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1、Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。The main activities are 1, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1, 2a和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words:move, countryside, city, noisy, traffic, cost, miss, air, fresh3. Review the structure of“There be”.4. Review how to talk

2、about living environments.5. Let the students learn how to deal with things in study and daily life. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)通过复习, 引入2a。1. (出示两张图片。) AB (让学生用there be结构描述图片。)T: Please describe the two pictures using the structure “there

3、be”(师生看图对话。复习重要句型,引出2a中的生词并呈现在黑板上。)T:Now lets talk about the pictures. Whats the differences between the two pictures in the sky?Ss:There are no birds in Picture A, but there are many in Picture B.T:What are the birds doing in the sky?Ss:They are flying/singing.T:Youre right. We can say: “There are

4、many birds flying/singing in the sky in Picture B.” Its clear that Picture A shows something about cities and Picture B is about countryside. Who can tell us something more about cities?S1:There are many people and tall buildings.T:Good! Anything else?S2:There are many buses and cars on the road.T:Y

5、es. So we can say: “The traffic is heavy.” Are the cities quiet?Ss:No.T:Right. They arent quiet. They are noisy. And the cost of living is high. But some people want to move from countryside to cities to find work. The Greens dont like living in the city, so they want to rent their house with two be

6、drooms to others. Please help them write an ad.(板书生词,要求学生掌握city, traffic, cost, move; 理解noisy; 了解countryside.)city, countryside, traffic, noisy, cost, move2. (复习广告的表达。)(一分钟之后)T:Great! Next Ill ask several students to report their ads, and lets see whose is the best.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟

7、)呈现2a和1。T: Do you want to know why so many people are moving from countryside to cities?1. (1)(让学生快速阅读2a短文,并完成判断正误题,之后核对答案。)T:Skim the passage in 2a and finish the exercises below.(两分钟以后)T:Lets check the answers together.(2)(让学生再次阅读短文,找出短文中描述城市或农村的关键词。)T:Read the passage again and find out the key w

8、ords to describe the cities and countryside.(板书)noisyheavy trafficcityhigh cost of livingcountrysidethe fresh air and the quiet lifea big yard(3)(匹配板书相应项目。)T: Match the descriptive words with city and countryside.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)巩固1和2a。1. (让学生听1的录音, 然后跟读。)T: Listen to 1 and read a

9、fter it.2. (1)(让学生听2a的录音, 不看课文, 只看黑板上的关键词和图片, 加深印象。)T: Listen to 2a. Close your books and look at the key words and pictures on the blackboard.(2)(让学生利用关键词造句。)T: OK, please make sentences with the key words on the blackboard.(3)(要求学生利用短文的图片和关键词来复述短文。)T: Yeah. I think the most exciting time is coming

10、. Who can have a try to retell the passage according to the key words and pictures? Any volunteers?(4)(引导学生利用下表信息,联系自己的实际生活,结合2a完成2b的写作任务。)reasons to livecountrysidehills and riversgreen trees and grassclean air and waterhouses with a big yardcitysupermarketeasy to find shopinteresting places to enj

11、oy oneselfmany kinds of traffic ways Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)练习, 完成Grammar and Functions。1.(在小黑板上呈现有关There be句型的练习, 要求学生完成, 然后归纳总结There be句型的用法。)T: In this topic, we must master the structure of “There be”. Now please look at the small blackboard. Lets do some exercises about this structure. A

12、nd then sum up its usage.Example:There (be) a computer in my study.There (be) a lamp, a mirror, a recorder and some books on the desk.There (be) a guitar beside it.There (be) some books on the bookcase.There (be) a lot of tall buildings.There (be) many shops, a hospital and a school close to the bui

13、ldings.There (be) no houses on the right.There (be) something wrong with my kitchen fan.There (be) some bread on the plate.There (be) many old people living there.3. (完成Grammar and Functions的内容, 总结归纳本话题的语法和有用的短语。) T: Look at Grammar and Functions, please. They are very important to you. You should r

14、ead them carefully and try to remember them. Understand? (学生阅读, 教师巡视并给予必要的帮助。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:15分钟)通过活动, 培养学生综合运用能力。1. (假设某个学生家的电视机出了问题, 需要求助于社区服务中心, 让学生两人一组编一个对话, 然后选几组学生上台表演。)T: Suppose there is something wrong with your TV set, and you want to get help from the community service cent

15、er. Please make a dialog about it with your partner. Are you ready? Begin!2. (假如你放学回家时,发现洗手间地面有许多水,你的第一反应是什么?我们就此对一个班的同学做了一项调查,结果有A、B、C、D四种答案,其比例如图所示。请以小组形式,讨论出你们选择哪一种,为什么?培养学生分析问题,处理问题的能力。)T: What will you do first if you find some water on the floor in your washroom when getting home? Weve made a survey about it in a class. They gave us four different kinds of answers as the diagram shows below. Please discuss in groups, and then tell the class your choice and the reason.A. to call parentsB. to wait for parents coming backC. to call the community service centerD. to check t


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