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1、Building Your Presentation SkillsNovember, 2005Cindy Peterson,Peterson Consulting Services,Peterson Consulting Services,Why Focus on Communication Skills?,Primary Factors in Achieving Success,Communication Skills71% Intelligence64% Integrity54% Experience50% Enthusiasm, Positive Attitude46% Self-Est

2、eem/Confidence37% Risk-Taking Attitude35% Formal Education29% Ambition25% Emotional Maturity16% Source: Lamalle Report on top Executives of the 1990s,Peterson Consulting Services,Presentations Today,Peterson Consulting Services,Poor first impression No: Objectives Humor Audience Involvement Enthusia

3、sm Dull, dry, and boring,Weak close Poor: Preparation Eye contact Facial expressions Visual aids,David Peoples,Common Presentation Mistakes,Peterson Consulting Services,Powerful first Impression Obvious: Objectives Humor Audience Involvement Enthusiasm Creative and exciting,Strong close Excellent: P

4、reparation Eye contact Facial expressions Visual aids,Dynamic Presentation Techniques,Peterson Consulting Services,Understand your customer. Develop the message. Present with impact.,EFFECTIVE SALES COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPA Three-Step Process,Peterson Consulting Services,Know Your Clients and Prospec

5、ts,Circumstances Problems Needs Will They Buy? People buy when there is a discrepancy between where they are and where they think they should be.,Dear Presenter: “So what?”,Your audience is thinking “Whats in it for me?”,Peterson Consulting Services,Peterson Consulting Services,and justify with fact

6、s,axiom,People buy on emotion,Peterson Consulting Services,Presentations Basics,Peterson Consulting Services,Hammock of RetentionPresentations Plus, David Peoples,70%,20%,100%,Presentation,Attention / Interest,Peterson Consulting Services,Your Opening,Make it emotional! Forget your history, data,Pet

7、erson Consulting Services,Questions Quotes Statistics Case studies Analogies Testimonials,Dramatization Recent events Props Interaction Humor Stories,Attention-Grabbers,Peterson Consulting Services,How to Build Your Presentation,Audience research Key point So what? Why you? Attention-grabber Proof p

8、oint,Peterson Consulting Services,How to Build and Deliver Your Presentation,Build Deliver Key point Attention-grabber So what? Key point Why you? So what? Attention-grabber Why you? Proof point Proof point,Key Points,What do you want them to remember?,Peterson Consulting Services,Big Picture,A simp

9、le illustration of how your product impacts “my” world.,Peterson Consulting Services,Why You?,Unique Only First Best,Peterson Consulting Services,Advanced Presentation Skills,Peterson Consulting Services,Tricks of the Trade,In walks the decision maker A simple sentence Agenda or not?,Peterson Consul

10、ting Services,In Walks the Decision Maker,Welcome Check in Review Big Picture,Defer to the audience Summarize Resume!,Peterson Consulting Services,Agenda,“ and lets just call this our agenda for todays meeting.”,Peterson Consulting Services,Credentials,You Your Company When?,Peterson Consulting Serv

11、ices,Interactive Communication Skills,When & Where? Why? You must be Little things count,Peterson Consulting Services,Interactive Presentation Skills,Observing Listening Questioning,The Inconsistent MessageProfessor Albert MehrabianUniversity of California Los Angeles,Peterson Consulting Services,Wo

12、rds = 7%,Short, common Their words Dont water it down! (kinda, sorta, I hope, the system allows, actually, try, you know, I think, hopefully, umm, ok? etc.),Peterson Consulting Services,BUT,Peterson Consulting Services,Bad Habits Same speed Same tone No pauses Presenters voice,Your Goal “My best fri

13、end” Variety P a u s e s Relaxed and confident Mirroring,Voice = 38%,Peterson Consulting Services,Non Verbal = 55%,Eyes Handling Objections Bad Habits Emotions Mirroring,Peterson Consulting Services,Stand Up!,A customer or prospect is willing to pay 21% more when you give your presentation standing

14、up. 79% vs. 58% are willing to pay more money for the same product and service! Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania,Peterson Consulting Services,Now Prove It!,Contrast Before After Us Them With your solution Without your solution Return on investment (ROI) Customer Story,Peterson Consulting S

15、ervices,The Ending,(Review/Preview) Key Concepts Check in Whats next,Peterson Consulting Services,Powerful first impression Obvious: Objectives Humor Audience Involvement Enthusiasm Creative and exciting,Strong close Excellent: Preparation Eye Contact Facial Expressions Visual Aids,Dynamic Presentation Techn


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