七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Why do you like pandas(第2课时)》学案(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section A (1a2d ) Period Two 听说课Learning goals:一、语言知识(常用词汇和短语) panda , zoo , tiger , elephant , lion , giraffe , animal , cute , lazy , smart , beautiful , Australia , south , Africa , pet , leg , cat , sleep , kind of , South Africa二、语言功能1.能描述各种常见动物( Describe animals )

2、2.能表达自己对动物的喜好( Express preferences )3.学会运用why, what, where引导的问句,了解动物的外形、生活习性及主要产地。 What animals do you want to see ? Why do you like the animals ? Because theyre Where are they from ? Theyre from 三、学习策略1.在听力活动中,每完成一个听力任务之前,先呈现该听力的语境及听的技巧,为接下来的听做好准备。注重学生的听力和表演技能的培养。2.在听后活动中,通过让学生表演对话、改写对话、复述改写后的对话等活动

3、来培养学生的口头表达能力,注重内化和输出相结合。3. 通过2d对话再现促使学生能通过模仿进行角色扮演,转语言输入为语言输出。四、情感态度学生通过谈论动物的各种特点,了解有关动物的谚语,促使学生喜爱动物,对动物感兴趣,从而关爱野生动物并珍爱大自然。五、文化意识了解各种动物的特性及它们的分布点。【设计意图】目标引领,表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标以及文化意识。Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Preview一、Look at P25-26, put the following into English orally, then write them dow

4、n without looking at the text. 1.欢迎光临动物园_ 2.我最喜爱的动物_3.想要做某事 _ 4.让某人做某事 _5.来自澳大利亚_ 6.用两条腿走路 _7.一整天_ 8.有点厌烦_二Read the book and put the Chinese into English orally, then write them down without looking at your book .1.让我们先去看看熊吧。_2.你为什么想看它们?因为他们有趣。 _3.这些狮子从哪儿来的?它们从南非来。 _4.这只狗能干什么? 他能两条腿走路。 _5.你为什么不喜欢猫呢?

5、因为她有点儿烦人。 _6.她整天睡觉。_【设计意图】这些短语和句型都来自课本,通过预习检测教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性地学。StepII. Warming up and leading in T: Do you usually go to the zoo on weekends ?S1: Yes .T: What animals do you want to see ?S1: I want to see many animals , such as pandas , elephants , tigers T: Do you know the animals in the pict

6、ure ?(引导学生说出一些动物的名称,为降低难度,图片一幅幅展示,为下文描述动物的特性做准备)Ss: Yes .S1: That very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose is an elephant .S2: Its color is white and black and it likes to eat bamboo(竹子). is a panda .S3: They live in the cold placeSouth Pole(南极) and they walk like a duck(鸭子). They

7、are penguins (企鹅).S4: Its smart and looks like a person . Its a monkey .S5: T: Today well learn more about animals. Lets go to the zoo. Here is Beijing Zoo. There are many animals here. Can you name them?T: Open your book and turn to Page 25. .Lets come to 1a.Ss: 1a ; 2f ; 3c ; 4e ; 5d ; 6-b【设计意图】大多

8、数孩子喜欢去动物园看动物,依据这一特点,老师出示图画先问同学们是否认识这一动物,同学们通过看动物的外貌特征竞相说出自己认识的动物。但是要了解更多的动物,还要亲自去动物园看一看,这为学习1a做了很好的铺垫。StepIII. PresentationLook at the picture above , ask and answer :T: Whats the girls favorite animal?Ss: Her favorite animals are pandas. T: Why?Ss: Because theyre very cute .T: Whats your favorite a

9、nimal ?S1: My favorite animal is _.T: Why do you like _?S1: Because theyre _.引出目标语言Why do you like-? Because theyre-. Then the teacher asks S2.T: Whats S1s favorite animal?S2: His/Her favorite animal is _.T: Why does he/she like _?S2: Because theyre_.引出目标语言Why does he/she like-? Because theyre-. 【设计

10、意图】用课本插图呈现上面的内容,引出目标语言Why do you like-? Because theyre-. 和Why does he/she like-? Because theyre-. 为1b的听力做好准备。StepIV. Listening I While-listening activities1.Listening for the general idea of the conversations.听取大意Listen and choose the main idea of the three conversations.The main idea of the three c

11、onversations is aboutThe two students are talking about how to get to the zoo .The two students are introducing the animals to the people .The two students are talking about what animals they want to see and their reasons . 2. Listening for the specific ideas听取细节(1) 1b Listen and check () the animal

