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1、Unit 10 ReadingHometown Feelings,Enjoy a song carefully. If you are interested,you can follow it . What feelings does this song express? A.Modern life B. Hometown feelings,Objectives,熟练掌握本课时重点单词和词组; 通过阅读策略掌握文章大意; 理解思乡之情,No matter how far away from your hometown, there must have a connection between

2、you and your hometown.,delicious food,good/terrible weather,beautiful scenery,sweet memories,high/a lot of hills,heavy traffic,busy/clean street,tall/old/new buildings,friendly people,Hometown feelings,Hometown is a real great place for us. No matter where we have moved and how far away we are. we c

3、ant get away from homesickness (乡愁). We get homesick (想家的) because there are things that we love.,Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year?,For work,For study,search for work,Many people leave their hometown to earn more money in the cities.,寻找;搜索,study,Leaving home for educationa

4、l purpose has become very familiar with students, especially who come from the countryside.,adv. 尤其;特别;格外,How often do your parents leave your family every year?,Fast reading,How many parts can the passage be divided into? Find out the main idea of each part.,Para 1 Para 2&3 Para 4,Read quickly and

5、match the main ideas.,A. Their hometowns have changed.,B. Some things never change, like many soft and sweet memories.,C. Many Chinese leave hometowns to search for work.,Tips(温馨提醒): Dont read every word. Try to guess what a passage is about by using previous knowledge (已有知识). Try to find key words

6、(关键词) and important sentences for main ideas.,While-reading,Careful Reading:,Para 1,1.Read Part 1 and finish the chart,Tip(温馨提醒): Read carefully and pay attention to the details(细节信息).,2. Find the expressions in Para 1 that have the same meanings as the following words and phrases:,now/today look fo

7、r in the middle/midst of go back nearly pity,Tip(温馨提醒): Read carefully and pay attention to the context(上下文语境).,Para 1,Careful Reading:,1.Read Part 1 and finish the chart,Zhong Wei,46 yeras old,a crayon factory in Wenzhou,13 years,at least once a year,2. Find the expressions in Para 1 that have the

8、same meanings as the following words and phrases:,now/today look for in the middle/midst of go back nearly pity,nowadays search for among return almost shame,Its a shame.是一种常见的口语表达,表示一种不如人愿的情形,相当于汉语中“真遗憾;多可惜啊”的意思。Its a shame 之后还可接不定式或由that引导的从句。,Para 2&3,Great Changes of Their Hometowns,buildings,te

9、achers,students,Perhaps _ _have appeared.,large hospitals,new roads,and new schools,The government _ teachers from the cities _.,has sent,to help,Students _ to read and _ since the mid-20th century.,have learned,count,世纪,Zhong Wei thinks such_ are _. Because things need to change in order to become

10、_.,developments,good,better,数数,Find the expressions in Para 2& 3 that have the same meanings as the following words and phrases:,consider area a period of 100 years changes,regard place century developments,consider:,认为 consideras “将认为/把.看作”,考虑 consider doing sth 考虑做某事,regardas 把看作,Para 4,According

11、to Zhong Wei, _ will never change.,soft and sweet memories,_has become a symbol of Zhong Weis hometown.,A. B. C.,2) Most of the children liked to _ under that big tree.,opposite,A. B. C.,Please choose the best answer.,3. He had such a happy childhood. His hometown has left _in his heart.,A. nothing

12、B. unhappy memories C. soft and sweet memories,Para. 4,Find the expressions in Para 4 that have the same meanings as the following words and phrases:,in ones opinion across from,according to opposite,依据;按照,与相对;在对面,分析长难句、赏析美句,1.Among these is Zhong Wei,a 46-year-old husband and father. 作为一位46岁的丈夫和父亲,

13、钟伟就是其中的一位。,此句是一个倒装句。,为了强调内容或为了避免句子头重脚轻,会用完全倒装结构(即将介词短语置于句首,谓语动词置于主语前)。,2. Among these is Zhong wei, a 46-year-old husband and father. 钟伟就是这些人中的一个,一个46岁的丈夫和父亲。,among: 介词,在(其)中;之一。,辨析:among 与 between (1) among 指三者或三者以上的“在中间/之间” (2) between 表示“在中间”时,指“在两者之间”,如果指三个以上的人或物中的每两个之间,仍然用between。,3. Many peopl

14、e like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.,regard:动词,将认为;把视为。 固定搭配:regardas 把当作/认为/视为 = treat as / have as,But he also thinks some things will never change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood memories.,这是一个复合句,thinks后面为省略that的宾语从句。在该宾语

15、从句中包含由and连接的两个分句。,(that),分句一,分句二,定语从句,先行词,Try to remember:,1.It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place. 2.Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.,Summary:,_, many Chinese people leave their _ to work in _. They usually _ to their hometowns .Zhong Wei hasn

16、t been back in close to three years. He has been working in a _ factory in Wenzhou for the past 13 years. People like him are _ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the _. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are _ because things need to change in order to become better. B

17、ut he also thinks some things _ change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood _.,hometown(s),cities,return,crayon,interested,government,good,will never,memories,once or twice a year,Nowadays,拥有;抓住,Retelling:,People and their hometowns,Many Chinese people leave to.,Changes

18、of their hometowns,Memories of their hometowns,Zhong Wei hasnt . He has been working .,buildings,students,Perhaps have appeared.,The government teachers to.,Students .,Many people are interested in the changes of their hometown.,Zhong Wei thinks . However, will never change.,The big old tree is stil

19、l there, and has become.,His hometown has left to him.,Exercise,1. A hundred years is a c_. 2. She is the tallest a_ her classmates. 3. Jim will r_ to London this afternoon. We will have a welcome party for him. 4. Our hometown has left many soft and s_ memories in our heart.,entury,mong,eturn,weet,

20、1. A:_do you go to Weifang Theater? B:Once a month. A.How soon B. How often C. How much D. How long 2. His grade in the exam put him _ the top students in his class. A. between B. over C. among D. above 3. The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year around, _ in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of


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