1、旅游宣传资料翻译,The Palace Museum(故宫),中文介绍,故宫旧称紫禁城。是明清两代皇宫,中国现存最大最完整的古建筑群。1988年被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。 故宫占地72万平方米,屋宇9999间半,建筑面积15.5万平方米。为一长方形城池,四角矗立、风格绮丽的角楼,墙外有宽52米的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。建筑气势雄伟、豪华壮丽,是中国古代建筑艺术的精华。 故宫有四个大门,正门名为午门。俗称五凤楼。其平面为凹形,中有重楼,重檐庑殿顶,两翼各有重檐楼阁四座。明廊相连,宏伟壮丽。午门后有五座精巧的汉白玉拱桥通往太和门。东门名东华门,西门名西华门,北门名神武门。
2、 故宫宫殿的建筑布局有外朝、内廷之分。内廷与外朝的建筑气氛迥然不同。外朝以太和、中和、保和三大殿为中心,是封建皇帝行使权力、举行盛典的地方。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫为中心,是封建帝王与后妃居住之所。此外还有文华殿、武英殿、御花园等。乾清宫在故宫内庭最前面。清康熙前此处为皇帝居住和处理政务之处。清雍正后皇帝移居养心殿,但仍在此批阅奏报,选派官吏和召见臣下。 交泰殿在乾清宫和坤宁宫之间,含天地交合、安康美满之意。其建于明代,清嘉庆三年(公元1798年)重修,是座四角攒尖,镀金宝顶,龙凤纹饰的方形殿。明、清时,该殿是皇后生日举办寿庆活动的地方。清代皇后去祭先蚕坛前,需至此检查祭典仪式的准备情况。
3、 坤宁宫在故宫“内庭”最后面。明时为皇后住所。清代改为祭神场所。其中东暖阁为皇帝大婚的洞房,康熙、同治、光绪三帝,均在此举行婚礼。故宫 无与伦比的古代建筑杰作紫禁城占地72万多平方米,共有宫殿9000多间,都是木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。这些宫殿是沿着一条南北向中轴线排列,并向两旁展开,南北取直,左右对称。这条中轴线不仅贯穿在紫禁城内,而且南达永定门,北到鼓楼、钟楼,贯穿了整个城市,气魄宏伟,规划严整,极为壮观。建筑学家们认为故宫的设计与建筑,实在是一个无与伦比的杰作,它的平面布局,立体效果,以及形式上的雄伟、堂皇、庄严、和谐,都可以说是上罕见的。它标志着我们祖国悠久的
4、文化传统,显示着五百多年前匠师们在建筑上的卓越成就。,组图及大殿中英注解,1. the Meridian Gate 午门 2. the Five-Phoenix Towers 五凤楼 3 the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 4 the Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿 5 the Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿 6 benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity 仁、义、礼、智、信 7. the Palace of Heavenly Pu
5、rity 乾清宫 8. the Hall of Union 交泰殿 9. the Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫,三座大殿,引人注目的三大殿 里最吸引人的建筑是三座大殿:太和殿、中和殿和保和殿。它们都建在汉白玉砌成的8米高的台基上,远望犹如神话中的琼宫仙阙。第一座大殿太和殿是最富丽堂皇的建筑,俗称“金銮殿”,是皇帝举行大典的地方,殿高28米,东西63米,南北35米,有直径达1米的大柱92根,其中6根围绕御座的是沥粉金漆的蟠龙柱。御座设在殿内高2米的台上,前有造型美观的仙鹤、炉、鼎,后面有精雕细刻的围屏。整个大殿装饰得金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽。中和殿是皇帝去太和殿举
6、行大典前稍事休息和演习礼仪的地方。保和殿是每年除夕皇帝赐宴外藩王公的场所。太和殿俗称金銮殿,在故宫的中心部位,是故宫三大殿之一。建在高约5米高的汉白玉台基上。台基四周矗立成排的雕栏称为望柱,柱头雕以云龙云凤图案,前后各有三座石阶,中间石阶雕有蟠龙,衬托以海浪和流云的“御路”。殿内有沥粉金漆木柱和精致的蟠龙藻井,上挂“正大光明”匾,殿中间是封建皇权的象征金漆雕龙宝座。太和殿红墙黄瓦、朱楹金扉,在阳光下金碧辉煌,是故宫最壮观的建筑,也是中国最大的木构殿宇。 中和殿是故宫三大殿之一,位于太和殿后。平面呈方形,黄琉璃瓦四角攒尖顶,正中有鎏金宝顶。形体壮丽,建筑精巧。 保和殿也是故宫三大殿之一,在中和殿
7、后。平面长方形,黄琉璃瓦四角攒尖顶。建筑装修与彩绘十分精细绚丽。富有生活气的内廷 故宫建筑的后半部叫内廷,以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫为中心,东西两翼有东六宫和西六宫,是皇帝平日办事和他的后妃居住生活的地方。后半部在建筑风格上同于前半部。前半部建筑形象是严肃、庄严、壮丽、雄伟,以象征皇帝的至高无上。后半部内廷则富有生活气息,建筑多是自成院落,有花园、书斋、馆榭、山石等。在坤宁宫北面的是御花园。御花园里有高耸的松柏、珍贵的花木、山石和亭阁。名为万春亭和千秋亭的两座亭子,可以说是目前保存的古亭中最华丽的了。,English Introduction,The Palace Museum has serv
8、ed as the royal residence during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years. The Palace Museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout Beijing, is unique for its location: to the northwest is Beihai(North S
9、ea) Park, famous for its white pagoda and rippling lake; to the west is the Zhongnahai (central and south sea); to the east lies the the Wangfujing Shopping Street; and to the north id Jinshan Park. Standing in the Wanchun (Everlasting Spring) Pavilion at the top of Jingshan(Charcoal Hill) Park, you
10、 overlook the skyline of the palace Museum. At the southern end of the palace is Tian anmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace) and the famous square named after it . This is the symbol of the People s Republic of China. A world-famous historical site, the Palace Museum is on the World Heritage List of UNESCO
