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1、,寒冷天气会对我们的头脑和身体产生很大影响。可能这就是许多短语使用cold这个单词的原因。今天我们来学习几个与“cold”相关的短语。 1. cold-blooded 冷血的;冷酷的 例句:The real world is so different from what it is in my imagination. But it is surely a real world, a cold-blooded world. 这个真实的世界与我所想的是那么的不同,但它的确是一个真真实实的世界,一个冷漠的世界。 2. to get cold feet 临阵退缩 例句:She was to get

2、married last month but she got cold feet. 她本应该上个月结婚的,但她又打了退堂鼓。,3. cold shoulder 冷遇;冷淡对待 例句:Henry got the cold shoulder when he asked to have a date with Mary. 当亨利要求和玛丽约会时,玛丽对他不予理睬。 4. cold fish 冷酷无情的人 例句:He is a cold fish, no one wants to make friends with him. 他是一个冷漠的人,没人想和他交朋友。,5. cold-hearted 无情的

3、;冷淡的 例句:She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your situation. 她是个冷心肠的人,对你的处境并不是真的关心。 6. out in the cold 被冷落,遭排斥 例句:Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不理我,Comprehension questions,Part I: What impressed you most (structure) in this part? Parallel structu

4、re,Part II,What kind of measures did the Russians took against Napoleons invasion? What happened to Napoleons troop when it was retreating from Moscow? Why didnt Russian people defend their homeland in the face of Napoleons offensive?,Part III,What tactics did Hitler use in his invasion of the Sovie

5、t Union? What measure did Soviet leader Stalin take? What was the significance of the battle of the Stalingrad?,Part IV,Can you summarize the similar actions that Russian/ Soviet Union people have taken? Retreat-flee-destroy-left a bare land to the enemy-counterattack What conclusion can we draw fro

6、m the two campaigns?,raw,Raw data/ statistics Raw meat Raw material/silk/wood Raw reporter/member Raw morning/winter day,launch,Launch a spaceship/ missile/ satellite On October 4th, 1957,soviet scientists launched the worlds first artificial satellite called sputnik. Launch attack/ campaign This co

7、mputer company launched a new model this year. Launch into: He launched into a long speech about the danger of taking drugs. Launch out at/lash out at,campaign, battle 放弃, 交出 At last, the citizens were forced to render up their town. render blow for blow以牙还牙 render good for evil以德报怨,offensive,N. The

8、 Red Army led a massive military offensive. The government is on the offensive in the fight against drugs. Adj. There is an offensive smell in the room. People may find offensive language in some TV programs Offensive weapon,launch/mount an offensive carry out/undertake an offensive on the offensive

9、处于攻势 assume/go on/go over/take the offensive进攻,采取攻势,Offend Ill be offended if you Offence I mean no offence Criminal/ light /first/ capital offence Offender Offense ( play offense) / defense,Appreciable words and expressions,The devastating enemy that met him Unequaled Mow down Come to the aid of,Ap

10、preciable words and expressions,Caught off guard Close in on Bring sth to a halt Turn the tide against,Appreciable words and expressions,Be bogged down by Take the gamble of (doing) Press on to/with Have a clear path to Empty victory Bide ones time Turned into a nightmare A stroke of luck At the cos

11、t of,Fall into: The lecture falls into three parts. Fall into bad habits Fall through:fail The plan fell through.,toll,Each car must pay a toll to cross the bridge. The death toll in the snowstorm raise from to . The snowstorm has taken a heavy toll on south and east China, His hard work has taken i

12、ts toll on his stomach. For whom the bell tolls Bells were tolled all over the country at the Presidents death.,Word family(War),Artillery(炮兵部队) anti-personnel gun cannon siege offensive campaign assault bombardments troop cavalry(骑兵)squadron (中队) armada (舰队) Battery (炮台) shelter crater (弹坑)emplacement炮台 war-game


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