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1、1,英语语音教程,2,内容安排,48个音素及练习 英语重音及练习 英语弱读及练习 英语连读及练习 英语节奏及练习 英语语调及练习,3,Lesson 1 国际音标,4,Consonants: Stops (爆破音),/p/ and /b/,/p/的音位变体:,当处于词尾时,可能失去爆破,如top tea; 在/s/后形成辅音连缀时,/p/发音时不送气,如spot,/b/的音位变体:,当处于词尾时,不完全爆破,如rob the man,5,/p/ and /b/,1. peakbeak2. packback 3. capcab4. napped nabbed 5. rapidrabid6. sta

2、plestable 7. praisebraise8. playsblaze 9. plightblight10. pridebride,6,Consonants: Stops (爆破音),/t/ and /d/,/t/的音位变体:,当处于词尾时,可能失去爆破,如sit still; 在/s/后形成辅音连缀时,/t/发音时不送气,如stop,/d/的音位变体:,当处于词尾时,不完全爆破,如Dad said so.,7,/t/ and /d/,1. tip dip2. tandan 3. toedoe4. hithid 5. cotcod6. betbed 7. beetlebeadle8. s

3、pitespide 9. heating heeding10. trydry,8,Consonants: Stops (爆破音),/k/ and /g/,/k/的音位变体:,当处于词尾时,可能失去爆破,如take three; 在/s/后形成辅音连缀时,/k/发音时不送气,如sky,/g/的音位变体:,当处于词尾时,不完全爆破,如lag behind,9,/k/ and /g/,1. Kategate2. coatgoat 3. cutgut4. pickpig 5. locklog6. tucktug 7. sacking sagging8. bickerbigger 9. crimegri

4、me10. closeglows,练习,10,Consonants: Fricatives (摩擦音),/f/ and /v/,1. feelveal2. fatvat 3. proofprove4. shuffleshovel 5. fleefree6. flameframe 7. fleshfresh8. flankfrank 9. flappingfrapping10. floefro,11,/ and /,Consonants: Fricatives (摩擦音),1. finkthink2. fredthread 3. freethree4. sickthick 5. sighthig

5、h6. passpath 7. dozethose8. darethere 9. closingclothing10. seizeseethe,12,/s/ and /z/,Consonants: Fricatives (摩擦音),1. sipzip2. racerrazor 3. lacerlaser 4. spicespies 5. bussingbuzzing6. ratesraids 7. pricedprized8. capscabs 9. ricerise10. losslaws,13,/ and /,Consonants: Fricatives (摩擦音),1. sheepjee

6、p2. shingin 3. hashhatch4. shoeschoose 5. shinesigh6. shieldsealed 7. shortsort8. glacierglazier 9. pressure pleasure10. fissionvision,/h/,henhow,14,/t/ and /d/,Consonants: Arrricates (破擦音),1. chestjest2. cheerjeer 3. chokejoke4. chumpjump 5. etchedge6. searches surges 7. richesridges8. lunched lung

7、ed 9. batchesbadges10. perched purged,练习,15,/m/, /n/ and /,Consonants: Nasals (鼻音),1. kim kin king2. some son sung 3. rum run rung4. ram ran rang 5. tim tin thing 6. whim win wing 7. dumb done dung 8. whims wins wings 9. pam pan pang10. stum stun stung,16,/w/ and /j/,Consonants: Approximates (半元音),/

8、r/,1. yakjack2. yearjeer 3. yardjarred4. yesjess 5. yamjam6. wanerain 7. wealreal8. wiservisor 9. wailveil10. wiper viper,redrow,17,注意区别 /w/ and /v/,1. westvest2. winevine 3. worseverse4. wailveil 5. we“v”6. wetvet 7. wheelveal8. whilevile,18,/l/,“清晰” /l/:,位于词首元音前; 发音时舌前部向着硬腭略抬起。,“模糊” /l/:,位于词尾元音后;

9、发音时舌尖抵硬腭,舌前部稍压低,舌后部朝软 腭稍微抬高。,Consonants: Laterals (舌侧音),19,Clear /l/ and dark /l/,1. lanenail2. lacesail 3. latetail4. lesssell 5. littill6. lippill 7. leaveveal8. leaddeal 9. leaffeel10. leappeal,练习,20,Front,Central,Back,Close,Mid,Open,i:,e,i,:,Vowels: Front Vowels and Central Vowels,21,/i:/ and /i

