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1、How to Give Oral Presentations,许田 教授,复旦大学新视野系列研究生课程:科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,12月12日:汤钊猷院士讲座,许田教授 82年复旦大学遗传专业毕业,87年获耶鲁大学生物学专业硕士学位、90年获博士学位,90年-93年在UC-Berkeley从事博士后研究。93到耶鲁大学执教,先后任助理教授、副教授、教授、系副主任和休斯医学研究所成员。 发明在果蝇研究中广泛使用的镶嵌体分析技术,领导研究组在抑癌基因、发育及疾病的产生机制方面有诸多重要贡献,在Cell和Nature Genetics等刊物上发表了多篇论文并获发明专利6项。2001年与韩珉、庄原教

2、授一起创建了复旦大学发育生物学研究所,有关PB转座子的发现发表在Cell上,是我校第一篇Cell论文。,作业?: 1.根据所给数据撰写论文标题和论文前言、材料和方法、结果、讨论部分的摘要(限前言3句、M&M5个标题、结果5句、讨论3句以内)。 2.选择合适的投稿杂志并以通讯作者身份给该杂志写一封投稿信。,How to Give Oral Presentations,Tian Xu,Howard Hughes Medical Institute,Yale University,Institute of Developmental Biology And Molecular Medicine Fu

3、dan University,How to Give Good Oral Presentations,You Need to Have Excellent Data!,Good Oral Presentations Are Essential,Communication is as important as doing experiments,* Stimulate thoughts,* Leading the pack,* Exchange data and ideas,Public Speech,not a natural talent,* Everyone Is Nervous,* A

4、Learned Skill,Good Oral Presentations Are Essential,* Structure,* Supporting Data,* Goal,* Audiences Needs,“Should”,Respect Yourself and Others,* Spend Time to Prepare,* Write Down Your Talk,* Practice Your Talk,* Reference Others Work,* Keep the Audience Excited,* Know What You Talk About,“Should”,

5、Respect Yourself and Others,* Confidence, Credibility,* Easy to Understand,* Easy to Remember,“Should Not”,* Too Long,* Too Much Data,* Too Much Detail,* Too Fast,Keep Audience Awake,* Your Intention,Their Interests Sex Health Wealth Themselves,* Connected with audience,How to Prepare A Slide,Simple

6、, Clear, Precise, Focused,* A Title for Each Slide,* Write as Brief as Possible,* Use Contrast and Comparison,Use Powerpoint,Style: Bold,Font: Comic Sans MS?,Color: Balanced,Import Images and Graphics,Spelling Check: Always,Background: Dark Blue?,Animation: Yes,Use Diagrams and Images,Style: Simple

7、and Clear,Label: Always,A picture is better than thousand words,Style,YES,NO,Shy,Panic,Use Humor,Use Intonation,Be Cool,Energetic, Scholarly,Be Polite,Be Yourself,Where should we go?,Organize Your Talk,Define Question,Give Credits to Others,Relate to Others Work,Background,One point at A Time,Historical Events/Views,Outline Approach,Present Data,Draw Conclusion,Put into the Big Picture,Acknowledgements,Give credits to the people who have done the work and who have helped you!,Answer Questions,* Respect audience,* Listen carefully before answering questions,* When you are


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