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1、情态动词和虚拟语气,虚拟语气(学校版)1-5 baadc 6-10 CBA ab 11-15 ccadc 16-20 DC BCD 21-25 addda 26-30 dacbc完形BDDDA CDCAB BDBCA DDACBIf you had studied hard before,you would be a college student。例如:41、84、64、87 If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis . had it not rained so hard yesterday,we c

2、ould hesterday例如,隐含的假设,介词短语表示(with,without,but for)but for your help=if it had not been for your help=had it not been for your help=had it not been for your help例如44,76,并行语句(otherwise,or,but)he telephoned to inform me of your birh Or I would have known nothing about it。示例:14,39其他子句,虚拟a man who stopp

3、ed drinking water could be dead in about seven days。例如:11,12,89,回顾情态动词用法,ban Was/were able to:科举will be able to:未来could have done:可以,但I could理论可能性:can(傅晶连接)accidents can happen on such rainy days。案例:13、20、58,具体事情的可能性must必须(仅用于肯定)should,ought to注意:would,Should,could,might的可能性不一定低于科举时间,而是低于相应的当前时间格式Th

4、is may/might be done by him。例如70、90、1 shell I/we.Spoken used to make a suggestion,or ask a question that you want the other person to decide about(第三人提议,第三人必须使用shall): shall wall2 I/we shall.especially British English formal used to say what you will do in the future(第一人称,表示意向): we shall be away nex

5、t week . ive never liker3 formal or old-fashioned used to emphasize that something will definitely happen,或that you are determined that something should happen(.when shall my father be able to leave hospital?承诺、命令、警告、威胁、法规、法令、原则(客观规则)You shall leave the room at once,And he also Shall . its been anno

6、unced that candidates例如:34,34 78,must:必须(当前),必须(进行或完成)例如:49 dont have to/dont need to/need nt do:无需做任何事情neednt have否,I didnt need to示例:29、38、72、83,should do: should have done:必须完成,should nt have done:it must have rained last night for the road is quite muddy . can he have gone to his aunts?he cannot

7、 have forgotten it . he could have succeeded had he worked harder。示例:31 he may not have finished the work . I think he might harder You ought to have done this exercise more carefully。you should nt have told her the truth . you need nt have taken a taxi here,For it was quite near . you had better no

8、t have scolded her . I raised objects我宁愿做点什么。would rather do would rather do(than do)would do rather than do would rather sb did sth .(常用于多个主题)示例:61,79,Prefer to do sth . perfer to do(rather than do)Prefer doing to doing(没有比较时使用to doing)Prefer)I would prefer it if(eg . id prefer it if you didnt smok

9、e in front of the children .),cannot but do,Cannot but do cant help but to have no choice but to do,may/might as well,固定搭配最佳、完美,宁可you may aswe may as well stay where we are。例如18、66、can not (never).enough,Can not (never).enough怎么说都不为过。no more=most最.I can never thank you enough。ive never had a better

10、sleep。案例:47Why should you be so late today?How should I know?特别是,在以下文章模式中,should可以省略its strange that sb(should)do/have done . its strange that he(should)have acted towards例如4、17、22、51、may:可以否定:mustnt(不允许)must:必须否定:neednt No,you must nt . must I work out the proot否,you neednt。need dare,作为真实的动词:he needs/needed to do it . he doesnt/didnt need to


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