11、and is an embodiment of oriental civilization. The Palace Museum is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area . It has 9000-strong rooms in it . According to legend ther
12、e are 9999.5 room-units in all .The whole compound is enclosed by a 10-meter-hign wall and is accessed through four entrances, namely, the meridian Gate in the south ,the Gate of Military Prowess in the north, Donghua(Eastern Flowery ) Gate in the north, Donghua ( Eastern Flowery) Gate in the east a
13、nd Xihua(Western Flowery ) Gate in the west. On each corner there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridge . Encircling the compound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat, making the Palace Museum a self-defensive city-within-a city,The Palace Museum was made a cen
14、ter of rule during the Ming Dynasty by Zhun Di, The fourth son of the founding emperor Zhuyuanzhang. The whole complex straddles on an 8-kilometers-long central axis that stretches from Yongding (Forever Stable) Gate in the south to Gulou (Drum Tower) in the north. Prominence was given to the royal
15、power by putting the three main front halls and three back halls on the axis while arrange other subsidiary structure around them .The construction of the Palace Museum involved manpower and resources across China. For example, the bricks laid in the halls ,known as gold brick, underwent complex, tw
16、o -dozen processes. As the final touch ,the fired bricks were dipped in Chinese wood oil. Involving complicated processes and high cost, these brick are called golden bricks. The Palace Museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to China s ancient architecture. It refle
17、cts to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese working people. A carefully preserved and complete group of royal residences, the Palace Museum is a prominent historical and tourist site. What we are now approaching is the main entrance to the Palace Museum-the Meridian Gate, which is ch
18、aracterized by red walls, yellow glazed -tile roofs and upturned eaves. On top of this walls, yellow glazed-tile roofs and upturned eaves. On top of this magnificent building ,there stand five lofty halls with a main hall in the center. The main hall is roofed by multiple eaves and covers a space of
19、 9 room-units. It is flanked by twowings on each side .The wings are square in shape ,complete with multiple and four edged eaves and pinnacles. All of these structures are connected by a colonnade. Because these halls resemble a soaring bird, it was also know as wufenglou (Five-phoenix Tower) . Ins
20、ide the main hall there is a throne. Drums and bells were stored in the wings. Whenever the emperor presided over grand ceremonies or observed rites in the Hall of Upreme Harmony, drums, bells and gongs would be struck to mark the occasion. As the legend goes, the Meridian Gate used to be a place wh
21、ere condemned ranking officials would be executed. This not true. However, flogging was carried out here by the Ming emperors ,If a courtier falls afoul of the emperor, he would be stripped of his court dress and flogging with a stick .At one point the punishment became so harsh that a total of 11 p
22、eople died from fatal wound on a single occasion .On the other hand, this building was also used to observe important occasions like the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival (15th day of the first lunar month). On these occasions, Chinese lanterns would be hanged and sumptuous banquets would be give