10、/,1. eatit2. meatmitt 3. peakpick4. beadbid 5. deepdip6. beatbit 7. easeis8. seensin 9. mealmill10. leavelive,22,/i/ and /e/,1. himhem2. sitset 3. lidled4. ridred 5. lintlent6. sincesense 7. sinnedsend8. wristrest 9. knitnet10. pickpeck,23,/e/ and /,1. betbat2. endand 3. ledlad4. leglag 5. merrymarr

11、y6. guessgas 7. beckback8. thenthan 9. messmass10. stepstap,24,/i:/, /i/, /e/ and /,1. meat mittmetmat 2. neat knitnetgnat 3. beat bitbetbat 4. pete pitpetpat 5. dean dindendan 6. deed diddeaddad 7. teen tintentan,练习,25,Front,Central,Back,Close,Mid,Open,Vowels: Back Vowels,U:,U,:,a:,26,/u:/ and /u/,

12、1. poolpull2. kookcook 3. foolfull4. foodfoot 5. cooed could6. lukelook 7. stewed stood8. shooed should 9. wooed wood10. whod hood,27,/:/ and /,1. portpot2. forksfox 3. taught tot4. dawndon 5. corkcock6. courtcot 7. swordsod8. shortshot 9. sportspot10. nought not,28,/ and /a:/,1. pockpark2. dockdark

13、 3. cotcart4. coughcalf 5. godguard6. glossglass 7. hopharp8. hotheart 9. locklark10. bonbarn,29,/a:/ and /,1. parkpuck2. barnbun 3. darkduck4. cartcut 5. carpcup6. calmcome 7. hearthut8. marchmuch 9. larkluck10. staffstuff,练习,30,Vowels: Diphthongs,/i/, /e/ and /u/,/ei/, /ai/ and /i/,/u/ and /au/,31

14、,/i/, /e/ and /u/,1. peer pairpoor 2. tear taretour 3. dear daredoer 4. fear fairfewer 5. sheer sharesure 6. mere maremoor,32,1. bay buyboy 2. fail filefoil 3. tails tilestoils 4. lanes linesloins 5. bail bileboil 6. cane kinecoin,/ei/, /ai/ and /i/,33,1. boatsbouts2. tonetown 3. foalfowl4. phoned f

15、ound 5. hoehow6. holeshowls 7. loadloud8. knownow,/u/ and /au/,34,1. failfell2. shaleshell 3. mailed meld4. bailbell 5. daledell6. tailtell 7. salesell8. hailhell 9. jailjell10. wailed weld,/ei/ and /e/,练习,35,Lesson 2 Stress,Word stress Sentence stress Weak forms,The Major Difference between Chinese

16、 & English,Chinese is a tone language while English is a highly stressed language.,36,Word Stress,Three degrees of stress: primary, secondary, and zero.,Pronunciation tips: Lengthen it Say it louder with clear vowel Raise the pitch,The vowel in the stressed syllable is longer.,The stressed syllable

17、has a full, clear vowel.,The stressed syllable has a higher pitch.,练习,37,Sentence Stress,In a normal English sentence, certain words are stressed and certain words are unstressed.,What to stress in a sentence?,练习,Normally stressed are content / information words. Normally unstressed are form / funct

18、ion words.,38,Strong Forms & Weak Forms,Many function words in English have two pronunciations: a strong form (or stressed form) and an weak form (or reduced form, unstressed form).,Main features of the weak forms,Reductions of the length of sounds Obscuration of vowels towards the schwa Elision of

19、vowels and consonants,练习,39,Lesson 3 Linking,1. To join the final consonant of one word with the initial word of the following word, as in “post office”. 2. To link the final vowels /:/ and / to a following vowel by adding the /r/ sound, which is called linking-r, as in “her own”, or intrusive-r, as

20、 in “the idea of”. 3. To make smooth transitions when words are separated by more than two consonants, i.e. treat them as consonant sequences, as in “next topic”. 4. To make smooth transitions when the preceding word ends with a vowel and the following word begins also with a vowel by adding /j/ or

21、/w/, as in “my arm”. 5. To change the pronunciation of some final and initial consonants, as in “Did you”.,How to link words in English speech?,练习,40,Lesson 4 Rhythm,/Tom /John /Steve /Sam /Thomson /Johnson /Steven /Samson /Thomson and /Johnson and /Steven and /Samson /Thomson and then /Johnson and then /Steven and then /Samson,Rhythm in English speech is based on stress. A rhythm unit is formed by a stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllables which may come before that stress and / or after it.,It is, therefore, the rhyth


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