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1、汉译英长句翻译 合并法 拆分法 顺译法 逆序法 插入法,英汉语句子结构差异,英语句子特点:形式完整、重点突出。 汉语长句特点:动词突出的平面结构,思路清晰、上下连贯。,汉译英长句翻译技巧,逆序法,合并法,拆分法,插入法,顺译法,顺译法,是采用原序对译法,也就是顺着往下译( 但不是字字对应译) 。有些汉语句子的内容结构与英语表达方式比较一致,在翻译时则可按照原文顺序进行翻译。这种方法多用于单一主语的长句,但在译文中要分清句中的信息重心。 汉语的信息重心在逻辑关系上。而英语句子主要信息放在突出位置,次要信息作为辅助性的描写或叙述手段。 所以汉译英时,应该把汉语隐性主次关系发掘出来,译成英语的主次表

2、达方式。,我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有表情的面庞。 分析:主干我打量她,后面都是我所看到的细节描写。 When we had tea, I could not take my eyes from her small, delicate hands, the graceful way she moved, her bright, black eyes, and expressionless clear face.,当他们活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。( 2010 年TEM8) 分析: 单一主语,语义的

3、表述顺序英汉语一致,故顺译。-“总要尽量多工作、多学习”是“他”活着时的动作行为,因而译为主要的表达方式,其它部分译为非谓语动词形式。 As long as they are living,they always work and study as hard as possible,unwilling to dream their life away,let alone waste even a single moment of their lives,其中有一半是近5 年才来到温哥华地区的,这使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚居地。( 2009 年TEM8) 分析: 语义表述顺序一致,顺译。

4、原文中“这使聚居地”是华人移民的结果,故而译为现在分词短语。 译文: Half of them have come to Vancouver area the past five years only,making it the largest Chinese settlement outside Asia,在长期的大统一过程中,经济、文化交往把中国各民族紧密地联系在一起,从而形成了相互依存、相互促进、共同发展的关系,创造和发展了中华文明。 During the long process of unification, economic and cultural exchanges broug

5、ht the people of all ethic groups in China closely together, giving shape to a relationship of interdependence, mutual promotion and mutual development among them and contribution to the creation and development of the Chinese civilization.,顺译法分析和翻译练习,逆序法,汉民族在思维上历来注重“悟性”、“直觉”,强调“先发生的事先说,后发生的事后说”,从整体

6、上汉语表现为意合的语义型语言,语义通过语序表达出来。 而英美人偏重理性思维,其语言表现为形合的分析型语言,其语义通过逻辑关系析出。,在句子顺序上,汉语属于逆线性延伸,而英语术语顺线性延伸语言。,比较: This is the cat This is the cat that killed the rat This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house This is the cat t

7、hat killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built 好好的。 照顾得好好的。 把一切照顾得好好的。 竟然把一切照顾得好好的。 他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。 没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。 的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。 她的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。 她说她的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。 我听她说她的确没料到他竟然把一切照顾得好好的。,汉语句子逆线性延伸特征,即在主要表达部分之前可以增加理论上无穷多的修饰语,而英语的修饰语( 尤其是定语) 大多是后置,其丰富的连接词使其状语位置

8、灵活多变。 因此,我们在翻译汉语长句时,尤其遇到修饰成分( 包括词语、小句) 比较多的时候,就需要改变语序,有时甚至不得不将顺序完全颠倒,以符合英语的表达习惯。,我们为了照顾大局,于同年秋末在第三方的调解下,开诚布公地多次强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。 分析: 本句状语颇多。如顺译,一方面会使主语“我们”和谓语部分“强烈要求”相距甚远,增加了读者的理解负担和心理负担,另一方面主语后状语过多过于复杂,句子的“尾巴”太大,句子显得沉重不堪。因此,我们应该考虑分割状语分布,保持句子平衡,使译文清晰易懂。 译文: With the third party acting as an intermedi

9、ary, to take the interest of the whole into account,we strongly demand with frankness and sincerity many times at the end of the autumn of the same year that you should compensate all our losses,世界各国的医学专家们多年来一直在致力于构建一整套科学的有关人体健康的标准体系。 分析: 句子的主干:多年来专家们构建体系。而句中的其他部分则多数充当了定语、状语等。 For years,medical expe

10、rts from different countries have committed themselves to establishing a set of scientific standard system for human health,中国乒乓球大奖赛的最后一天,刘国梁在男子单打比赛中一举夺魁后,干脆利落地夺得大奖赛的4项冠军。 分析:主干刘国梁.夺得冠军在.后。 Liu Guoliang completed a clean sweep of four titles after winning the mens singles championship on the final d

11、ay of the Chinese Table-Tennis Grand Prix.,每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。 分析: 本句中,前几个小句是无主句,之后又出现外位复指词“这”来作总结说明,这样的句型如果硬生生译成“At four or five pm in England,people eat some bread or biscuits and have a short chat,this is common in England ” 贻笑大方。这时需要调整语序,以适应英语的表达习惯。 -“这种情景(喝茶、吃面包等)到处可见

