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1、英语学习策略研究天津师范大学外语学院路莹2009. 10. 20,一、学习策略研究的意义与背景,The National English Curriculum 英语新课程标准中的课程目标 Language knowledge 语言知识 Language skills 语言技能 Affect attitude 情感态度 Learning strategies 学习策略 Culture awareness 文化意识,Significance of strategies study学习策略的研究意义,“Give people a fish and you feed them for a day; t

2、each them to fish and you feed them for life. ” 给人以鱼,一日食鱼;授人予渔,终身得鱼。 1. Improve learners leaning proficiency. 2. Make their learning more effective and help them become successful language learners. 3. Benefit their life-long learning and independent learning.,Significance of strategies study学习策略的研究

3、意义,1. 大面积的改进学生的学习,提高学习效果和质量,减轻学习负担。 2.促进学习潜能偏低或智力发育迟滞的学生的学习,减少他们学习的困难。 3. 促进教师的教学。教师通过了解学生的学习策略,可以调整自己的教学策略和教学方法, 从而提高教学效果。 程晓棠 (2005),学习策略的研究背景,国外情况 70年代开始有人研究英语学习策略。 国内情况 80年代开始有人研究。 90年代成为研究的热点,并试图运用到教学中去。 大约比国外晚10年。,国外部分研究,Rubin, J. 1975. What the good language learner can teach us. TESOL Quarte

4、rly 9(1): 41-45. Naimen, N., M. Frohlich, A. Todesco, 1975. The good Lanugage learner. TESL TALK 6(1): 58-75.,3. Cohen, A. D. Strategy Training for Learners and the Role of the Teacher. Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language. M London: Longman, 1998 4. OMalley, J. M. learning strategies

5、for different subjects language learning strategies L1 learning strategies; L2 language learning strategies ; FL learning strategies English learning strategies Language skills and language knowledge strategies,Learner Strategies,1.Learning strategy 学习策略 How individual learners learn language 2.prod

6、uction strategy 表达策略 Learners should think before speaking or give spontaneous response. 3.Communication strategy 交际策略 Learners should acquire communicative competence by practicing problem-oriented tasks or body language etc. (Rod Ellis 1985),Language learning strategy,Language knowledge strategy P

7、ronunciation, vocabulary and grammar Language skill strategy Listening, speaking, reading and writing Rubin it should provide strategies that are transferable to future language tasks beyond a given class. Strategy training should be somewhat individualized, as different students prefer or need cert

8、ain strategies for particular tasks. Strategy training should provide students with a mechanism to evaluate their own progress and to evaluate the success of the training and the value of the strategies in multiple tasks.,学习策略训练方法 讲座式 研讨式 教材指导式 例如:高中新教材 教学活动式 个别指导式,个体案例,A comparative study of one su

9、ccessful and one less successful English learners in a senior high school Step 1: Find out the strategies that your students employ by interview.,个体案例,Learning new words Student A If the words are not important, I will not consult them in a dictionary, particularly in my outside reading. But when re

10、ading (prescribed) texts, I will read the whole text once and guess the meaning of the new words without the use of the dictionary. In the second reading, I will look them up in a,个体案例,dictionary. Besides the explanation of the word, I also like to read the sample sentences or phrases. I dont repeat

11、 the individual words, but I would like to repeat the phrases. If I consult the dictionary for meaning of the new words several times. I can memorize them. Some words in the texts, if I think, are rarely used, I dont memorize them. At the most, I try to,个体案例,memorize them when I am preparing for the

12、 examination. I dont copy the new words on a notebook. My habit is to write the meaning of words directly on the textbook. The meaning is usually in English. But if the English explanation is very long and not clear, I write down the Chinese equivalent. I do not allocate the,个体案例,time to memorize th

13、e words in isolation. I prefer to memorize the words together with reading the text. I feel that memorizing new words combined with reading the text is more efficient than memorizing the words in isolation.,个体案例,Student B When I find new words in a text, Id like to guess the meaning first and then c

14、onsult the dictionary. Without consulting the dictionary, I feel not sure of the meaning of the new words I have guessed I copy down the new words and their meanings sometimes together with their sample sentences. I write down both English explanations and Chinese equivalents.,个体案例,Then I read them

15、repeatedly in order to memorize them, but I quickly forget them. It seems to me revision is not effective to me at all. I usually dont memorize the new words occurring in outside reading.,Step 2: Find out the differences between GLL and less successful learner,What are the differences in learning ne

16、w words by Student A and Student B?,Differences in learning new words,Student A: Differentiated new words in terms of importance and treated them differently. Remembered the new words together with reading the text. Student B: Did not differentiate new words in terms of importance. Remembered the ne

17、w words by simple repetition,Major difference One,Student A paid equal attention to both the form and the meaning of the English language when she learned English. However, she could vary her attention paid to the form and to the meaning according to different situations. Student B only paid her att

18、ention to one aspect of the language: either to the form or to the meaning.,Major difference Two,Student A enthusiastically practiced both receptive and productive skills while Student B, almost neglected productive skills, particularly speaking skills.,Major difference Three,Student A was able to r

19、emember new words in an effective way while Student B was not.,Step 3:Reasons that induced their different learning behaviors,It was found that their different learning behaviors are ,in one way or another, related to their beliefs and managerial strategies.,Beliefs and managerial skills,Appropriate

20、 beliefs Student A strongly believed that both form-focused and meaning-focused were essential for success in learning a foreign language, and receptive and productive skills were equally important.,Effective managerial skills,Student A I like to read the books which contain the self-tests. In this

21、way, you can easily evaluate yourself. If I found that I couldnt answer the teachers questions fluently, or I didnt do well in a test, I would often think the reason about it when I am lying on the bed before sleep.,I like to reflect very much on what I have done. For example, in my first year study

22、 in high school, many of my classmates spent quite a lot of time memorizing the words. At first, I also did it in the same way. After some time, I realized that memorizing the words in isolation was not very fruitful because even if you can memorize individual words, this does not mean that you can

23、use them.,Therefore, I changed the method later. I read the texts and try to memorize the sentences. At that time, I read New Concept English for my own study, I found much more efficient if the learning of words was associated with a text.,Student B: Inappropriate Beliefs She clearly indicated that

24、 she tried her best to remember the spelling of the new words not to focus her attention on their use .,Student B: Poor managerial skills Researcher: Do you know what may lead to your failure in learning new words ? Student B: If I know it, my English wont be that poor. Researcher: Have you ever tho

25、ught about this question before? Student B: No. Never.,Conclusion,To conclude, it is granted that variety and frequency indicated by previous studies do exist. They are only superficial ones. The essential differences in the learning behaviors found in this study offered strong evidence in support of the importance of learning strategies.,Conclusion,These differences cannot be accounted for simply by the variety or frequency use of the strategies. Learners beliefs and managerial skills are two main factors attributing to the different learning behaviors which,


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