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1、專案管理之理論與實務,財團法人資訊工業策進會 賴居正, PMP 2006/11/13,個人簡歷,學歷: 國立成功大學電機工程碩士 經歷: 財團法人資訊工業策進會 專案支援處 資安服務中心 經理 證照: PMP,討論議題,專案管理面面觀 PMBOK簡介 PMBOK的九大領域與五大流程 問題與討論,專案管理面面觀,什麼是專案,專案是為了解決問題而排定的時間表 品管大師朱蘭 例如: 追求女朋友 算是專案。 有開始有結束。 追到手就算結案。 和女朋友交往 不算專案,算是計劃。有開始,沒有結束。 專案:情人節專案、七夕專案、耶誕節專案、生日專案等 萬一結婚了,則本計劃永無結案之日。 以結婚為前提的交往是

2、唯一的例外。,專案管理在管什麼?,Performance(成效) Cost(成本) Time(時間) Scope(範疇) 合稱PCTS目標 專案管理大師 詹姆斯.路易斯博士,失敗的專案,科技產業研究機構Standish Group 1994年調查顯示,美國本土完成的所有軟體專案中: 17%按照開始的PCTS目標達成 50%修改原先目標 錢花太兇(C) 無法如期完成(T) 結果,降低目標標準,接受現有成果(P,S) 33%失敗收場 原因 專案計畫不佳 先做再說的心態 更多的功夫花在rework,專案經理的一般技能與態度,技能 Leading Communicating Negotiating P

3、roblem solving Influencing the organization 態度 Is Proactive Has the authority to say no when necessary Is held accountable for project failure Understandings professional responsibility Is in charge of the project but not necessarily the resources Does not have to be a technical expert,各位成績普普的同學,你們的

4、機會來了!,菜鳥專案經理最常犯的錯,一個人卯起來一手計畫專案。 下場 參予專案小組的成員沒一個人甩他做的計畫 計劃千瘡百孔,漏洞百出。 結論 專案管理的首要原則是,一定要讓未來牽涉到專案實際作業的人一起參與專案規劃。 工程師背景的專案經理常犯的錯誤 一個人卯起來幹 不懂授權,不相信別人。 用命令取代溝通 老亨利福特:為什麼每當我只需要一雙手時,總會跟來一個腦袋? 專業的傲慢 Halo Effect(光環效應),專案經理扮演的角色,啟動者 成員們的介面 居間緩衝,減少外力衝擊 是一個領導人而不是暴君 領導是一門藝術,它使其他人想去做一些你認為非做不可的事。 1962, Vance Packard

5、 思維陷阱:邊做邊管的專案經理,C=f(P,T,S),贊助人永遠不變的反應: 怎麼可能要花這麼多錢? 專案經理有義務向專案贊助人提出合理的預算 專案經理必須捍衛自己提出的預算 若預算有限,可考慮調整工作範疇。 不可輕易做純粹預算調降的妥協。,問題叢生的專案生命週期,正確的專案生命週期,新藥研發專案生命週期,軟體研發專案生命週期,PMBOK簡介 九大領域與五大流程,關於PMBOK,PMI(Project Management Institute)於1969年為推動專案管理知識體系(PMBOK, Project Management Body of knowledge)而成立。 1984年首次編撰

6、完成”專案管理知識體系導讀指南”(PMBOK Guide) 1987年參考PMBOK架構制定ISO 10006 PMP為PMI認證之專案管理師證照 PMBOK已於2005年9月全面更新為2004版,關於PMP,截至2002年,全球已有4萬多名PMP, 美國擁有1萬4000多名。 2001年單年激增13232位PMP,為16年來之1/2。 中國於1990年成立專門研究單位,1999年正式與國際專案管理組織合作,有計畫培訓國際及專案管理人才。 中國承諾在2008年北京奧運會前,PMP人數將達到5萬名。專案管理在中國稱為項目管理 。 據Fortune雜誌報導,PMP在21世紀將超越MBA,成為各大企

7、業網羅的人才。,專案的定義,依據PMBOK定義 Project(專案) 有開始,有結束(暫時性) 有獨一無二的產品、服務或成果(獨特性) 漸進式推演 Program(計劃) 一個計畫包括一連串的專案,並利用合作協調的方式來完成 一個計畫也可能牽涉到一系列重複性及週期性的活動,專案管理的目的,使用正確的方法、工具、技巧與流程來規劃與管理專案。 讓專案關係人清楚自己的責任和義務。 了解專案中Why, When, Who, Where, What and How。,(在專案中,在何時、由何人、在何地、 做何事以達成何種目標及如何來完成),專案利害關係人,專案利害關係人(Stakeholder) 凡與