23、n in honour of the whole court of ministers and other ranking officials.,Upon entering the Meridian Gate we began our tour of the Palace Museum. The river foowing in front of us is known as Jin Shui He (Golden Water River) and the five marbles bridges spanning it are known as the Inner Golden Water
24、Bridges. The on in the middle was used exclusive by the emperor and its banisters were carved with dragon and phoenix designs. The bridges flanking the imperial one were reserved for princes and other royal members. The rest were used by palatines. Aside from decoration, the golden Water River was a
25、lso dug as precaution against fire. Most of the structures within the palace Museum are made of wood. What is more ,according to ancient Chinese cosmology, the South is the abode of fire, so this brook was dug on the southern tip of the Palace. In this way, the Palace Museum reflects traditional Chi
26、nese culture. This building is called the Gate of Supreme Harmony .In the foreground stand two bronze lions. Can anybody tell which is male and which is female The one on the east playing with a ball is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. The other on the west with a cub cuddling underneath
27、 its claw is female The one on the east playing with a ball is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. The other on the west with a cub cuddling underneath its claw is female, representing prosperity the endless succession. A layout of the Palace Museum is posted by the entrance . From it ,you
28、can see that the Palace Museum has two main parts: the forecourt and the inner court. The three main halls constitute the mainstay of the forecourt, and it was here that the emperor announced decisions and observed rites. Behind the forecourt there is the inner court, consisting of major halls and t
29、he Imperial Garden .It was where the emperor attendedstate affairs, lived and enjoyed his luxurious life. The exhibition system of the Palace Museum involves historical court relics and articles of ancient art and culture. The Palace Museum houses nearly one million articles of rare treasure, or one
30、 sixth of the total number in all of China s museums. There are the three main halls of the Palace museum, built on a triple marble terrace . Since most of China s architecture is made of wood, the buildings cannot be too tall. To gain the height of the architecture, ingenious ancient artisans built
31、 the hall on a gigantic stone terrace .It is also to this end that not a single plant was grown in the square. On stairways of triple marble terrace there are 18 bronze tripods .The verandah is flanked by bronze tortoises and cranes, which served as symbols of longevity .On the east is a sundial, an
32、 ancient timepiece. On the west there is a grain measure suggesting that the emperor was just and equitable.,故宫导游词,现在我们来到了故宫中最重要的院落太和殿及其广场,这里即是皇家举行盛大典礼的地方。太和殿广场基本呈正方形,整个院落平坦宽阔,气势非凡。北有太和殿,南为太和门,东为体仁阁,西为弘义阁,面积达3万平方米,是整座紫禁城面积的1/24。整个广场可容纳近7万人,为什么要在此处设这么大的广场呢?一是显示皇家的威严;二是起到震慑的作用,您想想,如果官员人等站在这么大的广场中,面对高高
34、角的龙,它们的作用是什么呢?其实,它们是大殿的排水系统。如果您仔细看会发现每个龙头的嘴里都有一个小孔,即喷水孔,三层基座之上共设小龙头1142个,每当下大雨的时候,雨水便从1142个龙头嘴里的小孔内排出,非常壮观,为宫中一景,被称为“千龙吐水太和殿(在太和殿丹陛之上) 各位朋友,我们眼前的太和殿是整座紫禁城内级别最高的建筑,只有皇帝举行盛大典礼时才使用,象征皇权的至高无上,太和殿俗称金銮殿,是我国现存木结构大殿的杰出典范之作。太和殿始建于公元1420年,当时叫奉天殿。后来,该叫皇极殿。清顺治皇帝登基后,重修三大殿,并将皇极殿改为太和殿。“太和”的意思是:宇宙间的一切关系都可以得到协调的意思。后
