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1、The Kingdom of Norway,1201,Business Administration,Zhang Fengguang,Norway has a very elongated shape; the countrys extensive coastline along the North Atlantic Ocean is home to its famous fjords. 挪威国土地形狭长,沿北大西洋广阔的海岸线是其数个著名海湾的家。,挪威的森林,so beautiful!,Norway,The Kingdom of Norway is a Nordic country on

2、the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, bordering Sweden, Finland and Russia. 挪威,挪威王国是在斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部部分北欧国家,瑞典,芬兰和俄罗斯接壤。,Flag National emblem,The capital city of Norway isOslo. 挪威首都奥斯陆。,Norway is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy , with King Harald V as its head of

3、 state and Jens Stoltenberg as its prime minister. 挪威是一个单一的议会民主和君主立宪制,国王哈拉尔五世,作为国家元首和总理斯托尔滕贝格。,Harald V,Jens Stoltenberg,The northern part of the country is also known as the Land of the Midnight Sun because of its location north of the Arctic Circle, where for part of each summer the sun does not s

4、et, and in winter much of its land remains dark for long periods. 该国北部的部分也被称为午夜太阳的土地,由于其位置以北的北极圈,每年夏天的太阳不升起,其大部分土地在冬季长时间保持黑暗。,In summertime in the southern part of Norway, the sun is only away for a few hours. 在挪威南部的夏季,太阳是只离开几个小时。,The country is richly endowed with natural resources: petroleum, hydr

5、opower, fish, forests, and minerals. 该国拥有丰富的自然资源:石油,水电,鱼类,森林和矿产。,Oil production has been a big part of the Norwegian economy since the 1970s (Statfjord oil field).,A satellite image of continental Norway in winter,Agriculture is a significant sector, in spite of the mountainous landscape。,Urnes stav

6、e church has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site,乌尔内斯木板教堂被列出被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。,Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim 尼达罗斯大教堂位于特隆赫姆,The main building of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim,挪威科技大学在特隆赫姆,Typical Norwegian lowland landscape 典型的挪威附近的低地景观,Reine in Lofoten, Northern Norway 在罗弗敦的雷讷,挪威北部,The Storting is the Parliament of Norway 议会,Most populous urban areasofNorway,Oslo 奥斯陆,Bergen 卑尔根,Stavanger 斯塔万格,Trondheim 特隆赫姆,Fredrikstad 费德列斯达,Drammen 德拉曼,Skien 希


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