8、專案利益有關者,都是利害關係人。 Project manager, Customer, Performing Organization, Owner, Government Agencies, Sponsor, Team, End User, Society, Citizens,利害關係人管理,Identify all project stakeholder Identify their needs, expectations and objectives Determinate the roles of each stakeholder on the project Determinate

9、the skills and knowledge of each stakeholder Assess the overall impact of stakeholders of the project Determinate how stakeholders should be managed,專案管理生命週期(Project Management Life Cycle),起始階段,規劃階段,控制階段,執行階段,結案階段,專案起始階段工作要點,了解專案需求 確定專案目標 專案中的假設與限制 專案成本與時間的概估 專案資源需求概估 專案核准證明,幾乎沒有專案是在最後階段才失敗的; 它們在專案起

10、始階段就已經失敗了!,專案規劃階段工作要點,工作範疇及管理規劃 工作分解結構(Work Breakdown Structure) 建立工作分解結構工作清單 專案成員 網狀圖 決定時間與成本 專案規劃書 開工前協議會議(Kickoff meeting),未來會參與專案的成員一定要參加規劃工作。,規劃的首要要務,是隨時做好再規劃的準備。,專案執行階段工作要點,執行專案規劃(Execute the project plan) 管理專案進度(Manage project progress) 完成工作套件或任務(Complete Work Package or Tasks) 品質確保(Quality A

11、ssurance) 團隊開展(Team Development) 會議(Progress Meeting),專案控管階段工作要項,整合變更控制(Integrated Change Control) 專案效能量測(Project Performance Measuring) 效能報表(Performance Reporting) 範疇變更控制(Scope Change Control) 範疇驗證(Scope Verification) 品質控制(Quality Control) 風險控制(Risk Control) 成本控制(Cost Control) 時程控制(Schedule Control

12、) 採取更正的動作(Take Corrective Action),想要有條理的應付變局,就要有標準的應變措施。,沒有更改餘地的計畫,就是個爛計畫。,專案結案階段工作要項,正式接受(Formal Acceptance) 產品驗證(Product Verification) 經驗學習(Lessons Learned) 採購稽核(Procurement Audits) 更新紀錄(Update Records) 歸檔紀錄(Archive Records) 核放資源(Release Resource),專案管理各程序間的關係,專案管理九大知識領域,5 key process & 9 knowledge

13、 Area,專案整合管理(Project Integration Management),4.1專案計畫發展 4.2專案計畫執行 4.3 整合變更控制,專案計畫發展,擬訂專案管理計畫書 專案管理計畫書的用途 指引專案的執行 記錄專案計畫”假設” 紀錄專案計畫決策考量 協助專案關係人間的溝通 定義對專案內容、範圍與時間點的管理審查 提供進度衡量與專案控制的基準線 所有專案關係人正式認可 專案起始會議 確認每個人都熟悉專案內容 人員熟悉,專案計畫書,Project charter Project management approach Scope statement WBS Responsibil

14、ity Chart/Assignments Network Diagram/ Major Milestones Budget Schedule Resource Change Control Plan/Change Control System Performance Measurement Baselines Management Plans 其他八大知識領域的管理計畫,專案計畫執行,Carrying out the project plan Expend most majority of the projects budget Project managers responsibility

15、 Coordinate and direct the various technical and organization interfaces that exist in the project Most directly affected by the project application area Product of the project is actually created Continuously monitor performance Periodic forecasts of the final cost and schedule results Take correct

16、 action,Gold Plating,計劃書以外的額外功能或服務。 理論上,最好的專案管理是完全符合專案計畫書的內容,不多也不少。 實際上,Gold Plating是難免的。 影響性評估 對專案影響不大,可以答應。 對專案影響重大,提出影響性評估給客戶 若客戶執意要求,要求客戶提出書面要求 執行變更管理。,整合變更控制,Coordinate changes across the entire project 目的 Meet performance baselines Make change Coordinate changes across the knowledge areas,專案範疇

