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1、1.同情take/have Pitty on sb.2 .称她为希望。call her Xi Wang 3 .出生be born 4。看起来像老鼠look like a white mouse 5。第一次go outside for the first time 6。她不再是婴儿了。She was not a small baby any more。7.最初,in/At the beginning=at first 8。learn to look after oneself 9 .面临严重问题的face serious problem 10。主要是live mainly on a specia

2、l kind of bamboo 11 .因此,熊猫可以住的地方和可以吃的东西。As a result,pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat . 12 . be in danger/out of danger,u5 wild animals短语,13 .立即采取行动take action right away 14。构建更多熊猫保护区build more panda reserves 15。大熊猫make laws to protect pandas 16。什么都不做,很快就不会剩下一只大熊猫了。If we do nothing,

3、soon there may be none left.17。但我们仍相信“希望”所在的地方有希望。Howwever,we do believe that there is Xi Wang,there is hope.18 .简单的数学疑难解答work out easy maths problems 19。蝙蝠在嘴和耳朵的帮助下,可以确定正确的飞行方向。bats can decide to fly the right way with the help of their month and ears . 20 .蜜蜂总是能记住它们的原始路线。bees always remember to co

4、me back the same way as they went,21 .有深条纹的橙色毛皮orange fur with dark strips 22。等一下可以执行a short while 23。失去居住地lose living areas 24。多么可耻/遗憾!What a shame!25.出于任何原因for any reason 26。有关陷入危险的动物的报告a report on an animal in danger 27。白天慢慢移动around slowly in the daytime 28。否则世界上不会有熊。Otherwise,there may be no bea

5、rs left in the world,unit 6短语,句型,how many types of cranes are there in the world?世界上有多少种起重机?zh along nature reserve is one of the worlds most important wetlands in the world .扎龙自然保护区是世界上最重要的湿地之一。the area provides food and cover for much Willd life。=the area provides many wild animals with food and c

6、over。这个地区为许多野生动物提供食物和避难所4。some people make The wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings。有些人缩小湿地,为农田和建筑腾出更多空间。5.this will lead to less and less space for Willd life。/fewer and fewer living areas这可能会导致野生动物的空间越来越少。6.the members of the bird watching society go to study the bi

7、rds .鸟类观察协会的会员去研究鸟类。7.they invite tourists to record bird types and changes in their numbers。他们邀请参观者记录鸟的种类和数量的变化。8.wehope this will help people understand the importance of(protecting)the wet lands。我们希望这有助于人们理解湿地有多重要。9.forty percent of cranes live in other parts of the world .40%的起重机生活在世界其他地方。10.tak

8、e a notebook with you in order to write down what you see and what you hear。请把本笔记本电脑和声音一起携带,记录所看到和听到的内容。11.we ask people not to catch bird for any reason。我们不要让人们以任何理由捕捉鸟12。Yancheng nature reserve is a perfect place to go bird watching。盐城自然保护区是观察鸟类的好地方。13.the reserve covers/Has an area of over 4530 s

9、quare kilmeters。=the reserve is more thanin area。这个保护区占地4530平方公里以上,面积14。Yancheng is(the second largest)home to red-crowned cranes in China。盐城是丹顶鹤(第二大)的家。15.we should protect the wetlands not only because they are home to many plants,birds and animals,But also because they are important to the heals我

10、们必须保护湿地。因为他们是很多植物、鸟、动物的故乡,对全世界人民的健康很重要。16.taking a pair of binoculars will help you see the birds more clearly。拿着望远镜,鸟看起来更好。17.some wristers like to include birds in their poems。有些作者想在他们的诗里写鸟。18.I am very interested in learning about different kinds of plants,birds and animals。/show much (great) int

11、erest in我对了解不同种类的植物、鸟和动物很感兴趣。19.I would like to become a member of the bird watching society and take an active part in activities。=我想成为actiwley take part in鸟类观察协会的医院,积极参加活动。20.you can call me on 010-5558 6390 or email me at。可以打电话或发送电子邮件,单元7,句型,1。天气怎么样?What is the weather like?=How is the weather?Wh

12、at will the weather be like?=How will the weather be?2.(最高,最低)气温是多少?whats the(highest/lowwest)temper ature?what will the(highest/lowest)temperature be?3.即使你什么都不穿,看起来也很凉爽,感觉会很冷。I bet you will look cool and feel cool with nothing on . 4 .是享受冰淇淋的最佳时间。it is the best time to enjoy ice cream . 5 .白雪复盖了整个地

13、球。White snow covers the whole earth。6.向下0度/0度drop to zero/drop below zero大于0度rise/stay above zero,7 .是放风筝的绝佳时间!what a perfect time(it is)to fly a kite!8.鸟儿们都飞到很远的地方去寻找温暖明亮的乐园。the birds fly far away to find a warm and sunny day . 9 .蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花园里玩耍。bees and butterflies play among flowers . 10 . 4月下阵雨的时候,

14、他们避开了。they hide away when the April showers come . 11 .秋天,树叶变黄了,堆落在地上。Autumn leaves turn brown,and fall into piles upon the ground . 12 .随着白天的缩短,气温下降,即将开始下雪的季节。as the days are shorter and the temperature drops,soon the snowy season will begin.13 .新的一年又来了。It will be a new year once again。12 .多风的日子对放风

15、筝很有好处。a windy day is perfect for flying a kite。13.他们喜欢在安静的小溪旁边或大树的树荫下固执。they like to play by quiet streams or under the shade of trees . 14 .人们有夏天甜蜜的回忆。people have sweet memories of summerdays . 15 .农民们正忙着收割庄稼。farmers are busy harvesting crops . 16 .雨从早到晚。the rain was falling from morning till night

16、 . 17 .感冒很严重have/catch a bad cold/cough咳嗽很严重cough a lot高烧have a high fever 18 .多糟的一天?What an awful day (it is)!19.来自北方的暴风雪将于下午晚些时候到达。snow storms from the north will arrive in the late afternoon,20 .今天主要是干燥暖和的天气。it will be mainly dry and sunny today . 21.30度以上in the thirties 22。模糊的turn more cloudy 23

17、。本周剩下的几天,阳光和蓝天将和我们在一起。sunshine and blue skies will stay with us for the rest of the week . 24 .今天来点酱油阵雨吧。there will be a few showsers today . 25 .每年的这个时候at this time of year 26 .电话术语Whos (that) speaking?This is.speaking。27.你好How are you doing?Im fine。27 .风很大。The wind is blowing hard/strongly,and the rain is raining heavily . 28 . speak louder 29。很多街上的人不得不用围巾盖脸。anypeople in the street have to cover their faces


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