Step 2 Pre-read1. In small groups have the students discussThe questions.encourage the students to tellAbout their own experiences when they were Actually lost, and want they did. Ask severalStudents to share their stories.2.ask some
9、students to tell the class their Stories.2.ask students to ask some questions about theReport . let the students who gives the report Answer the questions Step 2 comic strips 1. let the students to listen to the tape and Answer one simple question Does Hobe know the way?Let students answer together
10、.2. Read the comic together and then let them Read in pairs and 3 get some of the pairs to act in front of the clStep 3 presentation 1. use powerpoint to present the map on the Screen . teach the new words in this sectionEast west north south West south north west In on to 可适当比较,点到为止 适当的扩展一下个别词的用法是必
11、要的。This is a game can consolidate the memory of the story板 书设 计1.at last 最后,终于 (= in the end)2.push into 把推进里3.fail to do sth.做某事不成功4.work 工作,运转,起效(有用) 试译:我的手表坏了,能把你的借我用一下吗? _5.another 另一个,相当于 one more other 别的,其它的(一个或多个)人(或物) the other (剩余的)别的教 学后 记对路线表达不是太熟练 课题Unit 3 Finding your way (ReadingI I)教
12、时1授课教师教学目标1.重点短语: drive to , get/run/jump out of, ask sb. about sth., push into, drive away, try to do, fail work, take different routes, go along, turn left/right into, run away, stop doing, be surprised to2.语言目标: 掌握课文中的语言知识个性化处理教学重点、难点1. get a call 接电话 = receive a call. I got a strange call last n
13、ight.2. drive to .开车去. drive to Shanghai = go to Shanghai by car/ in a car 开车去上海 拓展ride to school = go to school by bike/on a bike 骑自行车上学 fly to England = go to England by air/plane 坐飞机去英国3. in police uniform in后接表示服装或颜色的名词,表示“穿,戴” The girl is in a sweater today. The woman in white is Mrs Green.教学手段
14、Record SlideListening Pairwork教学步骤及过程For Part B2 , ask students to read the text on Left on their own. They then choose the correctWords form the box.if there are any Disagreements, ask students to check theMeaning of the words by reading the text onPage 40 again.Students compare their answers with
15、a partnerThen they read the corrected passageStep 4 presentation 1. ask students to begin a game, the front Student begin the story by saying somethingAbout the story , the next student should Continue his story, if the student who can not Continue will be asked to sing a song 2. do the exercise on
16、page 423 check together 4ask some of them to read in class Step 5 ask way Use a map on the screen to let students look And ask in pairs like following This is a game can consolidate the memory of the story板 书设 计stop doing sth. 停止做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事(停下一件事去做另一件事)The students stopped talking whe
17、n the teacher came in.当老师进来时,同学们停止说话。They felt very tired, so they stopped to have a rest.他们觉得很累,所以停下来休息。教 学后 记学生对stop的用法有待强调:单词读音不是很熟练课题Unit 3 Finding your way (Vocabulary)教时1授课教师教学目标1. 重点词汇: straight, zebra crossing, entrance, correct, corner, road, hotel, cross2. 语言目标: Turn left. Cross the road.
18、The entrance is on your left. 3. 语言功能: 学看地图,并能从地图中找出要找的地点来4. 学习策略: 掌握一些生活常识,提高生活水平个性化处理教学重点、难点across 强调在事物的表面横穿过 go across the bridge 过桥through 强调在事物的里面穿过 go through the tunnel 穿过隧道at the corner of the road 在路的拐角处in the corner of the street 在街道的角落里 round the corner of the street 绕过街道的拐角教学手段Record Sl
19、ideListening Pairwork教学步骤及过程教学过程:Step 1 free talk1. ask students to give us a freetalk and Step 2 presentation 1. use powerpoint to present the traffic signLet students tell us the meaning of eachTraffic signs2. get students to read after the teacher 3. ask students to match the words and Symbols. E
20、ncourage them to guess the Meanings of any symbols they do not know.check the answers as a class activityStep 3 maps 1. ask students to draw a simple maps of Their local area on their own. They should Include their home. Two landmarks in the Area and the school.Ask them to write descriptions as to h
21、ow to get From their home to school on a separate piece Of paper. If they do not live near the school,Ask them to write directions to the bus stop They use 3. divide the class into pairs. Student 1 gives hisHer map to student 2 and explains haow to get From his her home to another place on the mapSt
22、udent 2 draws the route. Student1 checks theRoute and students change roles and studentsChange roles and student 2 gives directions toStudent14. explain the context of part b carefully. Tell students that this is a problemssolving And that they need to follow each word of theInstructions to make the
23、 correct choice5. check answers as a class. If there wereProblems .draw the three map in each Questions.1Encourage students to speak more about the different route in Baoying 板 书设 计翻译下列句子:1、 杰尔现在坐在我左边。_2、 在十字路口向右转,你会发现入口处就在你前面。_3、 哪一个答案是正确的。_4、 我们沿着第六街走,然后右转进进入公园路。_教 学后 记学生对方位的用法有所进步能较准确的表达课题Unit 3
24、Finding your way (grammer)教时1授课教师教学目标1 能够根据图片说出相关介词。2 认识到英语里有许多介词具有动态3 掌握一般将来时的概念,4. 了解它的构成是:will/shall +动词原形 或be going to +动词原形个性化处理教学重点、难点1) cross表示“横过,穿过(从一边到另一边)”。They are swimming across the river. 他们正从河一边游到另一边名词为crossing(十字路口,交点)2) through意为“通过,贯穿”。A car is going through a tunnel.。娇车从隧道穿过3) ov