17、管理(Project Scope Management),5.1 專案起始 5.2 範疇規劃 5.3 範疇定義 5.4 範疇確認 5.5 範疇變更控制,專案起始,Project Charter Project Title & Description Briefly describe the project Project Manager Assigned & Authorized Level Goal & Objectives Business Case Why the project being done Project Description/ Deliverables (When,. W

18、hat,.) Signed and Approved by Senior Management Detail schedule and a full risk analysis are not available at this stage,目標訂定要符合SMART原則,Specific、Measurable、Attainable、Realistic、Time-limited,範疇規劃:Scope Statement & Management Plan,Scope Statement SOW, Statement of Work(工作範疇說明書) Scope Management Plan 專

19、案範疇與範疇變更管理的文件 判定某項工作是否在專案範疇之內的標準說明或判斷原則 範疇變更的程序說明,範疇定義:Work Breakdown Structure, WBS,Sample:,工作劃分要細到可以正確估計細項作業的時間與成本為止,範疇定義:WBS Dictionary,Project name Task No. Dates Issued Person Assigned Task Description Quantified Goals and Objective Product Description Acceptance Criteria Deliverables Resources

20、 Assigned Duration Cost Due Date Interdependencies Approved by More?,帕金森定律: 工作量一定會擴增到時間不夠用。,一定要小心,不可以懲罰那些工作表現優 於預期的人,而經更多的工作量交給他們。,範疇確認:Formal Acceptance,It is done at the end of each project phase in the project life cycle and during the control phase in the project management life cycle Scope veri

21、fication is also done whenever a project is terminated Formal Acceptance( 驗收確認單) 專案結案階段專案贊助人正式簽署驗收,範疇變更控制Corrective Action & Lesson Learn,Corrective action requires root cause to identify the cause of the variation and may result in changes to future task, not just one with variation Corrective acti

22、on is part of the analysis of all aspects of the management, not just scope Lessons Learned(發生在專案結案) Technical Project Management General Management,專案時間管理(Project Time Management),6.1 活動定義 6.2 活動順序 6.3 活動期程估算 6.4 時程發展 6.5 時程控管,活動定義,定義在專案執行中必須被完成的活動事項 Activity List 依據WBS,活動順序,定義並記錄活動間彼此的相互前後關係 專案活動網

23、路圖(Project Network Diagrams) Activity on Node(AON) Activity on Arrow(AOA) 更新後的活動彙總表(Activity List Updates),活動期程估算,估算完成每一個個別活動所需花費的時間 活動時間估算值(Activity Duration Estimates) 要徑法(Critical Path Method, CPM) Most likely time estimate PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) (O+4M+P)/6 Monte Carlo Simu

24、lation 估算方法的說明文件(Basis of Estimates),要徑(Critical Path)是指網路圖上最長的那條路徑, 在此路徑上不容許有任何延期, 否則,關鍵活動每延期一天,整個專案就要延一天。,估計,精確的估計是一種矛盾的說法 造成專案失敗的主因之,是錯將大約估計的數目當成確切的目標。 估計的原則 同時將估計容許的百分比秀出來。 說明這些估計,也要說明假設基礎為何。 說明有哪些因素會影響估計值。,PERT,時程發展,分析活動順序、活動期程估算、資源需求已建立專案時程表 專案時程表(Project Schedule) 網路圖:To show independencies b

25、etween tasks 甘特圖:To track prograss, to report the team 里程碑:To report to senior management 時程管理規劃(Schedule Management Plan) Schedule baseline Schedule variance: SV=Plan- Actual Shorten schedule Crashing: Add resource Fast Tracking: Do more task in parallel,網路圖(Network Diagram),Bar(Gantt) Chart & Mile

26、stone Chart,時程控管,控制專案時程變更的方法與手段 更新後的專案時程表 改正行動(Corrective Action) 經驗學習(Lesson Learned),沒有人的工作有效性可達到80%以上; 其他20%的時間會花在個人時間、疲勞與延遲上,專案成本管理(Project Cost Management),7.1 資源規劃 7.2 成本預估 7.3 成本編列 7.4 成本控制,資源規劃,規劃完成專案活動所需的資源(包括:人、物、設備) 專家判斷(Expert Judgment) 交替識別(Alternative Identification) 專案管理軟體(Project Man

