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1、经典代斯,fear can hold you prisoner,hope can set you free . it takes a strong man to save himself,And a great man to save another . I guess it cool that is hope . I have to remind myself that some birds dont mean to be caged . their feathers are just too bright . and when they fly away,The part of you ,

2、these walls are kind of funny like that . first you hate them,Then you get used to them . enough time passed,So you depend on them.i hope I can just run away . stupid is as stupid does . death is just a part of life,Something were all destined to do . we all have a destiny . nothing just happens tel

3、l your king that William Wallace will not be ruled . nor will any scot while im alive . there is a difference between us . you think the peon S land exist ttemplate“it is over,rambo.it is over!”“否!Nothing is over!北距!”We love our country,but does she love us as much as we love her?I was in charge of

4、millions dollars equipment,but now I cant even find a job!In the car park!第一滴血,you are nothing if you dont believe . defeat the darkness outside?Defeat the darkness inside first!When you choose to become others,you will lose your self . I focus too much on what I lost,not what I have.are you with me

5、?To the death?Once a king or queen of Narnia,always a king or queen-the chronicles of Narnia,Money is not everything . there is master card . every man ssonit needs darkness to develop . your future depends on your dreams . there should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning I c

6、an look at it ffit-Garfield,destiny take a hand . its easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40。what we think of as精神病患者Knowing they are a perfect match . the reason I know this and you dont is because im younger and pure . I dont want to be because its the only thing t

7、hat last . you are throwing away happiness with both hands . and reaching out for something that will never make you A man can banit takes a great deal of courage to standup to your enemies,but a great deal more to standup to your friends。与敌人对抗需要很大的勇气,但告诉朋友对抗需要更大的勇气It is not our abilities that show

8、what we truly are,it is our choices。决定我们成为什么样的人不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。-哈里波特,but you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times,when one only remembers to turn on the light;that suggests that what you fear most of all.is fear itself。你最害怕的其实是恐惧本身。A childs voice,however honest and true,is meanin

9、gless to those who ve forgotten how to listen。孩子说的话即使是真的也不重要。尤其是对不听话的人。But know thisthe ones that love us never really leave us。and you can always find them in here。要记住,所有真正爱我们的人都会在我们身边。他们会一直和你在一起。Never whole again、are we?Still,life goes on,and here we stand。人生不再完整了,是吧?但是人生必须继续,我们仍然屹立不倒。the world is

10、nt split into good people and death eaters . weve all got both light and dark inside us . what matters is the part we choose to act on S who we reallay世界不会分为好人和坏人。每个人的心里都有光明和黑暗。真正重要的是我们如何选择,知道我们是谁。you have a dream,you get to protect it . people cant do something by themselves;They wanna tell you you

11、 can not do it。-what would you say if a man walked in here with no shirt,and I hired him?-he must have had on some really nice pants . there is an I in happiness . there is no y 。its an“I”;Something,not even me。-如果幸福敲门I laugh in the face of danger . im only brave when I have to .being brave doesnt m

12、ean you go Everything you ever told me was a lie . I will make it up to you,I promise . this is my kingdom . if I dont fight for itYes,the past can hurt . but I think You can either run from it or learn from it . when the world turns its back on You,You turn your back on the world.-the lion king,-did he offer y


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