25、er表示“越过”“从上边过去”He climbed over the hill. 他爬过了小山4) to表示“向”“往”“到”。I am walking to the door.我在朝门走去。5 ) from表示“自”“从”“来自(起点,来源)”They are walking from the sofa to the window.6) along 意为“沿着”I often walk along the road to our school.我经常沿着这条路去我们学校。7) round 表示“围绕,绕”。The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕同样太阳转。8) u
26、p表示向上 down表示向下教学手段Record SlideListening Pairwork教学步骤及过程教学过程:Step 1 freetalk1. ask students to give us a freetalk and Step 2 presentation 1. use powerpoint to present the traffic signLet students tell us the meaning of eachTraffic signs2. get students to read after the teacher 3. listen to teacher ab
27、out the different Points between the prepositions And the teacher give further Explanations and elicit alternative contextFor the prepositions. Ask the students to Complete the “work out the rules”4. go through the different landmarks on the Map, taking your time to pronounce Each name. if appropria
28、te, the teacher couldAsk students to repeat the names in chorus5.ask students to read the conversation on theirPartner. In pairs, they identify and discuss anyDisagreements. Go over any common problems As a class.Step 3 presentation 1. explain to students that when we talk about The future we do not
29、 only use will,we can alsoBe going to the simple present tense and the Simple present tense and the present continuous Tense . it is useful to raise students awareness ofThe existence of different ways to express the Future.2go through the illustrations on page To confirm the context of using will.s
30、hall3 ask students to make a list of the activities .They will do tonight. Tomorrow or next week.4. divide the class into pairs. Ask students To their activities notes.5. ask them to read the conversation first on Their own. Set a time limit. 6 divide the class into pairs and ask them to Read the co
31、nversationStep 4 homework 1. revise the content in this section2. do some exercises 1Encourage students to speak more about the different route in Baoying 板 书设 计1.will+动词原形2.shall+动词原形3.be going to+动词原形教 学后 记学生对将来时的掌握还不错课题Unit 3 Finding your way (Integrated Skills)教时1授课教师教学目标 学习目标 1能据所听内容给出地图上的路线。2能
32、用英语表达怎样去某地。 3. 语言功能: 学看地图,并能从地图中找出要找的地点来4. 学习策略: 掌握一些生活常识,提高生活水平个性化处理教学重点、难点1 Take the second turning on the right. 在第二个路口向右拐本句也可说Turn right at the seconding crossing.2 Walk past the police station.路过公安局 past .为介词。意思是“路过,经过”。如We ran past her but we didnt say anything,教学手段Record SlideListening Pairwo
33、rk教学步骤及过程Step 1. Revision1.Revise the use of prepositions of movement;2.Revise the use of will/shall/be going to by making sentences.Step 2.A gameElicit from students situations from their own experience. Talk to students about treasure hunts.Make a list on the board and ask others in the class whet
34、her they know them, like them and played similar games.(What is a treasure hunt?)Ask Ss to check their knowledge of directions by completing Part A 1Ss do this Part on their own first.Then they check with a partner.Go through the answers as a class activity.Step 3. Listening Play the recording. Ask
35、Ss to listen carefully so that they can identify the order of the directions.Step 4. Read the map and play the recording againSs draw the route on the map using a pencil for the first listening.Then tell Ss to draw a treasure chest in the correct position on the map.Step 5. Giving directions1.Revise
36、 the ways of giving direction learned before.Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat the sentences as they hear them.Then read Millies directions and draw a map.2.Ask the Ss to work in pairs to make up a new conversation for giving direction using the conversation in Part B as a model. Ask a few pairs to
37、 present their conversations to the whole class.Step 6. PractiseAsk Ss to practise the conversation in pairs and then to change roles.Step 7.ExercisesDo some exercisesHomework.完成同步导学练习7.1Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat板 书设 计英语里给别人指明路线的方式有:Go along the road.Walk down/up this street.Walk across the
38、 road.Walk straight on.Turn left/right at the first crossing.3 Its easy to walk from your building to mine.步行从你家到我家容易。Its +形容词+for sb +to do 意为“( 对某人来说)做某事是”。如:Its important for us to study English well.对我们来说学好英语是重要的。Its easy to do the Maths project. 做出这条数学题是容易的。教 学后 记学生对如何表达路线还不是太清楚课题Unit 3 Finding
39、 your way (maintask)教时1授课教师教学目标1. 重点词汇: farewell, barbecue, picnic, invite, exit, everybody, complete, note, page, yours faithfully, monitor, signature, invite sb. to, look forward to2. 语言目标: 与聚会相关的各项语言知识3. 语言功能及学习策略: 进一步领会本单元的主要内容并学会写邀请函个性化处理教学重点、难点To use search engines effectively to find information on the Internet.To identify the meanings of words in different contexts.教学手段Record SlideListening Pairwork教学步骤及过程Step 1. Warm-upElicit from Ss what they already know about the Internet. Take the Ss through the text of this page. Have a discussion about the Internet. Ask i
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