12、s you hear in 1a.1.tiger_ 2. elephant_3. koala _ 4. panda _ 5. lion_ 6. giraffe_(2) Ask Ss to listen again and complete the conversations according to the tape.Conversation 1Girl: Lets see the pandas first. Theyre my favorite _.Boy: Why?Girl: Because theyre very _.Conversation 2Boy: Lets see the _.G

13、irl: _ do you want to see them?Boy: Because theyre _.Conversation 3Girl: Lets see the koalas now. I like _.Boy: Why?Girl: Because theyre _.Post-listening activities1. Listen and repeat.2. Pair workAsk Ss to make their own conversations with their partners using the words in 1c.For example:S1: Lets s

14、ee _.S2: _ do you want to see them?S1: Because theyre _.【设计意图】听取环节属于知识的输入。在听的细节上首先要注意学生对所听的内容有个大致的了解,第二次听或第三次听都是听取细节,因此要设计好听所需回答的问题。再次听是让学生听音跟读,旨在调动眼视听众感官深刻体会文章内容,更主要的是让学生通过跟读培养学生的语音语调,学着读出真正的地道的英语。并对学生掌握不准的词汇的读音进行学习或纠正。只有输入得好才有下一步的输出即听后的说。StepV. PresentationUse “EN” to show Ss some pictures , ask a

15、nd answer:T: Do you think the pandas are cute ?Ss: Yes .T: Do you think the giraffes are beautiful ?Ss: Yes , we think so .T: Koalas are interesting , arent they ?Ss: Yes , they are .T: But where are they from ? Do you know ?Ss: Yes , we do . Theyre from ./ No , we dont .引出目标语言where are they from ?

16、Theyre from .为了让同学们听好2a,老师展示一幅地图,让同学们进一步巩固这一目标语言。T: Where are the pandas from ?S1: Theyre from China .T: Where are the koalas from ?S2: Theyre from Australia .Then Ss work in pairs to practice the language goals .StepVI. Listening IIWhile-listening activities1. Listening for the general idea of 2a.L

17、isten carefully and find out the main idea of the conversation.The general idea of the conversation is _A: Why do you like these animals and where are they from?B: When do you want to see them?C: Where do you want to go?2. Listening for the specific ideas(1)2a Ask Ss to listen and write the animals

18、they hear. Then draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from.(2)2b Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in 2a.Julie: Lets see the _.John: Why do you like them?Julie: Because theyre _ interesting.John: Where are they from?Julie: Theyre fro

19、m _.(3) Check the Ss answers.【设计意图】在处理2a听力之前,老师就要提示学生掌握边听边记录的技巧,比如当听到动物名称时,可只记录其单词首字母,如把pandas的p , koalas的k , lions的l , 等所有内容听完后再补写完整的单词。这样既不耽误听力的顺延,又能正确完成单词的拼读。听2b听力之前,可提醒学生参照2a提供的信息,然后播放录音,学生填写对话,核对答案。Post-listening activities1. Listen and repeat.2. Let Ss fill in the blanks in the rewriting passa

20、ge. Then they can discuss in groups. The pandas are from_. Julie _ them. Because theyre _. The lions are from _. Julie _ them. Because theyre _. John likes _. Because theyre _ and theyre from _.3. 2c Let Ss talk about the other two animals in 2a with a partner. Do John and Julie like them ? Do you l

21、ike them ? Why or Why not ?For example:S1: Lets see the koalas and lions. Do John and Julie like them?S2: _S1: Why_?S2: Because _.S1: Do you like them?S2:_S1: Why_?S2: Because _.S1: Where are they from?S2: Theyre from_4. Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d in silence with the following questions.1

22、) Does Peter have a pet ? Whats the name ? What can he do ?2) Does Jennys mother have a pet ? Whats the name ? What can she do ?After reading , Ss finish the following chart .AnimalNameDescriptionCan doPeters petJennys moms pet3) Listen and repeat . 4) Ask Ss to practice it for 2 minutes and then as

23、k some pairs to role-play the conversation.5) Let Ss fill in the blanks in the rewriting passage. Dingding is peters _. Hes _. He can _. Jennys mom has a _, but Jenny _ the cat. Because she _. She _, and her name is _.【设计意图】本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过复述、回答问题、完成表格、编对话、表演对话等多种训练方式,引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)StepVII

