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1、.,.,Ethnic Culture,Ethnic Culture,.,Revision,1.minority,2.diverse,3.native,5.rainforest,4.belt,6.maze,1.少数民族,2.完全不同的,3.出生地的,4.腰带,5.热带雨林,6.迷宫,7.run,8.custom,9.opera,10.lame,7.控制;管理,8.风俗,习惯,9.歌剧,10.瘸的,.,11.crop,11.庄稼,12.firm,12.牢固的,13.necklace,13.项链,14.foolish,15.jewellery,16.fasten,17.loose,18.fold,1

2、9.adjust,20.bare,14.愚蠢的,15.珠宝,首饰,16.系牢,17.稀松的,18.折叠,19.适应,20.赤裸的,.,.,Enjoy and review,Landscape of Yunnan,.,Golden monkey,elephant,peacock,.,Rare animals,Golden monkey,Asian elephant,Peacock,.,Stone Forest,First bend of Yangtze River,Tiger Leaping Gorge,Natural wonders,.,Stone forest,.,Tiger Leaping

3、 Gorge,.,Yulong Xueshan Mountain,First Bend of Yangtze River,.,Torch festival,.,Water-splashing festival,.,Ethnic minorities,.,Miaozu,dongzu,hanizu,baizu,yaozu,buyizu,云南,古人用 “彩云南现” 来遥指这片神秘的云岭高原。“一山不同族,十里不同天”, 在这块红土高原上,生息繁衍着26个自强不息的民族,由于各自不同的自然环境,呈现出不同的社会文化状态。 云南各民族的丰富多彩的民俗风情,是一个活的历史博物馆。每一个民族的衣、食、住、行

4、及婚恋、丧葬、生育、节典、礼仪、语言、文字、图腾、宗教、禁忌、审美莫不结撰为个性鲜明的文化链;纳西族的东巴文化、傣族的贝页文化、彝族的贝玛文化,泼水节、刀杆节、火把 节,神话、史诗、歌舞、绘画、戏曲、 古乐,莫不独具特色,深 邃而悠远。,Simon Wakefields Yunnan Diary,Reading and vocabulary (1),.,the old town of Lijiang,.,the old town of Lijiang,1,2,3,4,5,6,Fast Reading,Match the photos with the paragraphs.,1,2,3,4,5

5、,6,Fast reading to get the main idea,Naxi language,Yunnan Lijiang,Lijiang, the old town,Naxi ethnic group,Naxi culture - music,Simons feeling,Find words in the passage which mean:,hieroglyphics,hatch,unforgettable,maze,Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.,Find words in the passage which

6、 mean:,gentleman,varied,run,cobbled,Careful Reading,In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied? 2. Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang?,1,2,The south is tropical and the north is mountains.,Because there is a maze of small streets.,3. In what way are Naxi women unusual? 4. What is unusual about the

7、Naxi language? 5. How do the Naxi believe their people started?,3,4,They are unusual because they run Naxi society. It is usually the men who run societies.,The language is the only language still used which is written in hieroglyphics.,They believe that they hatched from magic eggs helped by a crea

8、ture called Tabu.,6. Why is Naxi music famous? 7. In what way does Simon say that people are all the same?,5,6,Because it had been passed on orally for eight centuries.,we all laugh, cry, and need love and friendship.,Choose the best answers.,Post Reading,1. The old town Lijiang is_. a. on the side

9、of Yulong Xueshan Mountain b. opposite Yulong Xueshan Mountai c. covered with snow 2. Naxi women a. used to inherit all property. b. inherit all property. c. have always inherited property.,Choose the best answers.,3. The old man who Simon met _. a. had made translations of Naxi poems b. read Naxi p

10、oems to Simon c. was very lively 4. The Naxi language_ a. is still spoken today. b. is not spoken any more. c. is almost 1,000 years old.,Choose the best answers.,5. The Naxi men who played in the orchestra _. a. were all very old. b. played instruments that sounded sad. c. played music that had not

11、 changed for centuries. 6. Simon now realises that_ a. people are equal. b. we are all very different. c. love and friendship are very important.,.,1. Simon Wakefield travelled round Yunnan after leaving university. I have only one day left before travelling to Kunming and then flying back home.,(he

12、 was),2.Below are extracts from the diary that he kept.,keep a diary 写日记,4.tropical fruit,热带水果,below 方向性副词位于句首采用完全倒装。,3.各种不同的观点,景象,varied opinions/scenes,过着丰富多彩的生活,lead a full and varied life,a tropical climate,热带雨林气候,.,5.opposite,I sat and he stood opposite. Her house is opposite to me. The bus wen

13、t in opposite directions. The bus stopped just opposite the post office. Black and white are opposites.,He has been running this company for 5 years.,6. walk up to sp 走进,7. on the slopes of 在山坡上,9. It was the women who run Naxi society,-,adv 在对面,8. be/get lost in 迷失,迷路,adj 相对的,对面的,adj,prep 在-对面,n 相反

14、的事物,经营,管理,.,他是一个精力充沛的家伙,11.He was between 80 and 90 years old, but was full of energy.,10. -and until recently , Naxi women inherited all property.,She inherited a little money from her grandfather.,她从她祖父那继承了一小笔财产 她生来就有母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气,He is a man full of energy.,She inherited her mothers good looks and

15、 her fathers bad temper.,继承(财产,头衔等)因遗传而获(特性等),作表语,作后置定语,Speaking,Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.,If you went to Lijiang, what would you do and how long would you stay? Example: If I went there, Id stay in the old town, of course, and Id sit in the village square, like Simon Wakefield, and watch people. What parts of the Naxi culture sound most interesting,


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