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1、Cyberspace,Virtual Reality,谢猛 20116978,1,2020/8/4,What is Virtual Reality?,虚拟现实,就是说本来没有的事物和环境,通过各种电脑技术虚拟出来,让人感觉到就如真实的一样。,The use of computers to make situations feel and look real.,2,2020/8/4,Virtual reality (VR), sometimes referred to as immersive multimedia, is a computer-simulated environment tha

2、t can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, su

3、ch as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback in medical, gaming and military applications. From Wikipedia,3,2020/8/4,虚拟现实技术就是人们利用计算机生成一个逼真的三维虚拟环境,通过自然技能使用传感设备与之相互作用的新技术。它将模拟环境、视景系统和仿真系统合三为一,并利用头盔显示器、图形眼镜、

4、数据服、立体声耳机、数据手套及脚踏板等传感装置, 把操作者与计算机生成的三维虚拟环境连结在一起。操作者通过传感器装置与虚拟环境交互作用,可获得视觉、听觉、触觉等多种感知,并按照自己的意愿去改变“不随心”的虚拟环境。如虚拟博物馆是用计算机虚拟技术重现展示古代或现代物品及当时的真实场景。整个场景以三维和交互式探索形式重现。由于虚拟物展品和场景全部存在于计算机中,物体的3D模型可以无限期展示,没有被毁坏、被偷窃的危险。,What do you know about virtual reality technology?,4,2020/8/4,Special glasses, gloves and s

5、uits equipped with sensors,5,2020/8/4,The use of computers with sounds and pictures that makes you feel as if you were in a real situation.,virtual reality,6,2020/8/4,Which of these uses for virtual reality are possible now?,virtual reality holidays learning to fly using virtual reality technology v

6、irtual reality computer games visiting virtual museums on the Internet .,7,2020/8/4,Playing virtual reality computer games,Possible uses for virtual reality now,8,2020/8/4,Playing virtual reality computer games,9,2020/8/4,Learning to fly using virtual reality technology,10,2020/8/4,Learning to drive

7、 using virtual reality technology,11,2020/8/4,Learning to drive using virtual reality technology,12,2020/8/4,Visiting virtual museums on the Internet,13,2020/8/4,Virtual reality in films,Matrix (黑客帝国),14,2020/8/4,Virtual reality in Matrix,15,2020/8/4,Virtual reality in Matrix,16,2020/8/4,Avatar(阿凡达)

8、,17,2020/8/4,Virtual reality in the film Avatar,18,2020/8/4,19,2020/8/4,Virtual reality in medicine,Virtual reality programs have also been used for a variety of medical emergency, mass casualty, and disaster response training sessions for medical and public health professionals.,20,2020/8/4,VR in m

9、ilitary&Spaceflight,One of the first areas where virtual reality found practical application is in military training and operations.,21,2020/8/4,Virtual reality in military space,22,2020/8/4,Advantages & Disadvantages,Virtual reality also has several limitations. Virtual realities require a consider

10、able amount of time to produce. For example it can take up to a year for programmers to make a virtual room using a real room as a blueprint,23,2020/8/4,A second limitation of virtual reality is that they are often limited by technology. Another disadvantage of virtual reality is that they are often expensive to produce.,24,2020/8/4,Summary,Even with the disadvantages that virtual reality technology has the technology c


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