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1、Revision,一个邮递员,一个旧篮子,一个小桔子,一位秘书,一个新碗,一个大苹果,一座好房子,一棵古树,在书桌旁边,在房子里附近,在碗里面,在地板上面,在门旁边,在小河的附近,在篮子里面,在桌子上面,Revision,有一个人在门旁边,他是一个邮递员。 有一个篮子在地板上。 是一个旧篮子。 有一位漂亮的女孩在书桌旁,是一个秘书。 有一个苹果在篮子里,是一个大苹果。 有一个旧房子在小河旁边吗? 是的。 有一个小桔子在碗里面吗? 不,没有。 有一个一个新碗在桌子上吗? 是的。 有一棵老树在小河附近吗? 不,没有。 。,Revision- 翻译句子,There is a man at the d

2、oor. He is a postman.,There is a basket on the floor. Its an old one.,There is a pretty girl at the desk. She is a secretary.,Is there an old house near the river? Yes, there is.,There is an apple in the basket. Its a big one.,Is there a small orange in the bowl? No, there isnt.,Is there a new bowl

3、on the table? Yes, there is.,Is there an old tree near the river? No, there isnt.,1 桌子上有一本书和两支笔。 There _ a book and _ _ on the desk.,2 在吉姆的书包里有一些书。_ _ _ _ in Jims bag.,3. 我们学校有许多学生。There _ many _ in our school.,4.树上没有鸟。There _ _ birds in the tree.,5 在你的课桌上有一块橡皮和两把尺子。,There _ _ _ and _ on your desk,i

4、s,two pens,There are some books,are,students,arent any,is an eraser,two rulers,1 Are there any maps on the wall? _ (肯定回答),2There are twenty desks in our classroom. (划线提问) _ _ desks _ _in your classroom,3There are some trees near the house. (否定句) _ _ _ trees near the house.,4 There are some eggs in t

5、he box. (变单数) _ _ _ _ in the box.,5 There _ (be) a bed and two chairs in Bettys room.,Yes, there are.,How many,are there,There arent any,There is an egg,is,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great British Isles and Northern Ireland),是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国,主体是英格兰,所以习惯上称英国. The U.K. Pound national

6、 emblem London,the Union Flag,white,red,blue,Unit 9,Red ,white and pink!,Do you always help your parents do some housework?,2. Can you wash some clothes?,3. Do you wash clothes with washer or your hands?,4. Do you know some points for attention when you use washer?,Listen and answer:,Whose pyjamas a

7、re bright red? What are pink now?,pyjamaspd:mz Pajamas(美式英语),A pair of pyjamas A pair of shoes 只有复数形式的名词:trousers, glasses,pants These pyjamas are too small.,pretty beautiful good nice charming sweet Eg: Who is this lovely young lady? Thank you for the lovely dinner. Look at those little piggies.,lo

8、vely,麦兜当当伴我心,Listen again Picture 1,What color are Pauls pyjamas? Are the pyjamas clean or dirty? What are they going to do?,Dialog 1,Robert: are Pauls new pyjamas. Look at ! They are bright red! But they are dirty.,Here,them,a bit,在以here开头表示地点的句子中,名词主语放动词后面。 Here is + 单数名词主语 Here are + 复数名词主语,Pauls

9、 名词所有格,在人名后加 s,表示这个人的。,Here are Pauls new pyjamas.,Listening and Understanding 课文注释,a bit,It means a little. Eg: Just a bit tired. I feel a bit cold/ nervous/ sad/angry/ expensive/hungry/difficult. Thats a bit better. Give me a bit of sugar.,复合形容词,bright=浅的,They are bright red! bright yellow, bright

10、 blue, bright green dark yellow, dark blue, dark green,Listen to picture 2,What does Lucy put in the washing machine? What are pure white?,Dialog 2,Lucy : Here are Dads shirts. They are . Put them in the washing machine.,pure white,But they re a bit dirty,too.,纯白,them= dads shirts Put dads shirt in

11、the washing machine.,They are pure white. Put them in the washing machine.,washing machine,Washington time machine refrigerator/fridge air conditioner,Listen to picture 3,Whose shirts are dirty, too ? Is lucy lazy or hard-working?,Dialog 3,Lucy: your shirts? Robert: Yes. My shirts are dirty, too. Lu

