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1、EuroNCAP 欧洲新车安全评价规程,欧洲NCAP,开始于1997年,最为成熟的NCAP体系之一 性质: 是一个行业性组织,由欧洲部分国家政府、国际汽车联合会、消费者权益组织以及汽车俱乐部等组成,不依附于任何汽车生产企业 评价方法: 分为整车星级、儿童约束系统星级以及行人保护星级评价,欧洲NCAP,试验项目: 64km/h正面40偏置碰撞(1997) 50km/h侧面碰撞(1997) 29km/h侧面柱碰撞(选做) 分数构成:可以得到的最高总分:37分 40偏置碰撞 16分 侧面碰撞 16分 侧面柱碰撞 2分 安全带提醒装置 3分,欧洲NCAP,总分要求: 18分 916分 1724分 25

2、32分 3337分 ,欧洲NCAP,单项要求:(即星级对应单项试验最低得分) 单项试验要求最低得分 星级 2分 5分 9分 13分 ,欧洲NCAP,除对车内乘员的保护进行星级评价外,还考核车辆以下方面的性能: 对于行人的保护 儿童约束系统的状态,Provide a fair, meaningful and objective assessment of the impact performance of cars. 对汽车的碰撞性能提供一种公正、有效和客观的评价。 Inform consumers, so providing an incentive to manufacturers as w

3、ell as giving credit to those who excel at occupant or pedestrian protection. 告知顾客,从而鼓励制造商并对乘员和行人保护表现出色的汽车给予荣誉。 The tests used are based on those developed for legislation by the European Enhanced Vehicle safety Committee (EEVC), for frontal and side impact protection of car occupants and for the pr

4、otection of pedestrians hit by the front of cars. 所作的试验基于EEVC(欧洲车辆安全促进委员会)制定的法规,涉及对正面和侧面碰撞乘员保护以及受到车辆前端撞击的行人保护。,Purpose 目的:,Test Condition 试验工况:,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),The dummy body is divided into four grouped regions 假人身体被分为4个组合的区域: Head and Neck 头和颈 (0-4) Ches

5、t 胸 (0-4) Knee, Femur, Pelvis 膝, 股骨, 骨盆 (0-4) Leg and Foot 小腿和脚 (0-4) The sum of every grouped region scores as front overall assessment 各组合区域分值总和作为正面碰撞的总评分。,4.00 2.67 3.99 1.33 2.66 0.01 1.32 0.00,Modifiers 修正项,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Method of scoring 评分方法: Slid

6、ing Scales 滑移尺度 Two limits for each parameter: The more demanding limit (higher performance), beyond which a maximum score is obtained The less demanding limit (lower performance), below which no points are scored. 每个参数设定两个极限值:高要求限值(高性能指标),超出该值可得最高分 低要求限值(低性能指标),低于该值没有得分 Where a value falls between

7、the two limits, the score is calculated by linear interpolation. 处于两者之间的测量值采用线性插值的方法得出相应分数 Where multiple criteria exist for an individual body region, the lowest scoring parameter is used to determine the performance of that region. 若假人单独部位存在多个评价指标,则采用其中的最低得分来决定这部分的性能。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Fron

8、t Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Head 头 Drivers with steering wheel airbags and Passengers 配置正面安全气囊的驾驶员和乘员 If there is no hard contact a score of 4 points is awarded. 如果没有硬接触,可得4分 If there is hard contact, the following limits are used: 如果有硬接触,按照以下限值评定: Higher performance limit 高性能限值 HIC36 头部伤害指数 650

9、(5% risk of injury AIS3) Resultant Acc. 3 ms exceedence 持续3ms合成加速度值 72 g Lower performance limit 低性能限值 HIC36 头部伤害指数 1000* (20% risk of injury AIS3) Resultant Acc. 3 ms exceedence 持续3ms合成加速度值 88 g (*EEVC limit 限值) Note: HIC36 levels above 1000 have been recorded with airbags, where there is no hard c

10、ontact and no established risk of internal head injury. A hard contact is assumed, if the peak resultant head acceleration exceeds 80g, or if there is other evidence of hard contact. 注:在配置气囊时,如果没有硬接触和预计的头部内在伤害的情况下,超过1000的头部伤害指数HIC36 要被记录下来。硬接触是指,头部合成加速度峰值超过80g或其他硬接触的证据。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Fron

