七年级英语meeting people测试题2_第1页
七年级英语meeting people测试题2_第2页
七年级英语meeting people测试题2_第3页
七年级英语meeting people测试题2_第4页




1、Unit 1 Meeting People 单元测试【模拟试题】(答题时间:80分钟)一、选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音不同的选项。( )1. name A. James B. Kate C. age D. what( )2. nice A. nineB. hi C. sixD. five( )3. bagA. addressB. am C. JapanD. man( )4. MaryA. JennyB. Tony C. yourD. many( )5. helloA. phone B. roadC. no D. on 二、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式6. what is _(缩写形式

2、)7. I am _(缩写形式) 8. her name is _(缩写形式)9. it is _(缩写形式)10. He is not _(缩写形式)11. You are not _(缩写形式)12. ASAP _(中文意思)13. DIY _(中文意思)14. SARS _(中文意思)15. WTO_(中文意思)三、翻译下列短语16. 我的名字_17. 很高兴认识你!_18. 你怎么称呼?_19. 她叫什么名字?_20. 电话号码_21. her first name_ 22. his last name _23. 293-0786 _24. Here you are. _25. boo

3、k club _四、从II栏中找出I栏句子的正确答语I栏II栏( )26. Can I help you?A. Hello, Jane. ( )27. Whats your name, please?B. Yes, she is. ( )28. Whats your phone number, pleaseC. Yes, please.( )29. Nice to meet you, Amy.D. She is Han Mei. ( )30. Hello, Eli.E. My name is Eli.( )31. Whats your address?F.16, Pinan Road, Bei

4、jing.( )32. How old are you?G. Its 298-3688.( )33. How do you spell your name?H. Im 14 years old.( )34. Whos the girl?I. Nice to meet you, too, Lily.( )35. Is she your English teacher? J. B-i-l-l, Bill.五、选词填空A. ThisB. meet C. name D. WhatsE. ID card number( )36. Nice to _ you, Steven.( )37. _ your h

5、ome phone number, please?( )38. _ is my friend Jill.( )39. - Whats your _, please? - Its( )40. - Whats your _, please? - Helen.六、选择填空( )41. -_your name, please? - _ name is Gina Smith.A. What, IB. Whats, YourC. Whats, MyD. What, My( )42. Her name is Ann Read. Read is her _ name.A

6、. firstB. given C. fullD. last( )43. - Nice to meet you, Helen. - _, Li Ming.A. Nice to meet you, tooB. HelloC. How do you doD. Good morning( )44. - Here you are. - _.A. Thank youB. Yes, youre rightC. OK D. All right( )45. - _ you Mr. Zhang? - Yes, my name _ Zhang Ming.A. Are, am B. Is, areC. Is, am

7、D. Are, is( )46. Hello, Kay._ my friend, Helen.A. Its B. This areC. ShesD. This is( )47. - This is Jim, Gina. - _, Jim.A. Good morning B. Nice to meet you C. How are you D. This is( )48. - _ his name ? - Hes Mike, my friend.A. What B. Whats C. WhoD. Whos( )49. You want to know Marys mobile phone num

8、ber. You ask her:_A. Is this your mobile phone? B. This is your mobile phone number.C. Whats your mobile phone number?D. Your mobile phone number is what( )50. What is your nationality? - I am _. A. ChinaB. JapanC. AmericanD. France七、单词拼写51. _(我的) name is Gina.52. Whats _(你的) name, please?53. I _(叫)

9、 Amy.54. _(她的) telephone number is 298-1238.55. Whats his _ (电话) number?八、句型转换1)按要求写出下列句子的形式56. My name is Amy.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _name, please?57. My telephone number is 298-3026. (就划线部分提问)_ _ telephone number, please?58. Im Zhang Xiaoming. (变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _ Zhang Xiaoming? _ _ _.59. she, her, is, what,

10、 ?, Lucy, name , is.(连词成句) _ _.60. is, telephone, what, number, it, your, ?, is, 298-5197. (连词成句) _ _.2)同义句转换61. Hello, my names Eli. _, _ _ Eli.62. Hello, John, Im glad to know you. Hello, John, _ _ _ you.63. Whats the number of your telephone, please? Whats _ _ _, please?64. She is Jill. _ _ is Ji

11、ll.65. May I have your name, please? _ _ _ _, please?课外阅读, 请大家试着在十分钟之内将这篇文章读懂:The GardenFrog had a beautiful garden and he worked hard on it. One day when he was working in his garden, Toad came walking by. “What a fine garden you have, Frog,” he said.“Yes,” said Frog. “It is very nice, but it was h

12、ard work.”“I wish I had a garden,” said Toad.“Here are some flower seeds. Plant them in the ground,” said Frog, “and soon you will have a garden.”“How soon?” asked Toad.“Quite soon,” said Frog.Toad went home with the seeds and planted them in his garden. “Now seeds,” said Toad, “start growing.” Toad

13、 walked up and down a few times. The seeds did not start to grow. Toad put his head close to the ground and shouted, “Now seeds start growing!” Frog came running up the path. “What is all this noise?” he asked.“My seeds will not grow,” said Toad.“You are shouting too much,” said Frog.“These poor see

14、ds are afraid to grow.”“My seeds are afraid to grow?” asked Toad.“Of course,” said Frog.“Leave them alone for a few days. Let the sun shine on them, let the rain fall on them. Soon your seeds will start to grow.”That night Toad went out to his garden with some candles. “I will read the seeds a story

15、,” said Toad. “Then they will not be afraid.” Toad read a long story to his seeds. All the next day Toad sang songs to his seeds. And all the next day Toad read poems to his seeds. Toad looked at the ground. The seeds still did not start to grow.“What shall I do?” cried Toad.Then Toad felt very tire

16、d, and he fell asleep.“Toad, Toad, wake up,” said Frog. “Look at your garden!”Toad looked at his garden. Little green plants were coming up out of the ground.“At last,” shouted Toad, “my seeds have stopped being afraid to grow!”“And now you will have a nice garden too,” said Frog.“Yes,” said Toad, “

17、but you were right, Frog. It was very hard work.”【试题答案】一、1-5 D C A C D二、6. whats7. Im8. her names9. its10. He isnt11. You arent12. 尽可能地快13. 自己动手14. 非典型性肺炎15. 世界贸易组织三、16. my name17. Nice to meet you!18. Whats your name?19. What is her name?20. telephone number21. 她的名字22. 他的姓23. two nine three zero se

18、ven eight six24. 请拿好25. 图书俱乐部四、26-35 C E G I A F H J D B五、36-40 B D A E C六、41-45 C D A A D46-50D B B C C七、51. My52. your53. am54. Her55. phone八、1)56. What is your 57. Whats your 58. Are you; Yes, I am. 59. What is her name? She is Lucy. 60. What is your telephone number? It is 298-5197.2)61. Hi, I am 62. nice to meet 63. your telephone number 64. Her name 65. What is your name课文阅读翻译原文:花园青蛙拥有一座美丽的花园,他每天在花园里辛勤地劳动。一天,当他正在花园里干活的时候,一只蟾蜍走


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