12、cy:,What about,Put them in the washing machine.,my我的 your 你的 his他的 her她的 its它的 their他们的 形容词性物主代词,What about your shirts? Yes. My shirts are dirty, too. .,Listen to picture 4,Wherere Williams shirts? What are in the washing machine?,Dialog 4,Willian: Karen! Karen: Theyre in the washing machine, Pauls

13、 pyjamas and Roberts shirts.,Where are my new shirts?,with,Listen to picture 5 & picture 6,What color are Dads shirts now? Are the shirts lovely and pretty? Is Dad happy?,Dialog 5,Karen: Here you are! Two shirts!,lovely clean,Two lovely clean shirts! Those shirts arent white!,lovely没有clean具体, 当名词有两个

14、形容词时, 不太具体的形容词放在前面。,arent = are not 否定形式,Dialog 6,William: ! Theyre pink! Karen: Yes, they are, and they re very !,shirts arent white,Those,pretty,u9.MPG,Who are in the bathroom? What are in the washing machine? What are pink now?,Robert and Lucy,Pauls dirty bright red pyjamas Dads two dirty pure wh

15、ite shirts Roberts dirty shirts,Dads shirts.,Answer the questions:,名词的复数形式,1、一般情况词尾加s apple map orange 2、o、s、x、ch、sh结尾的加espotato tomato mango hero bus class glass sunglass dress box fox bus dish bench branch sandwich brush watch 以O结尾的加S的有: pianos, videos, radios, studios, zoos, bamboos, kangaroos,3、

16、辅音字母+y结尾,变为iesfamily baby body fly library butterfly country 4、f、fe结尾,去f、fe,变为iesshelf leaf wolf knife scarf,不规则变化,childchildren mousemice footfeet toothteeth sheepsheep peoplepeople fishfish man men pliceman-policemen firemanfiremen postmanpostmen this-these that- those I-we myour youyou your-your

17、he/she/it- they his/het/its- their,lesson 18,Revision,Answer the questions on Page 69 一般疑问句:Are + 主语 ? 特殊疑问句:Whose/What color/Where are?,New Words and Expressions,pink 粉红的 a bit 有点儿, 稍微 Here are 这些是 shirt 衬衣 pyjamas 睡衣裤 pure white 纯白的 them他们,她们,它们 washing machine 洗衣机 they 他们,她们,它们 lovely 可爱的 bright

18、red 鲜红的 those 那些,Translate :,罗伯特:这是保罗的新睡衣。瞧瞧,他们是鲜红色的。但是有点脏了。 露西:这是爸爸的衬衣。它们是纯白色的,但是也有点脏了。把他们放进洗衣机里。你的衬衣呢? 罗伯特:对啊。我的衬衣也脏了。把他们放进洗衣机里. 威廉:卡伦!我的新衬衣哪去了? 卡伦:它们在洗衣机里,和保罗的睡衣和罗伯特的衬衣一起洗。给你!两件可爱的衬衣! 威廉:那些衬衣不是白色的了,它们变成粉红色的了。 卡伦:是的,它们是粉红色的了,而且很漂亮!,here are,with,Revision,ball shirt potato tomato mango bus class gl

19、ass dress box bus dish sandwich brush watch piano video radio zoo studio bamboo kangaroo family baby fly library wolf butterfly country shelf leaf knife scarf child mouse foot tooth sheep people fish man fireman postman this that,READ THE NUMBER,Pronunciation,/s/ sorry nonsense Lucy its hats house s

20、hirts socks /z/ please pyjamas noise shes cars theres dogs bags,you,he,she,it,we,you,they,my,your,his,her,its,your,our,their,I,My _ are _.,Pattern Practice,My _ arent _.,dogs,black,dogs,black,_ _ _ _. _ _ _ _.,Your cats are brown,Your cats arent brown,Pattern Practice,Pattern Practice,Are your cats

21、brown? Yes, they are. Are they black? No, they arent.,Fill in the blanks,_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (yellow),_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (red),Are his socks green,Are my dogs black,Are they yellow,Are they red,Fill in the blanks,_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (pink),_? Yes, they are. _? No, they arent. (white),Are his shirts blue,Are my bags red,Are they pink,Are they whi


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