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1、Unit 8 Beautiful clothes,Topic3 Let,s go to see the fashion show. 时装秀,Here come another three young women, 又来了三位女子。(here 倒装句) Here comes the bus. another+单数名词:另一;又一 Please show me another pen. another+数词 +复数名词:另;又 Where shall we be in another ten years? 再过十年,我们将在哪?,Theres going to be another one the

2、re tomorrow. other +名词 其它的 不定代词/疑问词 + else 其它的 others -其它的人或物(代词) = other + 名词 d. the other 两者中的另一个onethe other e. the others 两部分中的另一些,用other, others, else, another, the other, the others填空,a. They went out of the cinema one after_. b. Would you like to have _cup of tea? c. He has two close friends.

3、 One is Jim from Italia, _ is Tim from Germany. d. There are too many books on your desk. Put some on the shelf and _in the box. e. There are five chairs now, but I still need _ three chairs. f. I have some _ things to tell you. = I have something _ to tell you. g. There are two kinds of flowers in

4、the garden. Some flowers are red, _ are yellow.,another,another,the other,others,another,other,else,the others,As for the others,I,m not sure. 至于其它的,我不确定。 as for sb/sth至于. The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture. 唐装代表着中国的历史和服装文化。 It expresses both the wearer,s personal style

5、and China,s rich traditional culture. 它既表现了穿着者的个人风格,又表现了中国丰富的传统文化。 bothand两者都,Chinese fashion is not only different from western fashion,but also from that in other Asia countries such as Japan and Korea. 中国时装不仅不同于西方国家,也有别于其他亚洲国家,如日本和韩国。 not onlybut also.不仅而且 be different from与不同 the same as与一样 that

6、 指代fashion,若是指代复数则用those The things in this shop are cheaper than those in that shop.,A cheongsam is becoming popular in the world of high fashion. 旗袍在高级服装领域里正受欢迎。 It is a women,s dress with Chinese features. 它是有中国特色的女礼服。 People called thecheongsam”Qipao” in the past. 在过去,人们称cheongsam为旗袍。 in the pas

7、t在过去,常用一般过去时,The most widely known item of American clothing is blue jeans. 最著名的美国服装是蓝色牛仔裤。 widely known=well-known=famous著名的 The poster says it will start at 7:30p.m. tomorrow. Sarah didnt know as much as Jane about fashion. =Jane _ _ _ Sarah about fashion. Fashion is full of culture. 时尚蕴含着文化。,knew

8、 more than,Hardly anyone wears kimonos except on special occasions like marriages and national celebrations. 几乎没有人穿和服,除非在特殊场合,像婚礼或国家庆典。 hardly几乎没有(否定含义) She hardly knew Jim,did she? hard硬的,难的(形容词) The stone feels hard. It is hard =difficult to learn English well. Study/work hard努力地(副词) They got marr

9、ied.他们结婚了。 Jane will marry Tom next week.下周简将和汤姆结婚,except 除之外(不包含在内) 介词,All went out except me.(I did not go out.) but:与except意思近似,除之外(不包含在内) 介词,常与no,all,nobody,anywhere等连用。 I did nothing but cry. I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper.,宾语从句,1、掌握引导宾语从句的连词 that/if(whether)/疑问词 2、掌握宾语从句的语序

10、- 主句+连接词+陈述句 3、掌握宾语从句的时态- 主现从任何,主过从也过,填入合适的连词 (1) He knew _he should work hard. (2)She asked _I was a teacher. (3)It depends on _it is going to rain. (4) I dont know _it is a bird or not.,that,whether,whether,whether,if,(5)I wonder _my mum is doing now. (6) My mother asked _helped me yesterday. (7)C

11、an you tell me _you came last night ?-By bus .,what,who,how,1 The new designed car is on show now. I wonder_. A how much it cost B how much did it cost C how much it costs D how much does it cost 2 I really hope to keep in touch with Lily. Sorry .I dont know _. A what her name is B what her job is C

12、 what her number is D when she left 3 Do you know _the man with sun glasses is ? Im not sure. Maybe a reporter A who B what C where D how,C,C,B,4 Could you please tell me _? -Go straight along the road, then turn right. You will find it . A where the station is B where is the station C where the sta

13、tion was Dwhere was the station 5 -Can you tell me when_? - About two weeks ago. A. does he buy the car B did he buy the car C he bought the car D he buys the car,A,C,6 Can you tell me _? By doing more speaking. A how I can improve my English B which way can I choose C how do I deal with my English D whats wrong with my English 7 She asked _.A what will they choose B


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