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1、,Cultural Relics,Unit 1,Obama paid a visit to China :,?,The Great Wall / The Summer Palace is a place that/which_.,*It is a place that is the longest wall in the world. *It is a place that sees Chinas amazing history.,*It is a place that has survived for a long time . *It is a place in which there a

2、re many ancient arts, beautiful landscapes and special wooden constructions. *It is a place that gives us a good chance to know ancient royal families life.,*It is a place that has a long history.,the Great Wall,Leshan Giant Buddha,the Potala Palace,Dunhuang Mogao Caves,the Terracotta Warriors,the I

3、mperial Palace,the Pyramid (Egypt),Taj Mahal (India),the Statue of Liberty (the USA),1. It is the symbol of the USA. 2. The Goddess(女神) holds a torch(火炬) in her right hands.,London Bridge (England),Stonehenge (England),the Statue of Jesus Christ (Brazil),Triumphal Arch凯旋门,1. It is located in (位于)Par

4、is , France. 2. It s the biggest arch(拱门) in the world. 3. It is grand(雄伟的 ) and beautiful in the night light. 4. It was built by Napoleon in 1806 in memory of(纪念) French Army.,The Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔,1. It is the famous Italy building. 2. It got its name because it leans(倾斜) to the earth. 3.

5、It is actually used for telling people time.,Louvre Museum卢浮宫,It is a very big, old and well-known museum in Paris, France. 2. It was built in the 13th century. 3. It was a castle for the king of France. 4. It lies beside Seine(塞纳河) River.,What do they have in common?,ancient, have a long history va

6、luable, historical sites or objects, heritage(遗产) being damaged, protection,What is a cultural relic?,Q1: Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable ?,Q2: Is it enough to have survived for a long time?,No, it does not need to be rare or valuable.,Yes, it is enough to have survived for

7、 a long time.,Q3:Do cultural relics only refer to buildings?,Can you give some other examples?,Paintings, works of art, articles of daily use , some customs ect.,The Mona Lisa,清明上河图,Cultural relics,What is a cultural relic ?,the past,remained,survived,It tells people about_.,_doesnt need to be _ or

8、_, but is enough to have _for a long time., A part of something old that has been _while the rest of it has _.,destroyed,rare,valuable,which,A cultural relic can be a building, object or item,Mount Huangshan,The Classical Gardens of Suzhou,Angkor Wat in Cambodia,Taj-Mahal in India,The Sports Arena o

9、f Ancient Rome,Stonehenge in England,amber,What is amber?,Pre-reading,Amber,color yellow- brown feel like natural or manmade Amber is the fossil(化石)form of resin(树脂) from trees. It takes millions of years to form.,feel as hard as stone,What is amber?,Pre-reading,Can you imagine what a room made of a

10、mber looks like?,Raw,amber,the Amber Room,the Amber Room,the Amber Room,a room made of amber,Read the text quickly, trying to get the main idea about the text.,It tells us the strange history of the_ _, a cultural relic of two countries: _ and _.,Amber Room,Germany,Russia,How did the Amber Room beco

11、me one of the wonders of the world?,How was a new Amber Room built?,How did the Amber Room get lost?,How was the Amber Room made?,Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?,5,4,1,3,2,The following five questions summarize the main idea of the five paragraphs in

12、the passage. Put them in order.,Skimming:,Para1: a brief(简要的) _ to the Amber Room Para 2-5: _ of the Amber Room,the history,introduction,yellow-brown,fancy style,amber(several tons) gold jewels,10 years,Prussia,Para1 :An introduction of the Amber Room,Careful reading,Who owned the Amber Room in the

13、history ?,Frederick ,Frederick William ,Peter the Great,Catherine ,Para2-5: the history of the Amber Room,P2-5: In search of its amazing history:,Frederick _,Frederick William _,Catherine _,The Nazi army _,The Russians& _ Germans,have it made,have it sent in 1716,have it moved and changed in 1770,St

14、eal it in 1941,have it rebuilt in 2003,Peter the Great,Prussia,Russia,missing,Russia,use for,his winter Palace in St Petersburg a small reception hall for important visitors,for his palace,In 1716,a troop of soldiers,Frederick,Frederick William I,Peter the Great,in return,change,600 candles lit the

15、room The mirrors and pictures shone like gold,1.She had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside of St Petersburg. 2.Told her artists to add more details.,mystery,In 1770,?,In 1941,later,How did it get lost ?,furniture,small objects,the room,100,000,27,train,knigsberg,The missing of amber room,The

16、 rebuilding of amber room,the Russians and Germans,based on old photos of the former one,celebrate the 300th birthday of their city,who,why,2003,when,how,Read and fill in blanks:,In search of the Amber Room,P1 description,P2-5 its amazing history,tons of amber,yellow-brown,honey,fancy style,treasure

17、,gold & jewels,gift,palace,Peter the Great,a troop of soldiers,winter palace,a reception hall,Catharine ,six hundred,mirrors & pictures,at war,missing,new,three hundred,Debate:,Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace. Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics?,worth rebuilding,not worth rebuilding,Some useful expressions Do/Dont you think that ? Why/Why not? Do you have any ideas about ? How do you know that? What do you think (of)? I think/dont think that I agree./Sorry, I


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