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1、七上 UNIT1-6 1 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you 2他叫什么名字?他叫王江。 Whats his name? His name is Wang Jiang. 3他姓什么?他姓王 Whats his family name ? His family name is Wang . 4 你怎样拼读擦子这个单词? How do you spell the word “eraser”? 5一串钥匙 a set of keys 6给艾伦打电话6632 call Allan at 6632,7 我的学生证 my school ID card8谢谢你的全家福照片 thanks for

2、the photo of your family 9 我的父母亲 my parents =my father and father 10在床下 under the bed 11 在梳妆台上 on the dresser 13打乒乓球/ 踢足球 play ping-pong /soccer/ 12 一个乒乓球/ 足球 网球 a ping-pong ball/a soccer ball/ a tennis ball 14 她不喜欢薯条和沙拉 He does like French Fries or salad 15你喜欢他们吗? 我也不喜欢。Do you like them? No, I dont

3、, either . 16中餐吃鸡肉,西红柿和土豆 eat chicken, tomatoes and potatoes,UNIT 7-12 1 这些袜子多少钱?他们十元一双 Hoe much are these socks? They are ten yuan each pair. 2袜子的价格是什么? 十元一双。 Whats the price of the socks? Its ten yuan each pair. 3你要买什么?我想买一件毛衣。Can I help you? Yes, Id like a sweater. 4 给你吧。 Here you are. 5我买下它。Ill

4、take it. 6我能试穿他吗?Can I try it on? 7有非常优惠价格的毛衣 have sweaters at a very good price 8红色的,绿色的T 恤衫 T-shirts in red and green= red and green T-shirts 9 华兴大销价 Hua Xins great sale,10 你的妈妈生日是什么时候?When is your mother s birthday ? 11是十月2号。 Its October the second. 12她多大年纪 How old is she ? 13她三十岁 She is thirty y

5、ears old . 14篮球赛 the basketball game/ match 15英语演讲比赛 English speech contest 16戴维的生日聚会 Daves birthday party 17音乐节 music festival 18校庆日 School Day 19他想去看电影吗? Does he want to go to the movie? 20 是的他想去看动作片 Yes, he wants to see an action movie.,21去看京剧 go to see Beijing Opera 22 在周末 on weekends 23 在周日 on

6、weekdays 24下棋 play chess 25参加体育俱乐部 join the sports club 26打鼓和弹钢琴 play the drum and play the piano 27 你能吹号吗?是的我能 Can you play the trumpet? Yes, I can. 28 你什么时候洗澡 When do you take a shower ? 29在晚上9点 at 9:00 p.m 30起床/上床睡觉 get up /got to bed 31去上班/ 去上学go to work /go to school,32乘坐第7路公交车去旅馆 take a No.7 b

7、us to the hotel 33 告诉我关于你的早晨 tell me about your morning 34 吃早餐/中餐/晚餐 have breakfast /lunch /dinner 35 你最喜爱的学科是什么? Whats your favorite subject ? 36我最喜爱的学科是美术 My favorite subject is art. 37上科学课, have science/ PE/ math /geography/ physics 38对某人严格要求 be strict with sb 39 对某事严格要求 be strict in sth 40 在八月 i

8、nJanuary/February/March/May/June/July/August/ September/October/November/December,七下unit1 1来自于加拿大 be from= come from 2去看电影go to the movie 3做运动 do sports 4喜欢讲英语 like speaking English 5给我写信 write to me = write a letter to me 6 你的笔友来自哪里?Wheres your pen pal from?= Where does your pen pal come from ? 7 他

9、来自加拿大的多伦多 He is from Toronto, Canada.= He comes from Toronto, Canada. 8 他讲什么语言? What language does he speak ? 他讲英语和法语。 He speaks English and French.,UNIT2 1在. 对面 across from 2在.前面 in front of. 3 在 前部 in the front of 4 紧靠 next to . 5 向右转 turn right 6直接走 go straight 7 向左转turn right 8 在交通红绿灯处 at the tr

10、affic lights 9在右边 on the right 10欢迎来到花园小区welcome to the Garden District 11不用谢 Youre welcome. 11散步 take a walk / take walks,12穿过公园 go through the park 13一个玩得开心的好地方 a place to have fun 14去邮局的路 the way to the post office 1 5下个星期天 next Sunday 16从飞机场乘出租车 take a taxi from the airport 17经过你右手边的银行 pass the

11、bank on your right 18沿着第八大道走 go down the Eighth Avenue 19祝你旅途愉快 have a good trip 20 在的开始 at the beginning of 21 在.的尽头 at the end of,21图书馆在哪里?Where is the library? 在大桥街上。Its on Bridge Street . 22 我怎样才能到达那里?How can I get there? 就直接走然后向左转弯。它在大桥街的右边。它在一家超市的对面 Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bri

12、dge Street on the right . Its across from a supermarket . UNIT3 1想做某事want to do sth= would like to do sth 2有几分可爱 kind of cute 3喜欢同他朋友玩耍 like to play with his friends 4请安静 be quiet=keep quie,5起床 get up 6在白天 in the day = during the day 7在夜晚 at night 8 在夜间 in the night 9你为什么喜欢海豚?Why do you like dolphin