24、. Moral education (情感教育)Look at the pictures and guess the Chinese meanings of the old sayings about the animals . Its raining cats and dogs . (倾盆大雨) Love me , love my dog . (爱屋及乌) as busy as a bee(蜜蜂) . (忙得团团转) Every dog is a lion at home . (狗在门口就成了狮子)Every dog has its day . (人人皆有得意时) 【设计意图】让同学们看图画

25、猜有关动物谚语的汉语意思,我们会感受到动物是可爱、有趣的,自古以来就蕴藏着丰富的文化意识。我们应该对动物友好并保护它们。StepVIII. Inquiry into knowledge by translation一、Why do you want to see them? _Because theyre interesting. _why引导的_疑问句询问_,其答语常用_引导。because是连词,表示直接的理由。此外,“Why dont you + 动词原形 + ?”是向别人提出_。如:你为什么不去那儿呢? _I dont like math because its very diffic

26、ult._二、Why dont you like the cat? _Well, because shes kind of boring. _1. Why dont you do sth.? =_,意为“_?”表示提_ ,两者的主要区别就是要不要加_语。如:Why dont you try it?=_2. kind of 相当于副词,修饰形容词或副词,意为“_”,与_的意思相同。如:这只猴子有点聪明。_.三、Where are lions from?_1. lions是_的_数形式。名词的_数形式可以表示名词的一类。“不定冠词(a/an)+_数可数名词”也可以表示名词的一类。如:狗是我们的好朋

27、友。_或_2.be from=_,意为“_”。如:我的英语老师来自美国。_【设计意图】“翻译探究”的主要目的是变老师讲解语言知识为学生自学语言知识。学生使用“翻译探究”时可以和答案同时使用,帮助自学、探究、发现和归纳,学生个人学不懂时可以以小组形式互助,若还不会,老师再讲解,这就是先学后教,以学定教。StepIX. The end-of class test一、Finish the words according to the sentences and the first letters.1. He likes koalas , because they are c _ .2. P _ on

28、ly live in China .3. Linda cant do it herself , b _ she is too young .4. We find English is very i _ and we like it .5. Koalas s _ during the day and eat leaves at night .二、Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.Because, theyre, do, dont, cool, like, why, whereA: _ are lions from?B: _ from S

29、outh Africa. Do you _ lions?A: No, I dont.B: Why _ you like lions?A: Because theyre really scary. But I like giraffes.B: Really? _ do you like giraffes?A: Well, _ theyre kind of interesting. Do you like panda?B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot.A: Tigers? Why _ you like tigers?B: Theyre really _!三

30、、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms .1. Lets go to the park _( one ) .2. The boys want _ ( play ) soccer now .3. Lets _ ( take ) a bus to the zoo .4. My pet cat can _ ( walk ) on two legs .5. Where are _ ( tiger ) from ?【设计意图】通过检测学生的学习情况,有助于以学定教。StepX. HomeworkYou must:1.

31、Recite the dialogue in 2d of Section A.2. Preview Section A ( Grammar Focus 3c )If you can:Make a survey about your friendsfavorite animals and the reasons. Use the target language “Why do you like them? Why dont you like-? Because theyre-.Where are they from? ” to fill in the chart and write a repo

32、rt.NameAnimalReasonWhere亮点:本课的导入。利用学生喜爱的动物图片导入既能激发学生的兴趣又能顺利的进入新课。2.本课时是听说课。每完成一个听力任务之前,老师都先呈现该听力的语境及听的技巧,为接下来的听做好准备。所以注重了学生的听力和表演技能的培养,少部分的内容训练了他们的笔头能力。3.在听后活动中,通过让学生表演对话、改写对话、复述改写后的对话等活动来培养学生的口头表达能力,注重内化和输出相结合。在最后通过让学生看图画猜谚语,感受到动物的可爱、有趣,蕴藏着丰富的文化意识,我们应该对动物友好并保护它们,从而很自然得融入了情感教育。4. 家庭作业分层布置,让学习能力强的同学做更能体现他们高水平的作业。不足之处:.本节课容量大,个别环节学生用时不充足。如翻译探究环节,小组讨论不充分,教师点拨不够精细。使用建议:1.教师提前让学生做好充分的预习,包括对听力材料的预习和2d的背诵。教师课前要准备充分的图片,对本节课语言目标的教学起到很好的辅助作用。2.学生使用“翻译探究”时可以和答案同时使用,帮助自学、探究、发现和归纳,学生个人学不懂时可以以小


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