



1、留学申请文书模板之选择学校,本文,我们将引用真实的优美的美国大学申请文章,通过研习这些文章,读者可以更加自信地对照自己的经历,找到表现自我的手段。 选择学校 写作难点:如何寻找自己与学校的契合点。 写作要领: 1.熟悉学校。 2.清楚自己的目标,对学校将带去什么。 3.不是一味地夸赞学校。,【精彩例文】,Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why (Characters available 1500) Stepping out of Columbia, I suddenly realized what A

2、lma Mater upholds in the left hand is the whole world. During the days I explored New York by myself, I visited the Mets, interviewed on the Wall Street, appreciated Broadway operas and practiced my MUN speech in the HQ of the U.N. Many cities have given me inspirations, but New York, the convergenc

3、e point of all information, ,can give me the most fresh and crucial ones. It is the place where my Muses live in and whose incredibly diverse elements I can use with imagination to build myself into a vibrant and practical journalist. Fancy dreams need guides to walk into reality. Columbia is exactl

4、y the guide who will guarantee my pursuit of the ultimate height in journalist career. In the busiest city, Columbia carefully maintains its scientific and artistic highness while devoting all its efforts to pursue truth and freedom which are what as either a future journalist or an art pursuer, che

5、rish the most. In Columbia, the excitingly rigorous core curriculum will pave a solid way to my dream. Humanities and arts will deepen my insight while science will lead me on a precise way to approach the complexity of the world. Clearly, Im not a cynic, but if Alexander III blocked my view of Colu

6、mbias little crown and asked if there was any favor he might do for me, I would say “Yes stand out of my light. ” In Thy light shall we see light.,【哥伦比亚】 走出哥大校园后,我明白了,Alma Mater左手托起的是整个世界。纽约是世界信息的汇集点,它多 元的风潮随时更新着哥大校园。恼于“和谐”的我追寻着两个东西真相和自由,而哥大可以给我。 哥大虽住在繁华纽约中,却是位隐者。中国古语:“小隐在山林,大隐于市朝。”哥大能在纷繁的世俗 里保持艺术与科

7、学的高度,又能把知识和信念变成生活中具体的东西,并vibrant而执著地做着有意义的事 That s all what I want。人文艺术改变我认知的广度,科学改变我认知的高度。只有哥大极其严格的Core curriculum可以fulfill我并将成为我思维地球的core。 哥大有全美最早的汉学系,听某哥大学姐说其学生先学繁体汉字再学简体,惭愧之余我也开始练习繁体字。我一纯中国人,真控制不住传播中国文化的欲 望,虽说哥大成分很diverse,但在我看来中国那份远远不够,CUCSSA办夜市的时候,我就要将我的中国古典文化揉进校园的月色里,让人们惊喜地看 到一个中国人眼里传承千年文明的月亮! 虽然我不是犬儒主义者但我和Alexander III到底八竿子打不着边,他的大皇冠要真在哥大的“小皇冠”前晃来晃去,我也可以说:“请让一下,你挡住了我的


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