13、s? 因为他们有趣Because they are interesting.。 UNIT4 1想当一名演员 want to be an actor/ actress 2他是做什么的?What does he do ? 3 他是一名警察 He is a policeman 4 他想当什么?What does he want to be ? 5他想当一名记者。 He wants to be a reporter.,7与钱和人们一起工作 work with people and people8给某人某物 give sb sth= give sth to sb 9从某人那得到某物 get sth fr

14、om sb 10同人们说话 talk with people/talk to people 11出去进餐 go out to dinner 12努力工作 work hard 13 艰苦的工作 hark work 14 一个努力工作的人 a hard working person 15为你提供一个作为服务员的工作 have a job for you as a waiter 16请拨打6632给Frank Please call Frank at 6632 17为杂志社工作 work for the magazine 18想要一名体育老师教足球 want a PE teacher to teac

15、her soccer 19 5-12 岁的孩子们 children of 5- 12 20 一个八岁的男孩 an eight-year old boy =,a boy of eight 21 八岁的孩子们 eight year old kids=kids of eight 22打篮球 play basketball 23 弹吉他 play the guitar 24 在医院 in the hospital 25 在住院 in hospital 26穿白色制服 wear a white uniform 27 看电视 watch TV 28 做家庭作业 do homework 29/做某人的家庭作

16、业 do ones homework 30看书/看报/看杂志 read books / read newspapers/ read magazines UNIT5 4等某人或某物 wait for sb/ sth 5谈论 talk about 6她在做什么? Whats she doing ?,7她在游泳池游泳。 She is swimming it the swimming pool. 8谢谢你的照片 Thanks for your photos=Thank you for your photos, 9吃晚餐 have dinner= eat dinner. 10一张我家庭的照片 a pho

17、to of my family 11在家/在学校at home /at school 12 在学校里in the school 13 受学校教育 in school UNIT6 1今天天气怎样?Whats the weather like? 2天气晴朗/起风/下雨/下雪/多云。Its sunny/ windy/rainy/snowy/ cloudy / 3正在下雨/下雪 Its raining /snowing. 4玩电脑游戏 play computer games 5现在过得怎样? Hows going ? 6 很好/糟透了Pretty good /Terrible.,7拍照 take a

18、photo = take photos 8 请人拍照 have photos taken 9 请别人来做某事 have /get sth done 10躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach( lies lying lay lain) 11看起来酷 look cool 12这群人 this group of people 13穿大衣戴围巾 wear a coat and a scarf 14玩得高兴 have a good time =have fun = enjoy oneself 15在度假 on vacation 16看黑板/看着我 look at the blackboard /

19、 look at me 17 寻找 look for 18 照看, 照顾 look after = take care of 19为了提高你的英语 in order to improve your English 10同某人谈论某事 talk with sb about sth,UNIT 7 1 他看起来外貌怎样?What does he look like ? 2他中等身高,中等体格 He is of medium height, of medium build. 3他有卷曲的黑头发 He has curly black hair 4篮球队的队长 the capital of the bas

20、ketball team 5好看但有点文静 good- looking but a little bit quiet 6他性格怎样? Whats he like ? 7他开朗大方,幽默 He is outgoing, humorous . 8带着可笑眼镜的流行歌手a pop singer with funny glasses9有一个新外表 have a new look 10不再做某事 no more= not any more/ no longer = not any longer (时间上不再延续),11 你看起来怎样?What do you look like ? 12我又胖又矮 Im

21、heavy and short. 13有短而直的头发 have short and straight hair UNIT8 1你想要什么? What would you like ? 2我想要一些面条 Id like some noodles. 3你想要什么面条?What kind of noodles would you like ? 4我想要一中碗西红柿面条 Id like a medium of tomato noodles. 5饺子店 House of Dumplings 6我不喜欢橙汁,稀饭和汤。I dont like orange, porridge or soup,UNIT9 1

22、你的上个周末怎样?不太好。 How was your last weekend ? It wasnt very good. 2做他的家庭作业 do his homework 3去海滩/ 去山里/去看电影 go to the beach /go to the mountain/go to the movies 4打扫房间 clean the room 5上个周末你在干什么? What did you do last weekend ? 6我为数学考试而学习 I study for the math test 7呆在家 stay at home,8阅读 do some reading 9在星期六上

23、午 on Saturday morning 10在上午 in the morning 11在五月一号的上午 on the morning of May 1st 12做晚餐 make dinner 13和狗去散步 take a walk with a dog 14到做某事的时间了。Its time to do sth= Its tome for sth (Its time to have class = Its time for class 到上课的时间了。 ) 15喜欢做某事 like doing sth = like to do sth 16寻找他的狗 look for his dog 17

24、 去夏令营 go to summer camp,UNIT10 1在假期Tina去了哪里? Where did Tina go on vacation ? 2她去了山里并且看望了她的叔叔 He went to the mountains and visit her uncke. 3你的假期怎样?How was your vacation ? 4无聊 Its boring . 5在水中玩得很高兴 have fun playing in the water. 6发现一个小男孩在角落哭泣 find a boy crying in the corner 7发现某人在做某事 find sb doing sth 8帮他找到他的爸爸 help him find his father 9使我感到非常高兴 make me feel very happy 10 使某人做某事make sb do sth,11走回旅馆 walk back to the h


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