11、t Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Head 头 Drivers with no steering wheel airbag 未配置正面安全气囊的驾驶员 If no steering wheel airbag is fitted, and the following requirements are met: 如果未配置正面安全气囊,需满足以下要求: HIC36 头部伤害指数 1000 Resultant Acc. 3 ms exceedence 持续3ms合成加速度值 88 g then, deformable honeycomb faceform tests ar

12、e carried out on the steering wheel: 然后,要对方向盘进行可变形蜂窝材料头型试验 choose the most aggressive sites to test 选择最严厉的位置进行试验 expected that two tests will be required, one aimed at the hub and spoke junction and one at the rim and spoke junction. The assessment is then based on the following criteria. 希望作两次试验,一次

13、在中心与轮辐交接处,一次在轮边与轮辐交接处。按照如下标准评价: Higher performance limit 高性能限值 Resultant peak Acc. 合成加速度峰值80 g Resultant Acc. 3 ms exceedence 持续3ms合成加速度值 65 g Lower performance limit 低性能限值 Honeycomb crush 蜂窝材料压溃1 mm HIC36 头部伤害指数1000 Resultant peak Acc. 合成加速度峰值120 g Resultant Acc. 3 ms exceedence 持续3ms合成加速度值80 g,Ass

14、essment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Head 头 Drivers with no steering wheel airbag (Cont.) 未配置正面安全气囊的驾驶员(继续) From the faceform tests, a maximum of 2 points are awarded for performance better than the lower limits. 根据头型试验,对于高于低限值性能的最高可给2分 For values worse than the lower performance

15、 limit, no points are awarded. 对于比低限值差的,不给分 for cars not equipped with a steering wheel airbag, the maximum score obtainable for the drivers head is 2 points. 对于未配备正面安全气囊的车来说,驾驶员的头部最高得分只有2分。,Modifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Unstable Contact on the airbag 与安全气囊不稳定的接触. During the forward movement of

16、 the head its centre of gravity moves further than the outside edge of the airbag; 在头部前移过程中,其重心移动超出安全气囊外边界; Detachment of the steering wheel from the column, or bottoming-out of the airbag by the dummy head; 方向盘从管柱上脱落,或气囊被假人压到最低点 The score is reduced by one point. 得分将被扣掉1分。 Head bottoming-out is def

17、ined as 头部降至最低的定义: There is a definite rapid increase in the slope of one or more of the head acceleration traces, at a time when the dummy head is deep within the airbag. The acceleration spike associated with the bottoming out should last for more than 3ms. 当假人头部压入气囊时,头部加速度轨迹的斜率由明显快速增长。具有bottoming

18、 out的加速度尖峰应持续超过3ms。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Head 头,Modifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Unstable Contact on a Steering Wheel without an Air Bag 与不带安全气囊的方向盘不稳定的接触. During the forward movement of the head, its center of gravity moves radially outwards further than the

19、 outside edge of the steering wheel rim; 在头部前移过程中,其重心快速移动超出方向盘外边界; Detachment of the steering wheel from the column; 方向盘从管柱上脱落; The score is reduced by one point. 得分将被扣掉1分。 Displacement of the steering column 转向管柱位移量 The score is reduced for excessive rearward, lateral or upward static displacement

20、of the top end of the steering column. 若转向管柱上端向后,横向或向上静态位移量过大,则得分应被扣减。 The EEVC recommended limits are: 100 mm rearwards, 80 mm upwards and 100mm lateral movement. EEVC的推荐限值为:100mm向后,80mm向上和100mm横向位移量。 Up to 90 percent of the EEVC limits, there is no penalty. Beyond 110 percent of the EEVC limits, t

21、here is a penalty of one point. Between these limits, the penalty is generated by linear interpolation. 若位移量不超过EEVC限值的90%时,不罚分。若位移量超过EEVC限值的110%时,则罚1分。对于中间值,采用线性插值的方法得出相应罚分。 The modifier used in the assessment is based on the worst of the rearward, lateral and upward penalties. 修正项基于后移,横向和向上罚分中的最差值。

22、,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Neck 颈 Higher performance limit 高性能限值 Shear 剪切力 1.9 kN 0 ms, 1.2 kN 25 - 35 ms, 1.1 kN 45 ms Tension 张力2.7 kN 0 ms, 2.3 kN 35 ms, 1.1 kN 60 ms Extension 向后伸张弯矩 42 Nm Lower performance limit 低性能限值 Shear 剪切力3.1 kN 0 ms, 1.5 kN 25 - 35 ms, 1.

