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1、Chapter IX Packing 2) State clearly the letter you are replying to by specifying the exact date and sometimes the order number at the very beginning of the letter; 3) State clearly the purpose of your letter; 4) Present your packing requirements specifically and clearly, and sometimes explain why yo

2、u have these requirements; 5) Express your expectations and thanks for your parners cooperation.,Writing Tips,Inner Packing 在.实行种族隔 segregate full and empty cylinders. 隔开满瓶和空瓶。 5. snake loading: Loading products into a container in the sequence with which the goods will be unloaded and stored in at

3、destination。 蛇形装柜 集装箱的一种装箱方法,就是S形装箱 先从集装箱最里面装,例如:第一排1-10箱,第二排就是20-11,第三排21-30 .箱号顺序保持连。主要是按照客人的意图,分色或分PO号或分码段,把纸箱连续逐段,有如长蛇似的装入集装箱;客人收到货柜后,也会按照相反的次序卸下纸箱,不会发生混乱。请立即电告我方。,Back,Notes,6. lead to 导致 7. snake loaded flat平铺装柜 8. mould 发霉 9. forward facing 朝柜门装柜 10.bulk n. 货物, 大量,大部分 We have already executed

4、 the bulk of your orders. 我们已执行了你方大部分的订单。 The goods will be shipped in bulk. 这批货物将散装发运。,Back,Notes,11Pallet 货盘 拼装货物多装托盘便于搬运。托盘根据材料不同可分为木制托盘、塑料托盘、纸质托盘等。在目前国际贸易中,木制托盘使用较少,因为大多数国家要求对进口的木质材料熏蒸。 We have packed 168 boxes in 7 pallets of 24 boxes each. 我们已将168盒货物装于7个货盘,每个货盘装24盒。,Back,艾丽西亚: 我们遭遇过产品在运输途中受损发霉

5、的经历, 这导致了销售损失和花大量成本去清洁产品。我们要求你监控以下的集装箱装柜程序并向我们确认这些程序到位。 1. 所有的定单都要单独装柜, 同一个柜子不允许装几个PO的货. 每个PO(定单),都要分尺码装柜.装柜要求按每个SKU(按尺码)从左到右蛇形装柜. 2.如果货物的立方数不够填满整个柜子, 要平铺装柜,先将长度填满,高度可以放空一部分. 3.柜子不允许装得太紧, 这样会压坏鞋子. 4.必须特别注意鞋子的防潮, 在包装和装柜的时候要特别注意. 外箱如果湿了也会导致鞋子发霉. 5.所有外箱有外箱贴纸的一面一定要朝柜门装柜,否则,客人会拒绝收货. 6.不接受货盘装货. 商祺/杰瑞米,Chi

6、nese version,Back,装柜要求,Exercises,Translate the following expressions A. From English into Chinese:,carton labels 2.polybag 3. in good order 4. container 5. PO 6. snake loading,外箱贴纸,塑料袋,状况良好,集装箱,订单,蛇形装柜,Exercises,B. From Chinese into English:,1 整箱 2. 拼箱 3 货盘 4. 包装要求,FCL,LCL,pallet,packing requirement

7、s,Exercises,IIFill in the blanks with the proper words as given below:,Dear Sirs, As to our PO No. CE578 for 5,000 cartons of wool sweaters to be shipped to us during May, we would like to make clear our packing _ as follows:The packing should be novel, _ for supermarket sales and each one should ha

8、ve_, bar codes. One dozen should be _ to a box with a cardboard tray inside, 20 boxes to a carton. The cartons should be strong enough to _ the dropping test without breakage and _ outside with plastic straps. On the left side of the carton there should be a _ mark: “Do not use a hook”.,packed warni

9、ng requirements stand secured suitable hand tags,requirements,suitable,hand tags,packed,stand,secured,warning,Exercises,IIFill in the blanks with the proper words as given below:,We will e-mail you the pictures of the bar codes and hand tags for each item next time. We trust that you can meet the ab

10、ove requirements and thank you in advance for your cooperation. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,Exercises,III.Translate the following sentences:,1.我们必须说明的是采用不同的包装材料,包装费用会不一样。 2.茶叶应装国际标准茶叶盒,24盒装一托盘,10托盘装一整集装箱。,We must make it clear that with the different packing material, the p

11、acking expenses will be different.,The tea should be packed in international standard tea boxes, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets in an FCL container.,Exercises,III.Translate the following sentences:,3.所有的定单都要单独装柜, 同一个柜子不允许装几个PO的货. 4.考虑到货物的易碎性和昂贵的包装费用,请采用耐用包装和经济包装。,All POs must be loaded separately. No mixing of POs within a container is permitted.,Considering the fragile goods and the expensive cost of packing, please use durable packing and economical packing.,Exercises,III.Tran


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