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1、九年级上册,Module 1 Wonders of the world,The seven natural wonders of the world,Mt. Qomolangma,珠穆朗玛峰,The Great Barrier Reef,大堡礁,Victoria Falls,维多利亚大瀑布,The Grand Canyon,大峡谷,Harbour of Rio de Janeiro ri(:)uddniru,里约热内卢港,Polar Light,极光,Paricutin Volcano p:ri:ku:ti:n vlken,帕利库廷火山,Unit 1 Its more than 2,000 y

2、ears old.,Studying aims,1.Learn the new words. 学习新单词。 2.To get some information of the wonders of the world. 获取有关世界奇迹的一些信息。 3.To finish the exercise .完成练习。,Learn the new words in the textbook.,The Terracotta Army The Three Gorges Dam The Giants Causeway Victoria Falls,Listening and vocabulary,1. Mat

3、ch the names of the wonders with the pictures on the right and the next page.,1. The Giants Causeway kzwe巨人之路,c,2. The Three Gorges Dam. 三峡大坝,b,3. Victoria Falls 维多利亚大瀑布,d,The Terracotta,terkt Army 秦始皇兵马俑,a,Which two are natural wonders? Which two are man-made wonders? Which is an ancient wonder? Wh

4、ich is a modern wonder?,2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.,ancient man-made modern natural wonder,The Giants Causeway and Victoria Falls.,The Terracotta Army and the Three Gorges Dam.,The Terracotta Army.,The Three Gorges Dam.,3. Listen and read.,

5、Listen and check () the true sentences. Tony thinks the Giants Causeway is the largest natural wonder. Lingling thinks Victoria Falls are more fantastic than the Giants Causeway. Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terr

6、acotta Army.,4. Listen again and answer the questions.,Where is the Giants Causeway? How wide are Victoria Falls? What wonders does Betty think are more exciting? How old is the Terracotta Army?,On the eastern coast of Northern Ireland.,About 1,700 metres wide.,She thinks man-made wonders are more exciting.,Its more than 2,000 years old.,Work in pairs. Make a list of wonders of the world. Say which one you would like to visit and why.,- Which wonder of the world would you like to visit? - Id like to visit the Giants Causeway because I love wild places by the sea.,Pairwork,Summary,Say what y


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