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1、chinglish,Group One,contents,1.Chinglish 2.Diagnosis of Chinglish 3.Main causes of Chinglish 4.How to avoid Chinglish,1.Chinglish,中国式英语(Chinglish):Chinglish refers to spoken or written English language that is influenced by the Chinese language.The term Chinglish is commonly applied to ungrammatical

2、 or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts,and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations.Other terms used to described the phenonmenon include Chinese English,China English,and Sinicized English.The degree to which a Chinese variety of English exists or can be considered legitimate is dispute

3、d.,中国式英语(Chinglish)指中国的英语学习者和使用者由于受母语的影响和干扰,硬套汉语规则和习惯,在英语交际中出现的不合规范或不合英语语言和西方文化习惯的畸形英语。 1.你的身体很健康 Your body is very healthy. 2.我非常喜欢它 中国式:I very like it 美国式:I like it very much 3.我想我不行 中国式:I think I cant 美国式:I dont think I can,第一部分是汉语说法,第二部分是Chinglish说法,第三部分是英语的标准说法 欢迎你到welcome you towelcome to 永远记住

4、你remember you foreveralways remember you 祝你有个 wish you have a I wish you a 给你 give youhere you are 很喜欢very like likevery much 黄头发yellow hair blond/blonde,2.Diagnosis of Chinglish,复旦大学英语教授葛传槼先生认为: “Chinglish是在语法和用词方面基本上不能算错,而意思也明白,可是明显地从汉语思维产生而英语民族人民并不这么说的那种英语。”,Chinglish phrases 大片 *big movie; block

5、buster 早恋 *early love; puppy love 方便面 *convenient noodles; instant noodles 拳头产品 *fist product knockout product 新闻自由 *freedom of news; freedom of press 买一赠一 *Buy one,present one Buy one,get one free,Chinglish sentences 上海的交通很拥挤 *Shanghais traffic is very crowed. The traffic is very heavy in Shanghai.

6、 新学期已经过去一个多月了。 *Our new term has passed one month and more. More than one month has passed since the new term began.,本(航空)公司的经营方针是: 安全第一,旅客至上,优质服务,树立信誉。 初译:The guideline of our airlines is safety first,passenger consideration,excellent services,establishment of prestige. 逐字死译,用词和搭配不当,为典型Chinglish,改译

7、1:Our aim is SAFETY FIRST,PASSENGER ABOVE ALL,TOP QUALITY SERVICE,GOOD REPUTATION. 改译2:With customer above all and reputation first in mind,our airlines maintain high quality and efficiency of all the service we provide. 参考:Convenience/Availability/Satisfaction 作为一句广告,译文已灵活而达意地简化为三个英语单词,很有广告英语的味道,3.

8、Main Causes of Chinglish,A.搭配不当 Out of collocation 来信写道:the letter writes 应改为:the letter reads 把中国建设成:build China into 应改为:turn China in,B.滥用使役动词Overused causative verb make or let 看到这些照片使我想起自己的童年 The sight of these pictures made me remember my own childhood. 应改为:The sight of these pictures reminded

9、 me of my own childhood.,C.过多使用修饰词Unnecessary modifiers 完全征服:completely conquer 应改为:conquer conquer不可能是partly,加completely多此一举。 极为可耻:extremely shameless 应改为:shameless 伟大的历史性转变:great historic change 应改为:historic change,D.重复和累赘Redundancy 为推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。 To promote the development o

10、f China-US relations,China needs to know the US better and the US also needs to know China better. 应改为:To promote China-US relations,China needs to know the US better and vice versa,E.主语选用不当Improper subjects 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃 At the turn of the century,Chinas diplomacy is most active. 应改为:The turn of th

11、e century finds China most active on the diplomatic area. 因为diplomacy没有生命,active的主语应该是人。,F.没有注意词类转换Necessary conversion 汉译英有时不能完全按照原文是什么词类就译成什么词类,而要根据情况对词类进行调整和转换。 轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。 The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued

12、to improve. 应改为:Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and in richer variety.,G.字对字死译Word for word 中国特有的一些新词汇新提法无法找到对应的英语表达方式,译文往往是解释性的;若字对字死译,就会出现Chinglish 国际关系民主化 International relations should be democratized. 应改为:Democracy should be practiced in inter

13、national relations. 你的手表不对 Your watch is not correct. 应改为:Your watch does not keep good time.,4.How to Avoid Chinglish,A.Guarding against Taking the Words at their Face Level 吃透中文意思,摆脱中文字面束缚,以清晰的文字表达原文的意思 人文奥运 *peoples(cultural) Olympics culture-enriched Olympics 科技旅游 *technological tours; science-t

14、heme tourist,B.要养成用英语来思维,英汉两种语言差异较大,用汉语思维模式来取代英语思维模式,往往会逐字理解、对释,这种一一对应的错误模式违反了英语表达规律。 如:(错)Today is very close.(今天天气很闷)英语语法中表示天气时间和距离,常用it做主语。 (正)It is very close today.又如:(错)Sorry: I forget my dictionary at home. (对不起,我把字典忘在家里了) 这是按照汉语的字面意思来表达,动词“forget”在表示“忘记带某物”时,不与地点状语连用。该句正确表达是“I left my dictio

15、nary at home.”,C.要了解西方国家的文化和风土人情,强调了解中西文化差异才能使交际有效,如:Jack is a green hand at doing this work. (杰克做这种工作没有经验)这里“green hand”意思是“生手”、“没有经验”,而不是“绿色的手”之意。England是个岛国,船是重要交通工具,为保养船只,常用与海水一样的绿色油漆来漆船。一个不熟练的油漆工,工作时常会双手粘满油漆。了解了这一背景,“green hand”之意就不喻自明。又如:Smith can do nothing in the company because he is just a

16、 small potato there. (史密斯在这家公司起不了什么作用,因为他在那里是个小人物)“a small potato”是“小人物”之意,而非小土豆的意思。只有了解西方文化,才会理解这种修辞的意义。,D.Keeping a good dictionary at hand 酸奶 sour milk (The milk must have gone bad); yoghurt 宣传部 *propaganda department; department in charge of publicity,E.Developing Pragmatic Competence Translators pragmatic ability is part of their communicative competence.It comprises the ability to use language appropriately according to the context.More often than not, making a pragmatic error in a Chinglish sentence is far more serious


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