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1、,模拟考试质量分析,2012.05.09,英语质量分析(41校),及格率 为93.95% (91.58%,99.77%) 去年 92.16% (89.17%,99.50%) 优秀率 为20.96% (10.79%,46.03%) 去年 20.89% (11.32%,44.44%) 良好率 为35.13% (31.96%,43%) 去年 34.11% (31.09%,41.52%) 平均分 为116.42分 (110.2,131.74) 去年 为114.83分 (108.51, 130.37),公办 民办,英语质量分析,校合格率100% 8所: 民办为主, 同济一附 98%以上 4所: 复旦二附

2、、交大飞达、 鞍山实验、包头中学 95%以上 7所:沪外、上音、鞍初、昆明 同初、教院附、东升 90%以上 10所:铁岭、延二、惠民、辽阳、 复旦实验、国和、杨初、控初、 二十五、上理初 90%以下 12所,各校合格率,各校优秀率(150135),各校良好率(134120),各校极差率(490),英语质量分析,41校平均分:116.42 校平均分最高:136.28 最低:79.37 校平均分120以上11所:民办为主,复旦二附、上音、鞍初 110以上10所:飞达、鞍实、铁岭、同济一附、延二、 昆明、同初、教院附、三门、惠民、 105以上10所:辽阳、复实、包头、国和、杨初、控初、 二十五、东升

3、、上理初、黄兴 105以下10所,各校平均分,英语分数段,305,1332,930,657,433,336,183,144,102,62,91,各大题得分率,各大题得分率与前两次考试比较,各大题全区、公办、民办得分率比较,得分的原因,基础知识落实比较好(80%) 听选图片:得分率99%最高1-4/100% 听力对话:得分率81%最高7/97% 选择填空得分率87%最高42/99% 选词补空:得分率83%最高56/96% 词性转换:得分率92%最高62/97% 句型转换:得分率87%最高67.2/99%,选择填空总计,得分率87%,存志中学96%,复旦二附92%,词性转换总计,得分率92%,同济

4、初级94%,包头中学94%,得分的原因,一般的能力题有所提高 阅读选择得分率85% 最高79/94% 完形选择: 得分率82%最高85/94% 回答问题: 得分率71%最高96/84%,阅读选择总计,得分率85%,鞍山初级90%,复旦二附94%,失分的原因,综合能力有待提高 听写单词:得分率70%最低27/32% 字母填空:得分率50%最低92/21% 回答问题: 得分率71%最低95/20% 撰写作文: 得分率65%最低结构11%,听力暴露的问题捕捉信息能力弱,13. A) Taking summer classes. B) Finding a summer job. C) Waiting

5、until later to decide. D) Working and studying. W: What are you doing here, Tom? M: Im thinking about my summer holiday plan. The problem is I cant decide whether to take classes or to find a summer job. W: I think you can learn more by working, and youll also make money for next term. Q: What does

6、the woman suggest? (B),听力对话13题,得分率49%,包头中学70%,十五中学55%,听力暴露的问题语音障碍,27. At the restaurant door, a female robot _ customers with a nice “welcome”. 答案:greets 错误:greet, grace, great,听力填字27题,得分率32%,兰生复旦81%,鞍山初级39%,杨浦实验71%,复旦二附60%,语法暴露的问题辨析性错误,34. Im hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge? _, but we have

7、 cakes. Would you like to have one? A) NoneB) Nothing C) NeitherD) Some,选择填空34题,得分率64%,存志中学95%,复旦二附79%,语法暴露的问题理解性错误,46. Our physics teacher has a _ of engines and mechanics and he knows how to repair cars. A) successB) confidence C) progressD) knowledge,选择填空46题,得分率62%,惠民中学71%,教院附中74%,语法暴露的问题理解性错误,“W

8、e are doing building work at home at the moment. To take building 58 to the house, I need a car for short trips. The new program is simple and convenient,” she said. D) materials E) available I) farther,选词补空58题,得分率58%,存志中学90%,昆明中学58%,鞍山初级65%,语法暴露的问题记忆性错误,66.The doctors in that hospital always _ pati