12、。” There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five PMwhen people enjoy a cup of tea,with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation,讨论翻译,东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔,浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望,是亚洲第一,世界第三的高塔。 The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu

13、 River and at the point of Lujiazui. Surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated western architectures in the Bund across the river, the 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world. Or:Located beside the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiaz

14、ui, the Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated western architectures in the Bund across the river. With its height of 468 meters, the tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.,合并法是把若干个短句合并成一个长句。英语强调形合,结构较严密

15、,因此长句较多。所以汉译英时可采用连词、非谓语动词、定语从句、独立结构等方式把汉语短句连成长句。 不管是顺译还是逆序翻译,汉译英都不可避免会用到合并法。如,合并法,顺译法中用到合并法的例子,当他们活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。 As long as they are living,they always work and study as hard as possible,unwilling to dream their life away,let alone waste even a single moment of their lives,其中有一半

16、是近5 年才来到温哥华地区的,这使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚居地。 Half of them have come to Vancouver area the past five years only,making it the largest Chinese settlement outside Asia,逆序法融合合并法的例子,每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。 There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five PMwhen people

17、 enjoy a cup of tea,with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation,再看下例,中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、湖泊和其他用地。 China is a large country with eighty percent of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests, riv

18、ers and places for other uses.,我们用自己动手的方法,达到了丰衣足食的目的。 By using our own hands we have attained the objective of “ample food and clothing”.,拆分法,技巧1. 语义层次多时分译。 汉语句子较长,内容复杂,层次多时通常可断句分译。 看下例:,接着,他继续设想,/鸡又生鸡,/用鸡卖钱,/钱买母牛,/母牛繁殖,/卖牛得钱,/用钱放债,/这么一连串的发财计划,当然也不能算是生产的计划。 分析: 典型的流水句,句意随着说话人的意识如流水般发展下去,内容较多。因而,此句需要

19、断开,将其译为七个短句,层次不仅分明,表达也更清楚。 He went on indulging in wishful thinkingChickens would breed more chickens Selling them would bring him money With this he could buy cows The cows would breed too and selling oxen would make more money for him With the money,he could become a money lender Such a succession

20、 of steps for getting rich,of course,had nothing at all to do with production,技巧2:繁琐的人物特征描写,在描写人物的时候,汉语对人物的五官、长相、发肤等描写得面面俱到,英译也必将追求栩栩如生,但如果英译按汉语罗列下来,语言就未免显得太罗嗦而缺乏节奏。在这种情况下,译文不妨分译,这样,表达既清晰又不失信息的准确传达。如:,学院请来一位洋教师,长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子,他个子足有二米,每进屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬,这不太讲究礼貌了吗? 分析:

21、此长句共有五层含义,句讲学院请了洋教师,句讲洋教师的长相特征,句讲他的个头,句讲他的特殊行为,句讲人们的感受。 句重点各有不同,语义复杂,因此,在翻译此句时可以考虑将这五层意义分开来译,而不要流水般“一气呵成”或不分主谓搭配地“胡子眉毛一把抓”。 译文: Our institute employed an English teacher He looked very strange red-faced,golden-haired,with a thick growth of whiskers that reached all the way to the nose He was really

22、tall-no less than six foot five When he came in through the door,he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the door frame It looked as though he always bowed to you at the door and that was much too polite,技巧3:在主语变换的地方分译,一个汉语句子可以有多个不同的主语,也可以是无主句。而一个英语句子只能有一套主谓结构,主语谓动机制( SVDevice) 有提携全句结构的职能,

23、其主语具有不可或缺性。在英译汉语长句时,首先要找出其中隐身的主语,然后根据主语的不同,在主语转换的地方另起分句,以更加符合英语一个主语对应一个谓语的要求,符合英语的语法要求。,她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。 分析: 这个句子虽然不是很长,但句的主语是“她”,说明“她”透过窗子看到了什么; 句具体描写了“她”看到的船里船夫在睡觉。句的主语“船夫”明显不同于句的主语“她”,因而,在主语转换之处分句另译有利于译文表达清楚。 译文: Looking through the window,she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the

24、bankIn it there was a boatman fast asleep,技巧4:总说或分述时要分译:,汉语长句中有一种是总分复句,即先总后分或先分后总的复句。这时的总说部分和分述部分自然形成两个梯级,因而在英译时也自然需要分译。如: 我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园; 过不了几个月,居然收获了! 分析: 破折号之前是总述,后面交待了几个姊弟和几个小丫头喜欢的表现,分译后结构更清楚。 译文: At that my brother,sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemai

25、ds And then some went to buy seeds,some began to dig up the ground and others watered it and,in a couple of months,we had a harvest!,另一种态度,学习的时候用脑筋想一下,学那些和我国情况相适合的东西,即吸收对我们有益的经验,我们需要的是这样一种态度。 分析: 此句中最后的“这样一种态度”是对前面所述怎么学习,学什么的一个总结,因其意义较为完整,独立性较强,在译文中如果分译就可以起到如原文一样很好的强调作用,语言显得有力、明快。当然,译文也可以处理为用which 引

26、导的非限制性定语从句,但效果就不明显了。试比较: 译文A: The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions,that is,to absorb whatever experience is useful to us That is the attitude we should adopt 译文B: The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our condition

27、s,that is,to absorb whatever experience is useful to us,which is we should adopt 通过比较,译文B 虽然也译出了原文之意,但显然没有译文A 清楚。,在这个世界上仍然有少数利益集团,总想通过在这样那样的地方制造紧张态势来谋利,这是违背大多数人民的意志和时代潮流的。 分析: 句是对句的概括,因此,断开分译更能体现原句概括总结的气势。 译文: There are still in this world a few interest groups which always want to seek gains by cre

28、ating tensions here and there This is against the will of the majority of the people and against the trend of the times,技巧5:句义转折时可以分译:,当汉语长句中含有转折关系时,其语气前后发生了变化,前半句是一种情况,后半句是另一种情况,那么,英译时应当考虑在此处断开分译,以更加符合英语的语言习惯。如: 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。( 2003TEM8) 分析: 本句前半句讲“我”得病前在

29、家里如何受宠的情况,后半句讲“我”得病后“我”感到如何受到冷遇,前后所述截然不同,因而断句分译更加能够突出作者当时的心理不平衡。 译文: Before I was taken ill,I had been a spoiled child of my parents,getting things my way in the family Once isolated and confined to a small house on the slope of the garden,I suddenly found myself in disfavor and my wings clipped,技巧6

30、:汉语长句中的“反问”、“感叹”“比方”分句要分译:,汉语竹节型的语言特点表现了说话者想到哪说到哪儿的随意性,也体现了其流水句的意合特点,即使在发出感叹或疑问时也不例外。而英美民族重逻辑推理的思维方式使其语言在表达思想时更着重于形式的表现,句型特征明显,其反问句、感叹句等有特殊的句型表现形式,因而在英译汉语有反问句、感叹句、打比方等的长句时应选择分译法。如:,拿我们这些人来说,很多人每年都有一些进步。 Take those of us present here for example. Many of us make some progress each year. 又比如城市青年,或者进学校

31、,或者到农村去,或者到工厂去,或者到边疆去,总有个安排。 Lets take the urban youth for example. Arrangements must be made for them in one way or another- they can go to school or work on a farm, in a factory or in a frontier area.,既异想天开,又实事求是,这是科学工作者应有的风格,让我们在无穷的宇宙长河中去探索无穷的真理吧! 分析: 本句有两个层次: 第一层在处,表述作者对大家提出的探索真理的呼吁号召,第二层中句讲出作者认

32、为科学态度的表现应该是什么,句是作者给这种表现的一个结论。因此,有两个地方需分译。 译文: Lend wings to the imaginations while doing things in a down-to-earth manner-this is the style typical of scientific workers So let us explore the boundless universe in quest of never ending truth,分析并试译,、人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切切实实的工作。 、我们的一般企业很少

33、注意经济效果,广泛存在着劳动无定员,生产无定额,质量无检查,成本无核算的现象,在人力、物力、财力上造成很多浪费。 、一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结合,反对华而不实和任何虚夸,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。,参考译文,、人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切切实实的工作。 分析:原句中包含着从一般到细节的过渡,断句分译才使译文更有条理 The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much earnest effort on our part to rid their mind

34、s of wrong ideas.,、我们的企业一般很少注意经济效果,广泛存在着劳动无定员,生产无定额,质量无检查,成本无核算的现象,在人力、物力、财力上造成很多浪费。 分析: 因为原长句结尾处是表判断带有总结性的分句,所以在这里断句译较好 Our enterprises in general pay little attention to economic results, since usually the number of workers needed for a job is not fixed, production quota is not fixed, the quality

35、of products is not checked and cost accounting is not earnestly practiced. All this has incurred a big waste of manpower, material resources and money.,、一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结合,反对华而不实和任何虚夸,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。 分析: 转折的语义要拆分,前面是要做的,后面是不要做的,最后又是要做的。但因为语义层次各不相同, 所以要做的几部分不宜合并,还是采取顺译。 Deed and word must match a

36、nd theory and practice must be closely integrated.We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.,插入法: 即用同位语、插入语或定语从句来处理一些解释性成分,用破折号、括号或前后逗号插入译句中。,他才三十岁,正处在篮球事业和赚取金钱的鼎盛时期,因此大多数人认为他上周宣布退役为时过早,但是根据他的说法,这一决定完全出于自愿,并非是匆忙之举。,He is thirty and at the height of his performing and earning power, and last weeks announcement of retirement was premature in most peoples


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