27、agement Software),成本預估,估計完成專案所需資源之成本 類比估算法 由下而上估算法(Bottom up) 參數估算法 電腦輔助估算法 歷史資料估算法,估計,精確的估計是一種矛盾的說法 造成專案失敗的主因之,是錯將大約估計的數目當成確切的目標。 估計的原則 同時將估計容許的百分比秀出來。 說明這些估計,也要說明假設基礎為何。 說明有哪些因素會影響估計值。,成本編列,概估完成個別活動所需之成本 成本基準線 專案績效評量之依據,成本控制,專案成本的變更控制 實獲值管理(Earning Value Management) 進度報告(Progress Report) 沉沒成本(Sunk

28、 cost) 不應影響是否繼續執行專案的決定,專案品質管理(Project Quality Management),8.1品質規劃 8.2品質確保 8.3品質控制,PDCA model,PLAN 計畫,ACT 行動,Check 檢查,Do 執行,品質規劃,Identifying which quality standard are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them. Perform regularly Fundamental telnets-quality is planed in, not inspecte

29、d in Quality Standard ISO 9001 品質管理 ISO/TS 16949 汽車供應產業的品質管理 TL 9000 通訊電子供應產業的品質管理,Cause & Effect Diagrams(Ishikawa diagram or fishbone diagram),A creative way to look at the causes or potential causes of a symptom. Helps stimulate thinking, organizes thoughts and generated discussion Can be used to

30、 explore a desired future outcome and the factors to which it relates.,Checklist,A list of items to inspect A picture of the item to be inspected With space to note any defects found Item specific Verify a set of required steps Imperatives performed tasks Simple, complex,品質確保,Evaluating overall proj

31、ect performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards Primarily done during the execution phase Reevaluating quality standards, method and procedures used on the project Quality Assurance Department,Quality Audits,A structured reviews o

32、f quality activities Identifying lessons learned Improving performance Scheduled or random Internal vs. External,品質控制,Monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards, and identifying ways to eliminate cause of unsatisfactory performance Project results

33、 Product results, project management results Performed throughout the project Focus on correctness of work Quality control department Working knowledge of statistical quality control Sample, Probability,Sample process flowchart,Control Chart of Project Schedule Performance,Standard Deviation(Sigma),

34、A measure of how far you are from the mean not the median PERT formula: Sigma=(P-O)/6 Under normal distribution +/-1 sigma = 68.26% +/-2 sigma = 95.46% +/-3 sigma = 99.73% +/-6 sigma = 99.99%,Pareto Diagram,80/20法則,專案人力資源管理(Project Human Resource Mangement),9.1 組織規劃 9.2 人員獲得 9.3 團隊發展,組織規劃,指派專案成員的角色與

35、責任及層級關係 角色與責任指派(Role & Responsibility Assignment) 人員管理規劃(Staffing Management Plan) 組織架構圖(Organization Chart),人員獲得,專案相關人力的需求獲得 談判(Negotiations) 預先指派(Pre-assignment) 採購/外包(Procurement / Outsourcing),團隊發展,透過個別或群體的互補關係及貢獻來提昇專案績效 團隊建立活動(Team Building Activities) 一般管理技巧(General Management Skills) 獎勵與認同(Re

36、ward and Recognition System) 協同工作(Collaborative) 教育訓練(Training),專案經理需要滿足組織要求, 同時也要幫助參與專案的個人滿足其需要。,專案經理的職責,Team building(建立團隊) Arbitration(仲裁) Perquisites(特殊待遇) Fringe Benefits(附加福利) Leadership Style,團隊發展階段,型成(forming) 需要指導方向型(Telling)的領導 認識團隊目標 認識彼此 動盪(Storming) 需要推銷型與影響型(Selling)的領導 團隊需要一股安撫的力量 成型(

37、norming) 需要參與型(Participating)的領導 決定權下放 展現(performing) 需要委任型(Delegating)的領導 思考團隊流程優劣,計畫接下來的工作 委任不代表退位!,Power of Project Manager,衝突管理,Source of Conflict Schedule/Project priorities/Resource/Technical Opinions/Administrative Procedures/Cost/Personality Conflict Resolution Techniques Problem Solving (Co

38、nfronting) Compromising (各退一步) Withdrawal (Avoidance) Smoothing (異中求同) Forcing,Responsibility Chart,Responsibility Assignment Matrix,Resource Histogram,專案溝通管理(Project Communication Management),10.1 溝通規劃 10.2 資訊發佈 10.3 成效報告 10.4 結案管理,溝通規劃,專案利害關係人的溝通方式(何人、何時、如何進行) 溝通管理計畫 告訴專案利害關係人何時會以何種方式進行溝通。,資訊發佈,適時