36、空的水银球。这个球被称为轩辕镜,一般悬挂在皇帝宝座的上方,意思是说在位之皇帝是轩辕皇帝正宗的皇位继承人,而不是假冒伪劣者,倘若真的是冒牌货,据说轩辕镜就会掉下来砸他的脑袋。有没有害怕被砸的假冒伪劣皇帝呢?有,他就是窃国大盗袁世凯。他登基时为了防止被砸,故意把宝座往后移动了,不信大家可以仔细看一看。 (在露台前铜龟及铜鹤之间) 看完了太和殿内景,现在,我们再来看看殿外的陈设。在太和殿外的露台上左右各有一只乌龟,各有一只仙鹤。它们取龟鹤延年之意,象征江山社稷万代相传。此外,东侧还有日晷,它是古代(一)涉及内容 1广场面积 2太和殿及广场的用途 3太和殿建筑概况 4太和殿名称的内含 5太和殿内外主要
37、陈设 (二)讲解地点:太和殿广场一角的计时工具。西侧设有嘉量,是古代的计量器具。这两件陈设象征皇帝在时间上和空间上都是公正无私的,对天下百姓都是坦诚、平等的。,Tourist Words,What strikes one first in a birds -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tre
38、e leaves flanking on each side. That is the former Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 yearsfrom1420 to 1911. The Ming Emperor Yong Le, who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing
39、the capital, ordered its construction, on which approximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420. At present, the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most complete ensemble of traditional architecture complex and more than 900,000 piece
40、s of court treasures in all dynasties in China.Located in the center of Beijing, the entire palace area, rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size, is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide. At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-eave roof covered with
41、 yellow glazed tiles.The main buildings, the six great halls, one following the other, are set facing south along the central north-south axis from the Meridian Gate, the south entrance, to Shenwumen, the great gate piercing in the north wall. On either side of the palace are many comparatively smal
42、l buildings. Symmetrically in the northeastern section lie the six Eastern Palaces and in the northwestern section the six Western Palaces. The Palace area is divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The former consists of the first three main halls, where the emperor received h
43、is courtiers and conducted grand ceremonies, while the latter was the living quarters for the imperial residence. At the rear of the Inner Palace is the Imperial Garden where the emperor and his family sought recreation.The main entrance to the Palace is the Meridian Gate(1), which was so named beca
44、use the emperor considered himself the Son of the Heaven and the Palace the center of the universe, hence the north-south axis as the Meridian line going right through the Palace,The Palace of Heavenly Purity was once the residence of the Ming emperors and the first two of the Qing emperors. Then th
45、e Qing Emperor Yong Zheng moved his residence to the Palace of Mental Cultivation and turned it into an audience hall to receive foreign envoys and handled the state affairs. The promotion and demotion of officials were also decided in this hall. After the emperors death his coffin was placed here f
46、or a 49-day period of mourning.The Palace of Union was the empresss throne room and the Hall of Earthly Tranquility, once a private living room for the empress, was partitioned. The west chamber served religious purposes and the east one was the bridal chamber where the newly married emperor and empress spent their first two nights after their wedding.The Imperial Garden was laid out during the early Ming dynasty. Hundreds of pines and
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