9、ents with great care. (exam) 应该是动词形式 examine examination,词性转换66题,得分率79%,复旦二附93%,上音实验90%,杨浦实验97%,语法暴露的问题语法知识漏洞,72. The math problem is so difficult that no one in our group can solve it. (改为简单句) The math problem is _ difficult for _ in our group to solve.,too,anybody,any,nobody,none,句型转换72.2题,得分率60%,

10、兰生复旦95%,二十五中70%,国和中学69%,暴露的问题阅读,1. 信息错位 2. 盲目推测 3. 审题不清 4. 照搬照抄 5. 语法薄弱 6. 答题随意,阅读暴露的问题信息错位,78.Why is Brian known as a bird whisperer? A) He can communicate with birds well. B) He can remember all the birds by heart. C) A bird once saved his life. D) He can train all kinds of birds to talk. Over the

11、 years, Brian has developed a special relationship with birds. The birds who bite other humans, seem to like him and can get along with him well. He is now called a bird whisperer (鸟语者).,阅读选择78题,得分率69%,上外双语94%,铁岭中学70%,同济初级68%,阅读暴露的问题盲目推测,A) make useB) take charge C) take careD) make fun I know how m

12、uch everyone hates group emails. However, now that I am traveling, it is not always easy to find a place with Internet access. I feel I should 81 of my time on the Internet to share my news with everyone.,完型选择81题,得分率55%,存志中学89%,上音实验63%,同济一附75%,阅读暴露的问题照搬照抄,95. How many dictionaries did he read last y

13、ear? In fact, He spent a whole year last year reading all 20 volumes (卷) of the Oxford English Dictionary. The dictionary has more than 20,000 pages and over 59 million words.,One,回答问题95题,得分率20%,杨浦实验39%,上音实验27%,三门中学22%,暴露的问题首字母,1、忽视词性 2、缺少变形 3、词汇生疏 4、断章取义 5、不分析、不比较 6、不判断、不筛选,暴露的问题首字母,86题:allow, able

14、, available, afford 87题:difficulties, difficult, date, drum 88题:feet, flight, food 89题:voise, video, variety, varieties, various 90题:with 91题:anyone, anyway, anyplace, area, available 92题:e-mail, electronic, electric, every, each,字母填空的问题断章取义,Over 150 years ago, a man found a way to send signals over

15、 a wire (电线). His invention was called the telegraph. The signals he used were known as Morse code. More than 30 years later, someone invented the telephone. Using the telephone, people could send v 89 messages over a wire.,voice,various,字母填空89题,得分率46%,复旦二附69%,鞍山实验51%,同大实验70%,字母填空的问题断章取义,One thing i

16、s certain. People will always send messages to each other. Message sending has changed a great deal since e 92 messages were first sent. How do you think messages will be sent in the future?,early,electronic,字母填空92题,得分率21%,上音实验32%,同济二初23%,东光明33%,作文内容,父母 老人 动物 地球 环境 书籍 乞丐 文化,真理 梦想 版权 朋友 残疾人 知识 失败 困难,

17、撰写作文题,得分率65%,上外双语77%,同济一附66%,鞍山实验66%,优秀作文,内容our health (17) As we all know, life is a gift, the most precious gift that we all ever have. So its important for us to keep healthy no matter how busy our lives are. In my opinion, “keep healthy” is another word for “doing exercise”. Thus, I always walk

18、after meals. I think it is a good way to keep fit and relax ourselves as well. Besides, a good diet is the key to keep healthy. We should eat more vegetables and less meat. In brief, the healthier we keep now, the longer life we will have in the future. Therefore, be kind to our health.,教学建议词汇,1、紧扣考试手册,注重词汇音、形、义结合的巩固性复习,加强听写练习,特别要关注学生易写错、易用错和一词多义的词汇。,教学建议语法,2、语法复习过程中,紧扣考纲,注重考点,要指导学生重视题干的理解,并对学生的错误原因进行分析,举一反三。同时还要鼓励让学生自己归纳、分析和辨析,提高综合运用


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