23、1 kN 45 ms* Tension 张力3.3 kN 0 ms, 2.9 kN 35 ms, 1.1 kN 60 ms* Extension 向后伸张弯矩57 Nm* (Significant risk of injury显著的伤害风险) (*EEVC Limits 限值) Note: Neck Shear and Tension are assessed from cumulative exceedence plots, with the limits being functions of time. By interpolation, a plot of points against

24、time is computed. The minimum point on this plot gives the score. Plots of the limits and colour rating boundaries are given in following figures. 注:对于颈部的剪切力和张力,是通过累积曲线来评价的,是限值对时间的函数。经过调整,计算出点对时间的图。根据该图的最小点给出评分。限值图和评分界限如以下各图所示:,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Neck 颈: Uppe

25、r Neck Shear Fx Positive 颈部剪切力Fx(正向),Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Neck 颈: Upper Neck Shear Fx Negative 颈部剪切力Fx(负向),Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Neck 颈: Upper Neck Tension Fz 颈部张力Fz,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 1

26、6),Chest 胸 Higher performance limit 高性能限值 Compression 压缩变形量22 mm (5% risk of injury AIS3) Viscous Criterion 粘性指数0.5 m/s (5% risk of injury AIS4) Lower performance limit 低性能限值 Compression 压缩变形量50 mm* (50% risk of injury AIS3) Viscous Criterion 粘性指数1.0 m/s (25% risk of injury AIS4) (*EEVC Limits 限值),M

27、odifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Displacement of the A Pillar A柱位移量 The score is reduced for excessive rearward displacement of the drivers front door pillar. 若驾驶员侧的前门立柱向后位移量过大,则得分应被扣减。 Up to 100 mm displacement there is no penalty. Above 200 mm there is a penalty of two points. Between these limit

28、s, the penalty is generated by linear interpolation. 若位移量不超过100mm时,不罚分。若位移量超过200mm时,则罚2分。对于中间值,采用线性插值的方法得出相应罚分。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Chest 胸,Modifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Integrity of the passenger compartment 乘员舱的完整性 Where the structural integrity of the

29、passenger compartment is deemed to have been compromised, a penalty of one point is applied. 如果乘员舱的结构完整性受到损害,则罚1分。 The loss of structural integrity may be indicated by characteristics such as: 结构完整性的损失可表现为以下特性: Door latch or hinge failure, unless the door is adequately retained by the door frame. 门锁

30、或铰链失效,除非门被门框充分保持住。 Buckling or other failure of the door resulting in severe loss of fore/aft compressive strength. 门弯折或其它失效导致严重失去前后抗压强度。 Separation or near separation of the cross facia rail to A pillar joint. 仪表板横梁和A柱的接头分开或接近分开。 Severe loss of strength of the door aperture. Steering Wheel Contact

31、方向盘的接触 Where there is obvious direct loading of the chest from the steering wheel, a one point penalty is applied. 如果方向盘对胸部有明显的载荷作用,则罚1分。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Knee, Femur and Pelvis 膝盖,大腿和骨盆 Higher performance limit 高性能限值 Femur compression 大腿压缩力 3.8 kN (5% risk

32、 of pelvis injury) Knee slider compressive displacement 膝盖压缩滑动位移 6 mm Lower performance limit 低性能限值 Femur compression 大腿压缩力 9.07 kN 0 ms, 7.56 kN 10 ms* (Femur fracture limit) Knee slider compressive displacement 膝盖压缩滑动位移 15 mm* (Cruciate ligament failure limit) (*EEVC Limits 限值) Note: Femur compres

33、sion is assessed from a cumulative exceedence plot, with the limits being functions of time. By interpolation, a plot of points against time is computed. The minimum point on this plot gives the score. Plots of the limits and colour rating boundaries are given in following figure. 注:对于大腿压缩力是根据累积曲线图来

34、评价的,是限值对时间的函数。经过调整,计算出点对时间的图。根据该图的最小点给出评分。限值图和评分界限如下图所示:,Modifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Variable Contact 变化的接触区域 Concentrated Loading 集中载荷 Where there are structures in the knee impact area which could concentrate forces on part of the knee, a one point penalty is applied to the relevant leg. 如果

35、在膝盖碰撞区域有结构对膝盖有集中载荷作用,则相应的腿部罚1分。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Knee, Femur and Pelvis 膝盖,大腿和骨盆: Femur Compression 大腿压缩力,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Lower Leg 小腿 Higher performance limit 高性能限值 Tibia Index 胫骨指数 0.4 Tibia Compression 胫股压缩力2 k

