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1、Unit 9,My favorite subject is science.,Section B 1 1a-2c,预习反馈,单词及短语 1.音乐_2.语文_ 3.历史_4.美术_ 5.生物_6.科学_ 7.体育_8.数学_ 9.星期一_10.星期二_ 11.星期三_12.星期四_ 13.星期五_ 14.星期六_ 15.星期天_ 16.科目_ 17.最喜欢的_18.喜欢_ 19.因为_ 20.有趣的_,明确目标,1. Words P.E. fun; Chinesefavorite; artrelaxing 可知是喜欢。 Are Yu Meis ideas the same as yours?,2

2、c,Complete Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.,阅读指导: 短文按时间顺序介绍了于梅周五这天繁忙的课程活动。着重听学科名称及上课时间是填写此表格的关键。寻找短文中“At , I have . 或 I have at .”之类的关键句,便可写出。 注意该句“Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese.”中after that意为“在那之后”,可知“中午12点至1点”是于梅吃午饭(have lunch)的时间,1点是她上语文课的时间。,2c,Lets chec

3、k the questions.,math,Chinese,science,history,P.E.,art lesson,lunch,1. free用作形容词,意为“空闲的”,其反义词为busy“繁忙的”。如: Are you free this Friday? 这个周五你有空吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我有。 拓展 free还可意为“免费的”。如: The fruit is for free here today. 今天这里的水果是免费的。,达标测评,巩固提高,2. The teacher says it is useful, useful是形容词,是由“名词use (使用) +后缀

4、ful”构成,意为“有用的”。类似结构还有: help + ful helpful 有帮助的 color + ful colorful 绚丽多彩的 注意 useful是虽以元音字母“u”开头,但其发音为辅音/ju:/,故其前用冠词a,而不用an。如: It is a useful book. 这是一本有用的书。,3. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, . 介词短语 from to 意为“从到”,用来表述时间、地点等范围。如: We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五去上学。 Its far from Beijin

5、g to Shanghai. 从北京到上海很远。,4. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.,1) lesson 用作名词,意为“课;课程”。 常用短语: have lessons 上课 do ones lessons做功课 Lesson One = the first lesson 第一课,class 和 lesson: 当表示“学校的课”时,class 和 lesson 区别不大,美式英语中常用class, 英式英语中常用lesson。例如: Classes start a

6、t 9 oclock. (学校)九点开始上课。 (英式英语:Lessons start at 9 oclock.) 当表示“某种技能。技巧性的课程”时,常用lesson, 较少用class。例如:,piano lessons 钢琴课 driving lessons 驾驶课 当表示“教材中的教学单元;课”时,常用lesson。class 则还有“班;班级”的含义。例如: Now, Class, please open your books to Lesson 9. 同学们,现在请打开书,翻到第九课。,2) an art lesson for two hours 表示“一节两小时的美术课”, 此句

7、中的介词for表示 “持续某段时间”。例如: Jack usually plays soccer for an hour after school. 放学后杰克通常踢一个小时的足球。,一、选词填空。 Im not _ today. I have much (很多) work to do. 2. When do you have a music _? On Tuesday afternoon. 3. _ is the second day of a week. 4. Bob usually does his homework for an _. 5. For me, dinner usually

8、 _ at 7:00 P.M.,free,lesson,hour,Monday,finishes,Exercises,Monday, free, finish, lesson, hour,二、单项选择。 1. They have an art lesson _ 2:00 p.m. _ Tuesday. A. on; on B. at; at C. at; on 2. Do you have _ today? Yes, we do. A. English B. an English C. the English 3. I think history is really _, I dont lik

9、e it. A. interesting B. boring C. exciting,C,A,B,4. Barry, lets go to school! Today is _. We dont need to go to school. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Friday 5. My father works all day long. He is really _. A. free B. cool C. busy,B,C,三、完成句子。 1. 我觉得科学很难但是很有趣。 I think _ is difficult _ _. 2. 午饭是从12点到1点。 Lunch is _ 12:00 _ 1:00. 3. 她最喜欢的日子是星期三。 Her _ day is _.,science but interesting,from to,favorite Wednesday,4. 我们在星期四上音乐课。 We _ music _ _ _. 5. 每天早上,我爷爷看两个小


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