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1、American Gothic美国哥特式,背景介绍,NEXT,高分一 第五组,Gothic Art哥特式艺术,Since the year twelfth Century to fifteenth Century, the city has become a center of political, religious, economic and cultural in all feudal kingdoms 。During this period the great development of the feudal society produced the product - Gothic

2、 art. 自公元12世纪到公元15世纪,城市已成为各个封建王国的政治、宗教、经济和文化中心,这一时期兴起了封建社会大发展的产物哥特式艺术。,1.Oil painting 油画 2.Architecture 建筑 3.Novel 小说 television ,film ,music and so on。,美国哥特式,美国哥特式,1930年,76.2x63.5cm,板 油彩,芝加哥艺术学院, The Art Institute of Chicago,格兰特伍德,Grant Wood,1892-1942年,美国,Grant Wood,格兰特伍德(Grant Wood,1892-1942年)美国画家

3、。伍德出生于爱荷华州的安纳摩萨。他在明尼阿波利斯学习手工艺,靠打零工养活自己。1919-24年,他在巴黎的朱利安学院任教 1934年后,他成为美术系的一名教授,直至去世。 Grant Wood (Grant Wood ,1892-1942) painter of the U.S. Wood was born in Anamosa, Iowa. He was in Minneapolis to learn arts and crafts, by doing odd jobs to feed themselves. 1919-24 years after, he taught Julian in

4、Paris. 1934, he became a professor in the Department of Fine Arts, until his death.,man looked straight ahead as flat, lips closed, his face expression is very serious, meticulous hobble around on the bridge of the nose round glasses. He covered with mud holding a fork, Beside. him stands a woman an

5、d also stern expression Man standing slightly behind her, eyes look to the man, a little only he is listening to the mean,男人的眼睛直盯着前方是平坦的,嘴唇紧闭,表情很严肃,一丝不苟地架在鼻梁上的圆眼镜。他沾满泥巴的手里拿着一个叉。他旁边站着一个女人,也是严峻的表达她略微站在男人身后,眼睛看向男人,有点“只有他是听”的意思。,Gothic architecture哥特式建筑, Goth refers to the barbarians, is a derogatory te

6、rm.Gothic art means brutality art , In the eyes of Europeans Rome are orthodox art, and the new architectural forms rised after that will be relegated to the Goth ( Savage). “哥特”是指野蛮人,哥特艺术是野蛮艺术之义,是一个贬义词。在欧洲人眼里罗马式是正统艺术,继而兴起的新的建筑形式就被贬为“哥特”(野蛮)了。,Cologne Cathedral科隆大教堂,Cologne Cathedral,located in the

7、center of Cologne City in Germany,is the representative work of Gothic buildings in Europe in the medieval times。It can also be said to be the perfectest Gothic church architecture in the word. 坐落在德国科隆市中心的科隆大教堂是中世纪欧洲哥特式建筑艺术的代表作,也可以说是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂建筑。,Church of Duomo米兰大教堂,The Church of Duomo is the largest Gothic cathedral in the word.In 1805 ,Napoleon held a coronation ceremony in the church of Duomo. 米兰大教堂是世界上最大的哥特式教堂。拿破仑曾于1805年在米兰大教堂举行加冕仪式。,哥特式小说起源于18世纪后期的英国,开山鼻祖是霍勒斯沃波尔。他的奥特兰托城堡创立了早期古典哥特式小说的模式。,Gothic Novel哥


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