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1、学练优九年级英语(RJ) 教学课件,Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Section A (3a-4c),学习目标,Key words 意为“搭便车”时,相当于ride; 常构成短语give sb. a lift(让某人搭便车)。,Its on the sixth floor. Lets take the lift.,Ill give you a lift to the station.,3. talk back 回嘴; 顶嘴;顶撞。后用介词to接 顶嘴的对象。 e.g. You should not

2、talk backto your mother. 你不应该对妈妈顶嘴。 英语另有answer (someone) back表述,同为短语动 词,意思与talk back相似,属于英国英语用法。 e.g. For these couple of days just do as your mother tells you, never ever answer (her) back.,talkabout谈论; 谈到 talkover商议 talkto与 . 说话; talkwith和 . 交谈 talk to oneself 自言自语,talk常用搭配:,4. give me awful dream

3、s. *awful adj. 很坏的;讨厌的;糟糕的 e.g. This is really anawfulmovie.,知识延伸:,awful可用在系动词look或feel后面 look/feel awful相当于look/feel ill, 表示“面带病容;感 到不舒服”。 She felt awful. She needed to see a doctor.,Someone stole my new iPhone 5 last week. _ Did you tell the teacher about it? A. Thats OK. B. How awful! C. Take car

4、e. D. You should be more careful.,B,Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times. times指“时光,岁月,时代”。 有时也会用days表达类似含义。 e.g. People started to play football in ancient times.,6. I was late for school from staying out past ten. *from在这里表示原因,意思是“因为”。 e.g. She did it from a sense of duty. 她做这事是出于责任感。,*st

5、ay out 不回家; 避开 e.g. I dontstay outlate on weekdays. 工作日的时候我不在外面呆得很晚。 His father told him tostay outof trouble. 他父亲叫他避开是非之地。,7. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom regret v. 后悔;惋惜;感到遗憾 (1)regretdoingsth.后悔做了某事 (2)regret+n./pron. ( 3)regret+that/wh-clause (4)regrettosay/tell/遗憾地说(告诉),辨析:regret

6、 to do sth. 和 regret doing sth. regret to do sth. 很遗憾 / 抱歉要 做某事 (事情还没有做) e.g. I regret to tell you that you cant pass the examination. regret doing sth. 很后悔 / 抱歉做了某事 (事情已经做过了) e.g. I dont regret telling her what I thought.,知识链接,Translation,当我是个小宝宝整夜哭闹的时候,妈妈依偎在我身旁,唱歌送我入梦乡, 在我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物,那温暖的臂膀就是我的

7、床。 当我奔跑在田野上,她确保我的安全,让我远离危险。 在我摔倒受伤的时候,她给我拥抱,扶我站好。,七岁的我剧烈咳嗽,她说我不适合吃冰淇淋, 我却大声反驳:你必须同意,我就要定了! 九岁时我看恐怖电影,她说:这种电影会将噩梦给你带来,我却愤怒地咆哮:我就该看这样的电影,别拿我当小孩! 青少年的我开始和朋友们外出闲逛了,她叮咛道:十点以前一定要回来! 我又顶嘴:我都17岁了,不需要你告诉我什么该不该!,现在我长大了,回想当初的时光, 吃了冰淇淋我咳嗽不止, 看了恐怖电影让我噩梦连连, 上学迟到只因10点还在外游荡。 我真的后悔啊!后悔不该顶嘴,后悔没有听从妈妈的忠告; 妈妈最了解(孩子),她只是

8、想怎样对我最好!,Grammar Focus,结构: 肯定:情态动词+ be +动词的过去分词 否定:情态动词+not+ be +动词的过去分词 一般疑问句:情态动词+主语+be+动词的过去分词? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+情态动词+主语+be+动词的过去分词?,情态动词的被动语态,用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Teenagers should be _ (allow) to choose their clothes. 2. Sixteen-year-olds _ (be) not allowed to drive. 3. He should stop _ (wear) those silly e

9、arrings. 4. Young people need _ (sleep) about 8 hours at least.,allowed,are,wearing,to sleep,Exercises,5. We should pass the test instead of _ (fail) the test. 6. We have a lot of _ (rule) at school. 7. I think your father _ (be) strict with you! 8. You have to _ (be) 18 before you are allowed to dr

10、ive.,failing,rules,is,be,You must clean your bedroom every day. Your bedroom must be cleaned every day. 2. Parents should encourage teenagers to do social work for their community. Teenagers_ _. 3. Can Lucy do her homework tomorrow instead? Can_,should be encouraged,her homework be done tomorrow ins

11、tead?,Rewrite the sentences according to the example.,to do social work for their community.,4a,Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet? Do you think teenagers_ _? Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions. Teenagers_ _.,must be kept away from,should be giv

12、en chances to make their,own decisions,the Internet,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,Should teenagers _(ask) to move out when they start working? In many Western countries, teenagers _(allow) to move out at eighteen. Their parents believe that,be asked,are allowed,

13、4b,they should _(educate) to take care of themselves from a young age. This way, when they _(start) working they can manage their own lives. However, in most Asian societies, it is not common for teenagers to _(move),be educated,start,move,out. Chinese parents believe that it is better for children

14、to live with parents who can _(take) care of them. But the young should then look after their parents as they get older. That is why many Chinese adults _ (continue) to live with their parents.,take,continue,A: Members should be allowed to use dic- tionaries. B: Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionaries.,You and your friend are starting an English club. Make a list of


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