36、N Lower performance limit 低性能限值 Tibia Index 胫骨指数1.3* Tibia Compression 胫股压缩力8 kN* (10% risk of fracture) (*EEVC Limits 限值),Modifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Upward Displacement of the worst performing Pedal 表现最差的踏板的向上位移 For excessive upward static displacement of the pedals, up to 90 percent of the

37、 limit considered by EEVC, there is no penalty. Beyond 110 percent of the limit, there is a penalty of one point. Between these limits, the penalty is generated by linear interpolation. The limit agreed by EEVC was 80 mm. 对于踏板过于向上的静态位移,若位移量不超过EEVC限值的90%时,不罚分。若位移量超过EEVC限值的110%时,则罚1分。对于中间值,采用线性插值的方法得出

38、相应罚分。 EEVC的允许限值为80mm。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Foot/Ankle 脚/踝 Higher performance limit 高性能限值 Pedal rearward displacement 踏板后移量100 mm Lower performance limit 低性能限值 Pedal rearward displacement 踏板后移量200 mm Notes:注 1) Pedal displacement is measured for all pedals with

39、no load applied to them. 踏板位移量的测量是对所有未施加载荷的踏板。 2) If any of the pedals are designed to completely release from their mountings during the impact, no account is taken of the pedal displacement, provided that release occurred in the test and that the pedal retains no significant resistance to movement

40、. 如果踏板设计成碰撞时可完全从安装处脱开,则不需考虑踏板的位移量。前提是脱开发生在碰撞中和踏板对运动不产生明显的抵抗。 3) If a mechanism is present to move the pedal forwards in an impact, the resulting position of the pedal is used in the assessment. 如果存在机构使得踏板在碰撞中前移,则踏板的最终位移将用来评价。 4) The passengers foot/ankle protection is not currently assessed. 乘员的脚/踝保

41、护目前不作评估。 5) Footwell intrusion is currently being measured. It is expected that requirements for footwell intrusion will be added in the near future. 目前搁脚处的侵入量得到测量。预计不久将来会增加对搁脚处侵入量的要求。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Foot/Ankle 脚/踝,Modifiers (For Driver) 修正项 (对驾驶员): Footw

42、ell Rupture 搁脚处的断裂 This is usually due to separation of spot welded seams. 通常由于焊点的分离造成。 A one point penalty is applied for footwell rupture. 罚一分。 The footwell rupture may either pose a direct threat to the drivers feet, or be sufficiently extensive to threaten the stability of footwell response. 搁脚处

43、的断裂可能会对驾驶员的脚造成直接伤害,或足以威胁到搁脚处响应的稳定性。 Pedal Blocking 踏板阻塞 Where the rearward displacement of a blocked pedal exceeds 175mm, a one point penalty is applied to the drivers foot and ankle assessment. 当“阻塞的”踏板向后位移超过175mm,驾驶员的脚和踝的评价罚一分。 A pedal is blocked when the forward movement of the intruded pedal und

44、er a load of 200N is 25mm. 踏板被阻塞是指当侵入的踏板在200N的载荷作用下向前运动小于25mm。 Between 50mm and 175mm of rearward displacement the penalty is calculated using a sliding scale between 0 to 1 points. 50mm到175mm之间的向后位移,罚分用0到1分的滑移尺度计算。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Modifiers (For Passenger

45、) 修正项 (对乘员): Currently, the only modifiers applied to the front seat passenger are those related to airbag stability and head bottoming-out and the knee impact areas. The assessment is the same as for drivers. 目前,对前排乘员评价的修正仅限于安全气囊的稳定性,头部降至最低点和膝盖碰撞区域。评分标准同驾驶员处。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正

46、面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Modifiers 修正项: Door Opening during the Impact 碰撞中车门打开 When a door opens in a frontal test, a minus one-point modifier will be applied to the score for that test. A one-point modifier will be applied for every door (including the tailgate) that opens. 在正面碰撞中当门打开,应对试验得分进行至少1分的修正。1

47、分的修正是对每个打开的门(包括尾门)。 Concept: The intention is to ensure that the structural integrity is maintained. The underlying principle is to minimize the risks of occupant ejection occurring. 这样做的目的是确保结构的完整性。根本原则是最小程度的降低乘员受冲击的风险。 The “door opening” modifier will be applied if any of the following have occurr

48、ed: “车门打开” 的修正将应用与以下任何一种情况的发生: the latch has fully released or shows significant partial release, either by release of its components from one another, or effective separation of one part of the latch from its supporting structure 门锁完全脱开或明显地部分脱开,表现为门锁某一部件脱离另外部件,或是门锁某一部件从其安装结构处明显分离。 the latch has mov

