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1、话题作文一(一单元),你们学校的乐队要招聘一名音乐家,请写一篇招聘广告,并写明具体要求。 提示词: School band(校乐队) Jims telephone number,范文,A Musician Wanted for School Band Are you a musician? Can you sing well?Can you dance?Can you play the piano,play the guitar or play the drums?Then you can be in our school band.Please call Jim a

2、t话题作文二(一单元),假如你是Cindy,你所在学校的音乐俱乐部在招募会员。你热爱音乐和舞蹈,你想假如音乐俱乐部。 请根据以上信息,写一份60词左右的申请。 Name:Cindy Hobbies:sing,dance,play the piano Telephone:838-4688 E-mail:,范文,Dear Sir, My name is Cindy . I am 13 years old.I like to sing and dance. I can play the piano well. I want to join the musician club

3、. My telephone number is 838-4688. my e-mail address is . If you need me,please let me know. Thanks. Yours, Cindy,话题作文三(二单元) 请以My day为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,描写你一天的生活情况。,My Day I am a student.I am very busy every day.I usually get up at 6 oclock in the morning.I eat breakfast at six twenty.I go to school at s

4、ix thirty.My classes begin at seven fifty.I have four classes in the morning. My lunch is from eleven twenty to one thirty .I have four classes in the afternoon,too.I go home at four fifty.I eat dinner at five thirty in the afternoon. After dinner ,I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV for an hour.

5、I go to bed at ten oclock.,话题作文四(三单元),根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文。 提示:Lucy是我的好朋友,她在上海上学。她的家距离学校约两公里,她通常骑自行车去上学,大约用15分钟。但下雨天她骑自行车去上学,大约用15分钟。但下雨天她乘出租车,大约4分钟;她的父母在离家5公里的一家医院工作,每天开小汽车上班,大约要用15分钟。 要求: 1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; 2.词数不少于70,Lucy is my good friend .She goes to school in Shanghai.Her home is about two ki

6、lometers from school.She usually rides her bike to school and it takes her about fifteen minutes.But when it rains,she goes to school by taxi. It takes her only four minutes.Her father and mother both work in a hospital. It is five kilometers from their home.They take a car to work.It takes them abo

7、ut fifteen minutes.,话题作文五(四单元),下面是你父母为你做出的一些规定,请你用自己的话告诉同学们。 提示:haveto ,must ,can 1.6:30必须起床。 2.7:15必须去上学。 3.不要在外面吃东西。 4.在上学日白天不能听音乐,晚上不准看电视。 5.中午12:00之前和下午6:00之前必须回家,范文,I have many rules at home.I have to get up at 6:30 every morning, because I must go to school at 7:15. I can not eat outside.I can

8、 not listen to music on school days and I cant watch TV on school nights.I must be back home by 12:00 at noon and by 6:00 in the afternoon .I dont enjoy myself at home.,话题作文六(五单元),动物是人类的朋友,你喜欢动物吗?请你自拟题目写一篇短文,介绍你喜欢的动物。要求:(1)句子通顺,条理清晰 (2) 不少于50词,The Animal I Like There are many kinds of animals in the

9、 world.What animal do I like?Let me tell you. Many people like her very much .I also like her.She is from China.She is very cute. She likes eating bamboo. She is so nice. She is black and white .She has two big black ears and eyes.And she also has black legs and arms. What animal is she?She is a pan

10、da.I like her very much.Do you like her?What animal do you like?Please tell me.,话题写作(七单元),根据下面提示,写一篇介绍中国四季的短文,词数在60左右。 在中国,春天有风且温暖,人们常出去旅游,孩子们喜欢放风筝;夏季炎热多雨,人们去游泳或去海边玩;秋天天气凉爽,有大量水果;冬季寒冷并伴有降雪,人们穿暖和的衣服,孩子们堆雪人或滑冰。,In China,it is windy and warm in spring. People often have a trip outside. Children like fl

11、ying kites. In summer it is hot. There is also a lot of rain. People always go swimming or go to the beach. The weather in autumn is cool. There is a lot of fruit. In winter, it is cold and snowy. People have to wear warm clothes. Children can make snowmen and go skating.,话题作文七(八单元),假如你是王琳,上周你搬进了位于中

12、心街的新房子。请根据下面的提示,向你的美国朋友萨拉(Sarah)介绍一下你的新房子及其周边的环境。 提示:1.新房子位于中心街; 2.新房子大,而且干净; 3.新房子左边是一个饭馆,右边是一个邮 局,对面是一个超市。后面是一个小花 园,附近还有银行和图书馆。 要求:1.语句通顺,词意连贯 2.介绍要求包括所有的提示信息; 3.不少于60词,范文,Dear Sarah, How are you?Let me tell you about my new house.It is on Center Street. It is big and clean.There is a restaurant on the left of it.On the right of it is a post office.A


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