39、、適當的方式提供專案利害關係人必須的資訊 溝通技巧 資訊取得系統 資訊發佈系統 資訊包括: Status/Problems/Update project plans or components of the project plan/Successes/Team member performance/Progress/Meeting Schedule/Status of risks,成效報告,收集及傳播績效資訊 效能報表 狀態報告(Status Report): Describing where the project now stand 進度報告(Progress Report): Desc

40、ribing what has been accomplished 趨勢報告(Trend Report): Examining project results over time to see if performance is improved or deteriorating 預測報告(Forecasting Report): Predicting future project status and performance 差異報告(Variance Report): Comparing actual results to planed 實獲值分析(Earn Value Analysis)

41、: Integrating scope, cost, and schedule measures to access project performance,結案管理,當階段性任務或專案完成時所產生、收集及傳播的資訊 效能報告(Performance Report) 專案完工報告(Project Reports) 專案發表(Project Presentation),Communication Model & Methods,Model Nonverbal(非語言的) Para Lingual(語調) Active Listening(積極聆聽) Effective Listening(有效聆

42、聽,三思而後動) Feedback Methods Formal Written: Project Plan, Project Charter Formal Verbal: Presentation, Speech Informal Written: Memo, E-mail Informal Verbal: Meeting, Speech,Communication Blockers,What can get in the way of communications? Noise Distance Improper en-coding of messages Saying “that is

43、bad idea” Hostility(敵意) Language Culture,專案風險管理(Project Risk Management),11.1 風險管理規劃 11.2 風險辨識 11.3 質化風險分析 11.4 量化風險分析 11.5 風險回應規劃 11.6 風險監控與控制,風險管理的重要性,想想看小小的老鼠,他們有多聰明呀!他們從不把自己的性命交託在同一個洞上。 古羅馬喜劇作家Plautus,風險管理規劃,Deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for a project The level

44、, type, and visibility should commensurate(等量) with both the risk and importance of the project to the organization Risk management plan Methodology Budgeting for the risk management process Timing Scoring and interpretation Thresholds Reporting formats Tracking,風險辨識,Determining project risk Documen

45、ting characteristics Category, triggers Iterative processes Participants All stakeholders, experts Simple and effective risk responses Can not be completed until WBS is created,Where do risks come from?,Schedule Cost Quality Performance or scope of work Resource Customer satisfaction,質化風險分析,Performi

46、ng a qualitative analysis of risks and conditions to prioritize their effects on project objective A subjective(主觀) analysis Assessing the impact and likelihood of identified risks Prioritizes risks according to their potential effect on project objectives Determining the importance of addressing sp

47、ecific risks and guiding risk responses To stay current with changes in the project risks Lead to further analysis in quantitative risk analysis or directly risk response planning,Risk Rating Matrix,Probability-Impact Matrix,量化風險分析,Measuring the probability and consequences of risks and estimating t

48、heir implications for project objective A numerical analysis Less subjective Determine which risk events warrant a response Determine overall project risk (risk exposure) Determine the quantified probability of meeting project objectives Determine cost and schedule reserves Identify risks requiring

49、the most attention Create realistic and achievable cost, schedule or scope target Generally follows qualitative risk analysis Requires risk identification Risk assessment = risk identification + qualitative analysis + quantitative analysis,Decision Tree Analysis,風險回應規畫,Developing procedures and tech

50、niques to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to the projects objectives What are we going to do about it Assign responsibility for each agreed risk response Ensure identified risks are properly addressed Agree upon by all parties involved There is no 100% risk free project,Risk Response Strate

51、gies,Avoidance(規避) Transference(轉移) Mitigation(減輕) Acceptance(接受),風險監控與控制(1),Risk change a the project matures, new risks develop, or anticipated risks disappear An ongoing process Keeping track of the identified risks Implementing risk responses Looking for the occurrence of risk triggers Monitorin

52、g residual risks Identifying new risks Ensuring the execution of risk plans Evaluating effectiveness in reducing risk Developing new risk responses Communicating risk status and collecting risk status Communicating with stakeholders about risks,風險監控與控制(2),Determining if assumptions are still valid Revisiting low ranking or non-critical risks to see if risk responses need to be determined T


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