49、ed away from the fully latched condition 门锁从完全闭锁位置移开。 if any hinge has released either from the door or bodyshell or due to internal hinge failure 如任一门铰链从门或车身处脱离或由于内部铰链失效。 if there is a loss of structure between the hinges and latches 如铰链与门锁之间有结构脱离 if door or hinges fail whilst the door opening test

50、s are being conducted post impact, as loading from an occupant could have a similar effect. 如碰撞后进行的开门试验过程中门或铰链失效,乘员所施加的载荷会有相似的作用。,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Front Impact 正面碰撞: (Overall总分: 16),Modifiers 修正项: Door Opening Forces after the Impact 碰撞后的车门打开力 The force required to unlatch and open each side

51、 door to an angle of 45 degrees is measured after the impact. A record is also made of any doors which unlatch or open in the impact. 碰撞后开锁并打开每扇侧门至45度角所需了的力会被测量。对于碰撞中开锁或打开的车门也会记录下来。 Currently, this information is not used in the assessment but it may be referred to in the text of the published repor

52、ts. 目前,该信息并不用于评价但会在公开的报告文本中涉及到。 Door opening forces are categorised as follows: 车门打开力按以下规类: Opens normally 正常打开Normal hand force is sufficient 正常的手用力已足够 Limited force 有限力 100 N Moderate force 中等力 100 N to 500 N Extreme hand force 极限的手用力 500 N Tools had to be used 必须使用工具 Tools necessary 必要的工具,Summary

53、,Front Impact 正面碰撞,50%HIII,BACK,EuroNCAP Side Impact Assessment Criteria EuroNCAP侧面碰撞评价标准,Assessment Criteria评价标准,Side Impact 侧面碰撞: (Overall总分: 18) Assessment Criteria 评价标准: Four regions 4个区域: Head 头(0-4) Chest 胸(0-4) Abdomen 腹部(0-4) Pelvis 骨盆(0-4) If equipped with head protection side airbag, side

54、pole test can be add. The additional 2 points can be gotten if pass the test 如果配备头部保护侧气囊,还可加作侧面撞柱试验,如果通过试验,额外可再加2分;(在头部用 表示) Only assessment on Driver 仅对驾驶员作评价; The sum of every region scores as side overall assessment 各区域分值总和作为侧面碰撞的总评分。,4.00 2.67 3.99 1.33 2.66 0.01 1.32 0.00,Rating based on measur

55、ed dummy parameters to each body area 根据测得的假人各身体区域的参数得到的评分,Adjusted 调整,Backplate load Fy 背板力Fy T12 loads Fy and Mx Door open 车门打开 Pole test 柱撞试验,Final scores in front impact 侧面碰撞中的最后得分,Modifiers 修正项,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Side Impact 侧面碰撞: (Overall总分: 18),Head 头 Cars Fitted with Head Protecting Si

56、de Impact Airbags 配置头部保护侧面碰撞安全气囊的车辆 If there is no hard contact a score of 4 points is awarded. 如果没有硬接触,可得4分 If there is evidence of hard contact the criteria given for cars without a head protecting airbag are applied. 如果有硬接触的迹象,按照车辆不带头部保护安全气囊的限值评定: Note: HIC36 levels above 1000 have been recorded

57、with airbags, where there is no hard contact and no established risk of internal head injury. A hard contact is assumed, if the peak resultant head acceleration exceeds 80g, or if there is other evidence of hard contact. 注:在配置气囊时,如果没有硬接触和预计的头部内在伤害的情况下,超过1000的头部伤害指数HIC36 要被记录下来。硬接触是指,头部合成加速度峰值超过80g或其

58、他硬接触的证据。 Provided that four points are scored for head protection in the distributed deformable face barrier side impact test, the manufacturer has the option to fund a side impact pole test. If, in this test, the following criteria are met, the car will be awarded two additional points. 如果在分布可变形障壁侧面碰撞试验中头部保护得到了4分,制造商可选择进行侧面柱撞试验。如试验中能满足以下指标,该车还将给予额外的2分。 HIC36 头部伤害指数1000 Peak Resultant Acc 合成加速度峰值 80 g No direct head contact with the pole 和撞柱没有直接的头部接触,Assessment Criteria 评价标准,Head 头 Cars not Fitted with Head Protecting Side Impact Airbags 未配置头部保护侧面碰撞安全气囊的车辆 Higher pe


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